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Posts posted by FDTDandAVP

  1. I guess it is disappointing since Murdy did say we would get 7, but what I meant was that it's not that big of a loss. HoH has been essentially the same thing for years now, and correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think a single person on here had the HoH overlay as their favorite maze ever. It's still a loss, and I'm not really "ok" about it, I'm just saying it's better than losing a full maze. 

    I see where you're coming from but I believe that we lost HOH and gained the "Phantom Lot" as a replacement and we are losing a full (original?) maze where FDTD used to be.

    EDIT: It really sucks when they're going to charge more or the same amount of $ as last year for an event with 1 less maze

  2. Just a thought I had the other day but forgot to post, but people keep saying we "lost" a maze. I mean technically we used to have 7 but now it's 6, but when you think about it, all we lost was a House of Horrors overlay. We still have the same number of actual mazes, plus we have a show to eat crowds that HoH would have. Is that really so devastating?

    Speaking as a horror movie addict who only goes to US during HHN, I go for the mazes and nothing else. So yes it is devastating to lose a 7th maze. Especially when Murdy has stated numerous times that we wouldn't be going back down to 6 after HOH closed.

    We lost the area that housed FDTD. The people who leaked the list said there was going to be an original house but at the last minute it got scrapped and the Jabbawakeez popped up.

    Yes its very bad that a dance group show took the place of an actual maze. IMO what's even worse are all the people who are happy or OK with it! Smh!

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  3. Its my understanding that they cut the 7th maze to bring the tram back. Why the hell would it be between a maze and a show? They have nothing to do with each other.

    Ask Murdy. He's the one that said a 7th house was only possible because there was no show. Now we have a show and just 6 mazes so.......

    Edit: To answer your ? Mazes and shows cost $$$. No show means $$$ for an extra maze and vice versa.

  4. One is an expendable show, the other takes up a spot of MAZE CONTENT and excludes other MORE VIABLE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES.  Completely different.

    I blame this whole TITE thing on you, btw, and I despise you for it. It's not Murdy's fault, it's his! Grab your pitchforks, boys!

    Um dude.... You do know that they cut a 7th maze to bring the Jabbawakeez right? TITE is a HORROR/Comedy MOViE. Jabbawakeez are well.... I don't know wtf they are lol!


  5. I didn't write that in response to whatever it was you said. I'm also not sure why you decided to pick up a two week old conversation that has changed in the time since it started.

    Ps - no worries, bro. You do not sound like an aficionado/nerd. ;) 

    Uh Oh!!! Another late response!!!

    I was the 1st & only dude to say Murdy may have chosen TITE to do something Exorcist related since he can't get the rights. So yes, you were replying to what I said and that's why I replied back, LOL

    Rumor has it that Murdy chose This Is The End because he was tired of not being able to get The Exorcist rights and that He figured that TITE was the closest he'd ever get

    I'm pretty sure I started that rumor ha-ha. It was just a theory I had since most people were refusing to speculate on a TITE maze.

    So your reasoning for not wanting hill is he didn't have a big enough role for you, even though the only thing that matters is the horror elements. Mcbride should be involved in the maze too since he doesn't have anything to do

    Ya Franco has a lot of screentime but I can only imagine his death scene being in the maze if anything at all. 100% certain Hill n McBride will be featured though!


    EDIT: I think it's hilarious how some of the same people that shit on TITE are totally happy with Jabbawakeez wtf???

  6. Putting my 2 cents in: Have we already considered or shot down the possibility of TitE being the premise for the new show? Sounds like that could work. Maybe the leak list was for everything and not just mazes?

    I just find it hard to believe that Murdy would choose TitE to be a maze because of his love for The Exorcist. There are a ton of other, more suitable exorcism movies floating around out there, one of them with a release date coming up. I mean... if it were me and I wanted 28 Days Later but couldn't have it, my first thought wouldn't be to try for Shaun of the Dead. But maybe that's just me.

    Face it bro, its a maze! I never said that was the only reason he chose Tite. The movie has big name actors and HHN has never had a maze based on a legit horror comedy so of course there's more important deciding factors. The fact that Tite SPECIFICALLY spoofs on the first exorcism movie was probably just the cherry on top.

    We won't know for sure until the maze is announced and he says he'll be including that scene. If he does than I'm sure he'll be doing some of the ideas that he thought up for The Exorcist, since he won't ever get the rights to it. It's foolish to think he'd let them go to waste.

    Were you talking about the Vatican Tapes? That movie sucked (IMO), had no big stars, bombed at the box office and I'm sure all the religious aspects don't help any. 

    Ps- Not to sound like a horror afficianado/nerd but 28days features fast/infected zombies while Shaun features Romero type zombies. My first thought would be, 28 Days Later = Zombieland. I don't see how that is so crazy either. Different movies but can pull off similiar elements/situations.

  7. thank you for clearing that up as I said that's what I heard since he got in trouble for the leaks as well and I apologize did not originally intend to name him. 

    oatmeal just said he's not taking sides how is picking a fight with him  not trolling? and really bad trolling! Despite past members or regulation now nothing has been confirmed or denied about this leak so dude lighten up instead of picking fights. 

    So now I'm picking fights because I replied back to oatmeal and proved that he was wrong/lied when he made that comment about me? Oh ya and I basically called him a hypocrite after he called me one. There I go being a troll again for speaking the truth!


    Ummm dude you "confirmed" Halloween wasn't coming remember? Lol this is getting ridiculous. How many times do I have to correct/call you out on bs? Whatever, you may continue speculating on Sharknado vs Lady gaga:music by snoop Dogg. Lol

  8. Halloween is not gonna happen...If there is gonna be a sequel in the next year or so there is no reason for it there is no reason for it this year.

    FVJ, Scream, AWIL and Halloween have been ruled out. 


    Hey oatmeal please explain how what I said was pushy and how this is a "what if" scenario??? Who's a hypocrite again??? 

    About Chris, aka Wesker69, it's probably not appropriate and maybe a violation of the forum guidelines to discuss or speculate reasons why somebody got banned. That being said I 'm pretty sure that it was more for the fighting and not so much for any "false info". For the most part info he leaked was fairly accurate as he usually got it from me. And leaked it, after I asked him not to... oh well.

    Sounds legit since the mod who was spreading those rumors provided absolutely no proof. 

    Edit: That mod should take this message into consideration and take the time to brush up on the forum guidelines ;)

  9. This is the post that comes to mind. You're asking everyone to change their speculation to match yours because you think it's going to happen. The way other people present the same ideas is more of a "what if", whereas it seems like a lot of your posts seem more pushy in their wording. Just be careful how you word things and keep an open mind

    Lol. Do you understand the definition of the word " likely"??? You say Alot of my posts seem pushy but the only thing you can quote is me asking if everyone agrees that Krampus is less likely than the leaked lineup... Again, lol. You're going to have to try harder if you want to stand up for grind ;)

  10. I will say this... Last year the Exorcist was brought up and I mentioned just how little there was in that movie that could be made into a house, at which point, many of you said Murdy could use some creative liberties to get the job done. I still thought the whole idea was rather foolish (my opinion), because why bother using something that iconic only to completely change it? So here we are this year... There is potentially a movie with an Exorcist type scene. Was this what Murdy had in the back of his mind the past couple years? He knew that it was going to be extremely hard or almost impossible to get the rights for the Exorcist and as we know, he may only have a few years left working there (if that?). What if he really really wanted to use a certain effect that could be tied into that particular scene flawlessly? I still refuse to believe it's This is the End, but who knows? If it is that movie, (as mentioned earlier) he must just enjoy meeting famous people.

    My feelings exactly. Also, notice how people like it coming from you but when I said I get called a troll lol!


  11. YOu taught me a lesson now? That's cool... So you'll say you did not say that later mhm okay whatever floats your boat. I never said I know what's coming I even acknowledge that but whatever. I have faith in Murdy but he not the one leaking info on forums.  I give you the administer post and it's not enough. So you didn't say we are all butt hurt because of not getting TrT or AHS? Dude why are getting mad I don't believe the leak right away if I'm wrong so be it who the hell  cares. Get over it I don't think it made sense it's not hurting you unless you are Wesker69 but even there I'm talking crap about him besides stating why he was banned and there is a simple way if you still do t believe me: ask a mod from Orlando. So dude just chill out you'll live longer "your" list will be confirmed or denied within a month" no need to be the hero of the Internet just yet lol. 

    I literally made an account last year to thank the guy who started spec on AVP. In that same post I called out you, dth and someone else for telling everyone to stop spec on AVP because you guys swore that you knew it wasn't coming. So I guess you're right about that. I didn't teach you a lesson lol.

    That was the only thing in your rambling that I understood enough to respond to.


    Seriously guys, stop arguing. Nobody knows for sure if the lineup is true or not so stop acting like it. Yes, he got 2 mazes/locations right. But we won't know 100% until all the mazes are announced. TitE does seem fishy, and those were easy properties to guess. It could be right, it could be wrong. But everyone needs to stop acting like they know they're right. I don't come to these forums for drama, I come to read about event speculation.

    Edit: You in particular are being a bit hypocritical, particularly in this line: "I'm saying stop acting like you know what's coming when you don't"

    How am I being a hypocrite? Did I say I know what is and isn't coming? Please, tell me. All I'm doing is speculating on why I think Murdy would do tite and why I think the lineup IS LIKELY to happen. 


  12. A quote from our Administrator as for his post they were deleted.


    here is his banned profile



    No one is butt hurt I said before I have faith in Murdy to make anything scary BUT I just don't believe this just yet and just because he has the ability to list things does not make it credible we all knew Insidious was coming because of being number 1 maze in 2013 and Chapter 3 being released this year BY Universal while the other 2 were not Universal, don't believe me? go read speculation from last year. RidesandStuff brought up Crimson Peak because  Murdy has wanted to work with Del Toro and it's a Universal property and again months ago. That whole list besides This Is The End is brought up a lot since we started this thread it does not take a lot to put together a phoney list with stuff people have been talking about. Am I saying I know this list is fake no, I'm saying it's fishy as f#*&. So I'm sorry but coming in  and saying "LOL you guys are wrong for questioning this because , You're all butthurt LOL  you have no evidence." is trolling bro. It's nothing against you so don't mad unless you're the other guy but come on dude guessing two mazes (anyone could do that) that were pretty much givens is not enough evidence. But good for you! you stood up to us butt hurt people for questioning things and say we all babies. Kudos.


    anyways Sharknado it's happening lol.

    ummm where does it say that Wesker made up a false lineup??? 

    You are butthurt lol. Now you have faith in Murdy even though you said "lineup looks like a 13yr old made it up"? You talked Alot more shit but I'm not going to go back n quote everything. You know what you said...  

    You must not understand what I'm saying so I'll say it again. I searched GDT's name and saw nobody was sure on Crimson because there was spec on Strain, Pacific rim, Pans Labrynth, Mama and a Del toro original. It's one thing to name off a bunch of movies that you THINK MIGHT COME but it is another to announce the entire lineup lol.

    TWD is the easiest maze to guess BUT HE NEVER SAID IT WAS COMING BECAUSE IT WASNT ON HIS LIST. So he must not have just been guessing easy IPs like you say.... Lame excuse #5?

    I didn't say not to question the lineup. I'm saying stop acting like you know what's coming when you don't (thought I taught you that lesson last year lol) You said straight up that the list is BS and made up a bunch of BS reasons why. It's clear you're just pissed at the lineup. Which I find funny because you're the 1st person to talk shit to people for getting mad at properties coming/not coming. I should go back n quote you because you're doing the SAME thing that others did when you talked shit to them. But you'll just weasel yourself out of your own words like always.

    BTW you ignored my point about him being right about a show too... Another easy guess/coincidence though right?

    PS I don't know why you're quoting me on things I never said. You do know how quotes work right bro? Also I never called you a baby or any other name. It was you who got mad and started name calling ;)

  13. I didn't know it Wesker69 till recently and I had to ask a fellow moderator since I was not the moderator who banned him. Fights and false info tend to be deleted to keep the threads from being unnecessarily clustered I can link you to his banned profile I cannot show you his posts but since you insist on trolling I don't know if it's enough for you. Btw We guessed Crimson peak earlier this year and Inisidious last year just FYI 


    Now can I ask you if you are not a fan  of TITE why is is pissing you off that some of us is finding it fishy?

    So basically you have no proof of him making up a false lineup in the past? Nice! Now I'm trolling because I'm telling the truth???

    Who was sure of insidious or crimson coming besides the dudes that leaked the lineup? It's one thing to "guess" a bunch of IP's that you think might come but it is another thing to name every maze/location, tram and show. If not than I'd just name every horror movie of the last 5years and then say "I guessed it first!" when one gets announced lol!

    I'm not pissed at all. Just doing the same thing you and others did when people got butthurt when trt, ahs, etc didn't make the cut ;)

  14. Honestly, I don't think even Murdy would stoop low enough as TitE to get his fill for exorcism... Even I think he's way too passionate about the Exorcist to give in for  something so outdated as TitE. Maybe if something else was a deciding factor for it, I could believe he used it as an addition. 

    In the end, I just hope it's not true. It's too random... Unless the fucking end has a gigantic animatronic or puppet equivalent to La Llorona or AVP with the penis monster. Then I'll be like, "fuck yeah."

    I don't know how tite is outdated when being compared to a movie from the early 70's. Less popular? Sure but outdated? Exorcist is the most requested IP, its Murdys dream IP, tite is the only film he can do to replicate Exorcist and tite's cast is insanely popular. Not saying its 100% coming but its likely.

    No he got into over on the Orlando thread, but why am I gonna blindly believe someone who has made up leaks in the past. I got nothing against him, the leak just seems weird. Usually when people are actually in the know they don't go bragging around forums maybe they they let a few people know low key but from being part of these forums and the vault since 2006 one thing that I've learned is everyone who publicly post "this is the line up" is normally full of sh*t. Hey maybe this is a different case but nothing so far has proved other wise it was not that hard to guess crimson peak or insidious or where they we're gonna be. Of course Insidious is going back to its former venue of course crimson peak a maze with a big ass castle was going were they got a lot room. Btw this is the end is not universal its Sony no idea where you got that from.

    Can you post the link to his made up lineup? If true than that'd be a huge red flag and I don't know why you didn't say that in the first place. It sounded like you were in denial with all that fx/cable talk ha-ha.

    It's easy to say crimson/insidious were sure things after they've been announced. What about the fact that he was also right about there being a show? 3rd straight coincidence in a row? 

    And yes I was wrong about tite being universal. Not a big fan, only seen it twice.

  15. It was not hard to predict Crimson Peak or Insidious on the lineup. If I made a list with those 2 on it and also said "Zoolander: Mushu's Revenge" was on the list, would ya believe me?

    No I wouldn't believe you because last year you told everyone to stop speculating on Alien and Predator because it wasn't happening ;)


    I did a quick search on Del Toro and seen spec on not only Crimson Peak but Strain, Mama, Pacitic Rim and Pans Labrynth. Even saw spec on a Del Toro original maze. Seemed more people were sure of a Krampus maze over Crimson. I'll give you insidious though lol.


    I don't see how you can compare Zoolander to TITE? You couldn't think of any horror/comedies to use??? Like I said, it's not hard to see why Murdy would choose TITE. It's universal and its the closest thing to the Exorcist available. We all know how much Murdy wants to do that!





  16. we ruled out Krampus a week ago dude. Muddy said he has not seen any footage so ruled it out this year. Look I love TITE I don't think it could be a maze but if it's done in sure there was a way BUT I still have doubts about it. 


    Btw. One of the guys who gave the leak has been banned from these forums two years ago for "leaking" false info and fighting people on it so that's just food for thought. 

    Lol I was just making sure because I thought it was weird seeing people still speculate on Krampus(because they wanted it?) while bashing the leaked lineup for no reason other than they just don't like it.


    Odds are the dude is right. He even got the locations right so far...  Were you the person that he fought with? It seems like you really got it out for the guy and you're going to deny his lineup until the very last maze is announced haha

  17. It feels good when you guess something right almost 2 and a half months in advance. AvP should be very entertaining. Now all that is left is Empire and the original.

    Let's see if Dracula and Route 66 roadside theme hold up.

    I promised that if we got AVP that I'd personally make an account to thank you, lol. I can't believe how many people flat out said no, like if they knew what was coming!

    DTH316- "Okay, I'm gonna do it...

    I hereby declare all AVP & Predator spec DEAD. It is NOT happening and not moving the spec forward.

    You can spec on Alien though. :-P Which is generous, since that's most likely not happening either. But at least it's more plausible." Then he writes a paragraph explaining why we're not getting it lol.

    Even a mod tried killing your speculation. Grindhousehero13- "except for the fact that Murdy said he was not gonna do it. Puppets, masks, holograms, genetic engineering does not matter Murdy has said it's to expensive to do. Would be awesome so would a Jaws maze if they figured that out does not mean it's gonna happen this year."

    Zero56- "When did Dracula speculation come back? lol Oh wait nvm you're the guy who wants us to get it too so Orlando won't have to "suffer" alone."

    Let these be a lesson ladies and gentleman. NOBODY has the right to kill ANY speculation unless you're Mr. Murdy himself lol.

    ThNdIzNiR I hope you bless us with you code naming skills next year as well! Thanks!
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