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Everything posted by marmoset

  1. i walked passed the facade a few days ago. The original sign cannot be seen from where the queue would be. (it's a pretty big facade) the original sign can only be seen from the extended Disaster! queue. I'm not saying that they won't potentially move the sign out front. However, as of right now it's on the inside.
  2. nothing official yet but usually it's the first few weekends
  3. the old RUN logo is not on the facade. It is in the house
  4. sorry bud misread your post. but, yea what Gambit said
  5. there is a handy countdown clock with about 5 hours to go on it
  6. with the reveal tonight should we make a thread discussing where our members on the other side will be?
  7. Ohhh sweet baby Christine That would be so cool but go over most of the general publics head
  8. Nah cash it in. Seamus is horrible with money in the bank. Give it to Owens! Rollins champ through 2015! I can't wait for black vs Steen.
  9. how many others will be scaring this year? Should we even bother to make a thread?
  10. who is saying she won't be there? Just because she doesn't have a banner means that they omitted her completely. I've heard of other characters that will be in there that were not icons but popular characters none the less.
  11. nope! Pretty interesting that they haven't announced anything about the scarezone yet but have those props out anyway.
  12. Ohhhh Hollywood! (Orlando) bold move cotton lets see if it pays off
  13. NO YOU CAN'T TALK YET! Just joking buddy, it is for our supposed psycho scarepy: fall festival scarezone. Inmates escape to the streets, cause mass chaos, good ol fun
  14. I have been thinking this for weeks haha I don't think we'll hear this in the house but I have hopes to hear it in the queue video
  15. one cast will be grayscale and the other be more modern horror. I think people will be very pleased with some of the characters they are bringing out
  16. I was hoping to hear some iron maiden while waiting in the queue.
  17. Pumpkins pumpkins pumpkins! I'm just gonna pretend that these "scare" videos never happened.
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