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Everything posted by JackTheREAPER

  1. There better be an announcement this week...
  2. I'm good with Blizzard as long as they bring back the Spine Rip Plus- I don't think Shadybrook will be exactly the same... We've seen it multiple times, sure. But I think they'll give us something different considering the Collectors are apart of the game now.
  3. It's apparently supposed to be set up like 7 or Face Off, unless what I've heard is wrong. The icons on stages for photo ops, and of course their "minions" doing the actual scaring...
  4. I'm guessing it'll be AWIL but I'm hoping for a Scarezone...
  5. I found it interesting that at 2:33, Mike said that they one of the 3 or 4 treatments for AWIL was completely original and that they were gonna "keep the title and do their own thing." Do you think maybe to change things up, they'll do something like that for AWIL this year??
  6. I was never a huge fan of Insidious, but it definitely has potential for a house, and after seeing how it was done in Hollywood, I definitely have no doubts it'll be a great house to experience. I think what I'm most excited for is to go through scenes in The Further. That was, in my opinion, the best part of the movie. Not to mention Darth Maul's cousin is in it:
  7. Out of all the rumored originals, the Anniversary house seems the most likely for this picture. That, or the list is completely wrong and we're getting a dungeon themed house. Yep, Anniversary house.
  8. I do believe there will be an announcement this week, It's just a matter of what day. I guess we'll have to wait for a tweet from Mike. In my opinion, it could be any of the IPs.
  9. "Good Ash, bad Ash... I'm the guy with the gun."

  10. Since everyone is mixed up, here's what I remember... -Alice is rumored to be in Shrek. -Tent 1 (The one with the facade) is rumored to be Insidious. -Tent 2 is rumored to be Scream. Unfortunately, I think the originals will be announced last, after all the IPs are done with, like last year. We have to get through these IPs to get to the real good stuff.
  11. It's Insidious, considering Alice is now rumored to be in Shrek. And 2 roaming hordes. I still have my hopes up that we'll get an announcement this weekend. Mike's been hinting at it for about 2 weeks now.
  12. Yep. I've had my eye on SS24 since March probably, when I first saw a stockpile of wood outside of the SS. I saw the big door open when I went last weekend. I didn't think it would still be open though. It looked pretty empty inside when I saw it, but there were what seemed like white panels lined up on the floor.I do think it's FvJ, considering Mike on twitter said that FvJ hasn't begun construction, and the rumored SS25 permit hasn't been announced yet. But we'll have to see. Anyways, I've been getting pictures of the area in case it was for HHN, here's a couple recent ones from last weekend.
  13. I really think this was the best way to start the announcement season. First Jack, then 2 of the most iconic slashers in horror history. I think they went the right way, and I'm very excited. I'm hoping we get to see things featured in the separate franchises too, like long armed Freddy in the original NOES, or the different Jason looks, but who knows! I know A&D will give us one hell of an experience!
  14. I'm thinking midnight. If not, before. I highly doubt they'd make us wait until 5 in the morning like last year, when they announced TWD.
  15. "Did You Miss Me?"

  16. My best guess would be Insidious. It's quite obvious actually. Hollywood has also been hinting on a reveal soon, so my prediction is a shared announcement with Hollywood for Insidious. Think about "Round 2.", TWO being the keyword. TWO coasts. It has to be Insidious.
  17. Everything's all jumbled up and scattered right now. Once we get our first reveal, we'll know if the list was right or not.
  18. Indeed. Unless Run 3 is based off of Eddie's stuffed animal collection, I'm pretty sure it's just a stuffed animal prize from one of those games in the parks. They're definitely messing with us, lol.
  19. Hmm. Last year they teased us with the clown arm and that neon orange disk that drove everyone nuts. But... what would a stuffed animal have to do with Run??
  20. Oh crap haha. Sorry, Gambit. I'm used to Reaper doing sigs and stuff What I meant was.... "Good job, Gambit! Those are awesome!" lol
  21. Yes, the black construction walls in Disaster are up. The Disaster house is still Run 3 right?
  22. Well it's not like we've received any house logos or anything so they look awesome from what you have to work with, which is basically only Jack.
  23. If Chance appears this year, (which I have no doubt that she will in some way, shape, or form) Then I'm pretty sure they would give her a new look. In fact, I can see all the icons getting a getting a little bit of rebooted looks as well, in the Icons zone. I'm not saying Chance will be featured in the icon zone, but if she is, she'll probably just sit alongside Jack.
  24. Those are awesome, Reaper!! Awesome job!!
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