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Everything posted by clash

  1. Is it just me or does this zone barely have any actors? barely feels like there is anyone in the zone, I saw a couple of women walking around and then the stilt walkers near the stage but that's it. What's the deal with that? Why does it feel so empty?
  2. Hollywood got the Queen but we didn't, Their final room looks more awesome than ours from what I saw on the videos (huge queen puppet)
  3. I would say, watch episodes 1-3 skip 4 and 5 and episode 6 is when it finally gets any good. the show is basically a 12 hour remake of the movie where they change some major characters and add some new story lines but it really is just a remake of the movie. The extra stuff is nice but they mostly focus on following the movie plot.
  4. or they could have the actors go into the house using the express line? making it seem like they were express pass holders?
  5. That's what I was thinking as well. seeing how we only got 4 scarezones and not even any hordes or anything I doubt they would be willing to add more actors to this house. they won't even add more people in the streets where it is needed lol.
  6. i would Love to have the kind of immune system you have lol. Rain makes me terribly sick if I stay in those wet clothes, (Specially since the soundstages are so cold.) And walking for 5+ hours in wet shoes.... no way.
  7. I would have preferred 7 stages rather than a nod with "snakeman" over there lol
  8. seems kind of random lol, not the best one but i guess it was chosen for practicality?
  9. it sounds like the effect is really cheap but I'm thinking I rather have mannequins in the house than nothing at all, which was the problem the WD houses had in the past two years. I'll have to see it to understand but I don't think adding more "walkers" is a problem because, I guess my question would be, imagine if they took out the cheap mannequins and just left the spaces empty. (I don't think they could replace the dummies with actors could they?) I obviously have no idea what the house is like, but the problem with the Walking Dead in both house and scarezone mode is how empty it always felt before.
  10. they wont even check for smoking or people cutting in line... lol the movie might suck but the show and the actors are great. I mean do the callbacks really change what is on the stage that much? it is still a great show even if no one yells. but like everyone has said, Universal needs to step it up and bring a horror show. this is becoming ridiculous (I wish everyone just ask them to bring the evil dead show here on those surveys or something )
  11. I cannot wait to hear about all the guests that will ask the Uni workers at the park about the Chucky house and freak out when they realize there is no house lol. "What Do you mean there is no Chucky house??I Already Got the SHIRT FOR IT!!!"
  12. this would be great lol, I don't really understand why they have such a hard time coming up with something original, fun and horror related. It makes no sense.
  13. no one really knows what repo is, and half the people that saw it hated it. so it would probably fail pretty badly (just my guess) I personally kind of hate some of the callbacks, not because they are obscene or anything but because I kind of feel annoyed of the same things being yelled out after so may years. the whole "a-hole/slut" gets on my nerves and it's kind of lame now. the show will always be great but some of the callbacks are kind of dumb now. I like when theaters change them up and create their own I wish Universal came up with their own pg 13 approved callbacks and put subtitles on their screens lol
  14. the aliens in AVP movies are quadrupedal
  15. it wouldn't work because it would have your name on it lol. I don't know where I saw it but someone else was asking that question and it just made me wonder about it
  16. the song doesn't play on the video for the house on the website either. it's just some random song that sounds similar lol
  17. I tried sunglasses as well, the entire day actually, even indoors I wouldn't take them out (before the event even started) it does not work at all. Unless you can find extremely dark glasses it won't help (like, really really dark). But In the case of Dracula I found the darkness to make the house much much scarier. Dracula was one of the few houses that made me scream due to the darkness and not being able to see the actors coming out. I missed a lot of the detail but it experience was great.
  18. no I don't have a ticket yet, just curious about it. so if for some reason you couldn't go you are all out of luck? that sucks lol
  19. can a person return a frequent fear ticket before the event starts? or after it starts but have never used it? how does that work? just made me wonder because i think i saw someone else ask that question but i cant find the post
  20. even if they do it will probably not look very nice. Im thinking it might look something like Nemesis from last year but with mandibles
  21. didn't some houses get closed when it rained before? I recall something like that
  22. i dont get it, is that a giant head eating someone?
  23. Glasses do not work, Believe me, I've tried.... the only way to work around the light problem would be to do what they did lol, just wear eye patches
  24. i am kind of relieved we don't. I'm glad actually, the effect wears off quickly and 3D for me tends to be kind of ugly.
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