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Everything posted by criticalanalysis

  1. Was that the part of the silhouette of the girl? If so, yes that's the only good part.
  2. I think you've found a new way for them to have "all-new content." Literally keep the same sets, just swap a few "scares" and boom, they'd say it's a new house
  3. All the same scenery. Hence why I consider it a repeat.
  4. Hey man! Welcome back. Scoop is 5 IPs, 4 originals. Marketing dropping the ball this year, no icon, a huge gap between the last announcement and the next one which will happen in 20+ days based on their website timer. Cringy, half assed tweets, two awkward selfie shots, a website that started neat and is now looking to be bland as shit. They're running this "Soul Collector" nonsense which basically is an indirect way to plead for retweets and shares on social media. Fans getting fed up, AoV is coming back which is disappointing most folks, and while we apparently "know" what's coming house wise there's some speculation that the four originals ("Bayou of Blood" , a dustbowl house, Conjuring w/ Vampires, and Gothic / Catacombs crossover) may not be what we are thinking. For the IPs we're getting some mixed feelings (Jigsaw --> "we've seen that boring Saw sets already", The Shining --> "no way they can replicate the scale", Ash vs Evil Dead --> "why, we've seen that already?") etc.
  5. Correct. It blows. No one will say "This made the event worth it," but many will, "It didn't add to my reason to attend."
  6. Stuff They're doing their job, I just vehemently disagree with their decisions.
  7. I was, should've been more clear Though they've also made some weird decisions - and there's one particular person who works there that I seriously have no idea why they still do because they've brought disappointment constantly to the table.
  8. Lazy is criticism. I'm criticizing their inability to mobilize anything worthwhile. Even on their social media pages people are being more critical than usual. Their website is extremely lackluster, plain, etc. It's laziness. They aren't even tweeting interesting things, it's 100% lazy. Lazy. Lazy. Lazy.
  9. Being passionate doesn't exclude them from harsh criticism.
  10. To add to the discussion, perhaps just scrap the show entirely and use it to decorate the park more.
  11. Disagree. If an icon didn't matter they wouldn't bring them back (ahem, Jack, repeatedly) and put him all over merch. People recognize them.
  12. Or they're lazy and won't put in any effort. I'm also excited for the F5 mashing and accidentally DDOS of the HHN Orlando website when the counter ends lol.
  13. Welp, no icon, no overarching theme = dud. Let's face it, this is the first time the board is getting to be unanimously fed up with them. That's not a good sign.
  14. Agreed entirely. It's atrocious, period. I have not booked a flight yet. And I know others personally who haven't (or have stopped going).
  15. They can continue half-assing it and keep the same crowd growth or improve it and increase crowds more // at least give a damn.
  16. How the hell is this event being run so poorly now? "Elite Soul Collectors" drivel, unexciting "announcements", complete lack of information, 33 MORE DAYS UNTIL WE KNOW WHAT IS UP, stupid selfies and awkward ass replies on Twitter, holy God. No joke this event is a fraction of what it used to be. They need a shake up in Corporate.
  17. Elite Soul Collectors? Lord almighty, how embarrassingly cringe.
  18. Leave it to Cleaver was phenomenal. Three scare zones were great. Rest meh.
  19. 1) Difference is Jigsaw, scenery wise, will be EXTREMELY similar to the other Saw movies. Hence why if ST/BC did comparable environments I would shit on it. Thankfully, they didn't. Hence why when Creative has free reign they know often times near-exact replicas suck. 2) I agree, overrated as hell house. 3) Correct, hence why it sucked. 4) Hence, why most people were very disappointing. 5) I mean I agree with this here minus the redneck part.
  20. Jigsaw = boring as hell, already did this dull type of house Evil Dead = for reasons mentioned Shining = won't be executed well b/c can't match the size of the actual house Bayou of Blood will be a snore fest imo Blumhouse = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  21. A number of things on the house list seem odd and pretty stupid, frankly.
  22. Speculation is so sparse because marketing sucks so bad we're now talking about other parks and traveling in general lmao.
  23. And the Hollywood crowds are awful people wise.
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