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Everything posted by ferox

  1. http://movies.yahoo.com/news/r-p-d-latest-hollywood-bomb-211601335.html RIPD bombs. Looks like we won't be seeing that anytime soon.
  2. Universal Orlando has a history of using their history to create new mazes, and doing it well. The old spooky graveyard and castle house has been run of the mill for a long time. As you said, it's based on a 1930s image of what horror is supposed to be. At this point that style is better suited for young children (as JDW said about the Haunted Mansion) or for pure camp value. The environments and characters have pretty much all been done.
  3. No, they love it when people announce confidential information onto the web.
  4. Watch the first ones to prime yourself to watch for all of the (and I do mean ALL of the) references in the 2013 movie. Watch the 2013 movie to prime yourself for the maze.
  5. Huh. I didn't know that. Add another reason we're not going to see it onto the pile.
  6. Eh, HHNO doesn't own Edgar Allan Poe. Also the concept she laid out seems different than what HHNO did.
  7. According to this he kills children...by standing there.
  8. Do you want it to be less or more associated with the woods? If I'm reading this right you wonder how it will be connected to the main theme (it doesn't scream "woods" to you?) but think having too many mazes connected to woods and/or cabins is too much?
  9. Yeah, it's possible that there's nothing there. But hidden stuff in websites is common enough that it could be something.
  10. So if the La Llorona maze is really an overall Mexican Halloween maze, we should be getting that chupacabra from last year. That's pretty cool. As somebody on the HU page pointed out, there's a figure that looks like a goat on the HHN website right now.
  11. Such a perfect setup for a distraction scare and to have a bunch of old original character cameos. I'm calling it right now. Body Collectors appear and facebook says "Oh man they totally messed up Slenderman!" But really, this is going to be amazing.
  12. Psycho nurses are from Silent Hill, not Resident Evil.
  13. Old fashion sketches with dried blood? Alright so we have the Evil Dead hint out of the backpack, let's see what's next.
  14. He said on an openly searchable forum. But interesting to see that the mazes are matching up to the speculation so far.
  15. OOOOH MAN. Don't say who your loudmouthed friend is online. People get in trouble over that.
  16. There is a confirmed queue video for CITW...so unlikely.
  17. I'd say he looks more like Jack Skellington sans face and with tentacles, since he's tall and skinny. Which would cause a lot of confusion in Orlando at Halloween. What you said about adaptation is interesting. How far can you twist a concept before you alienate the audience the maze was supposedly made for?
  18. That would make for a good Treehouse of Horror subtitle.
  19. Don't worry, I'm pretty chill. I just like analysis and critical thinking. It's relaxing to sit back and write. You seem kinda testy about your favorite meme not coming to HHN though and demanding that it's inevitable and thinking that it's a PC gaming "franchise." It's cool that you are into it, but you gotta take an honest look at how many people care or even know about the games/character vs. everything else HHN would logically do before resorting to that concept. If your knee jerk response to explaining how it's not folklore is assuming that I'm simply unaware that the small time indie games exist, that doesn't bode too well for GP awareness does it?
  20. There's a handful of games made by indie developers. A lot of the games are free to download. The games aren't even stocked in stores, which would be the bare minimum for something to be considered. That doesn't make them bad, it just means that the GP awareness isn't there. HHN is there to make money. Yes, make money by making a form of art, but they are making money. If you are working under the pretense that Slenderman is viable since it is a franchise, there's plenty of better franchises in terms of stuff A&D can do with the property and commercial success. Maybe a house haunt will pick it up and you can check that out?
  21. And the irony is that this comment only served to criticize. Well, and to make yourself feel better. I sure hope it did. The main problem with Slenderman at UOR is that he isn't a part of any actual folklore or urban legend, which makes him harder to fit into a theme. Folklore is something very personal to a lot of cultures. It represents a shared experience and hundreds of years of storytelling, which is part of a shared identity. Putting that on the same level as something that can be linked to the moment it was created in 2009 is pretty culturally insulting. Urban legend is closer, but it still misses the point that a huge part of why urban legends are creepy is the actual fear people had at one point, especially as children. Exploiting childhood fears is great since it triggers a childlike (read: easily scared) mindset. They also have that layer of word of mouth travel (folklore on a smaller scale) that makes them ominous and unknown, unlike Slenderman where I can show you exactly when it was made up. It's not an urban legend if it was made up by somebody declaring "THIS IS FAKE" to a mass audience, and that declaration is captured forever in cyberspace. It was created as a piece of fiction for an audience that expected fiction. That's like calling Twilight an urban legend or folklore.
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