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Everything posted by JDW

  1. I like the big picture over all. Seems like it will be a solid lineup. Is there a "dream" IP? I'm sure somebody will think so... maybe a lot.
  2. If you surround yourself with clowns, don't be surprised when your life resembles a circus.

  3. We will be transmitting soon. The luminiferous aether is... tricky with digital signals. Perhaps we will try around the witching hour.
  4. Yep damage control. Happens at least once a year. This is small peanuts if it's the only one. Mike is pretty straightforward. Marketing doesn't ever seem to understand the fans. But... Yeah as Legacy said. It's a little odd the way he responded. Makes me think it is not entirely out of the question this year or maybe they wanted it and they pushed it out for something else.
  5. Well seeing as a "Hitchcock" house was on the list. Psycho sounds right. So I was wrong again lol. I just want Krampus to revealed
  6. Haven't heard anything. I expect Krampus next through
  7. Mike did confirm Cobweb isn't the Requel. Also, we got a permit for SS 22.
  8. Well if you don't see it Sounds like you're bitter that they AREN'T? I've heard nothing "yay" or "nay" on the subject from any sources. But they've all been pretty quiet. I'm guessing you're right though. No icons. More marketing nonsense. One can hope though right? Oh and we have shots of COBWEB on twitter. Here is a link to what I posted on DD just because it's easier for some reason than linking the HHN twitter post. (Twitter can be infuriating at times) Someone else post it directly if you can, busy at work and all.
  9. Well if you look at the blueprint teaser it's pretty clear it was in a tent. I thought it was two but, without context makes it hard
  10. I've heard some but not sure of the veracity of the rumor. It may just be wishful thinking by some studious fans. I wouldn't mind. I felt he was really our last good icon... not saying anything bad about Luck she was completely misused.
  11. So much nostalgia this year... I wonder who will escort? us through all of it?
  12. Third Shoot post is done. I now have to write more scripts. I also have another paying job to attend to. You may be hearing my voice more than you'd expect But I want that teaser out early May too. So lots going on!
  13. But translating The Exorcist presented us with many unique tests and questions. One big question was, “How do you adapt a film where most of the story takes place in a single bedroom?” The answer we landed on was first to break down and assess all the visuals and moments from the film. Piece together every moment within that bedroom and examine why it was intense, scary or even vile. What textures can we reconstruct differently, sometimes in an incredibly abstract way? The famous “pea soup” scene for instance. What if we were surrounded in the materials of the retch-covered bed? What if those layers of mattress padding literally enveloped us? And let’s be honest, traversing through a vomit-covered bed is pretty horrifying and disgusting by itself. Now add a possessed girl into the mix! Translation: Hang vomit covered mattresses in your face. I get that they are thinking outside the box so that is good. It will definitely be a challenge. I hope they use the spider walk scene and the Iraq dig when they find the Pazuzu statue. I imagine they will reuse the Exorcist light flash gag from Dead end as well.
  14. When your wife tells you that your edit made her heart hurt
  15. check off number two.. Ok so the list lines up perfectly so far. This could be really good. Although their touting "first-time ever" is a bit of a misnomer. Exorcist was portrayed in 1998's Unnatural History house as well as at the Fright nights in the parade. I guess if it didn't happen in this decade it never happened lol. I know... I know... they mean first time ever as a full house.
  16. OK so anyone who follows this thread I greatly appreciate your interests in my projects. So I've decided I probably should reward you doing so. This will not be displayed anywhere else... at least for now. What does KY jelly, Black food dye, and alcohol based body paint have in common? They all played a part in last night's shoot! Last night was shoot 3. Here is a pic:
  17. Second shoot 98% done. FX drove me nuts on it. Several days of frame by frame animation. I'm not even sure if I'm happy with it still but I'll run it by people for the final decision. I can't exactly expect Hollywood level from my zero budget. But it's my personal need for perfection. I'll have a teaser finally in May. Third shot has a little FX but mostly makeup so hoping it goes smoother.
  18. 18th was removed and 5th was added. Date were always subject to change.... and still could though less likely. That's the trouble with booking anything 7 months in advance. not related but neat little picture of sapphire falls on the HHN website. I don't think I've seen that water feature thing before.
  19. Chainsaws are chainsaws. Is it necessary? Definitely not. I'll still enjoy it for what it is.
  20. The 2003 remake was OK. IT is essentially a retread of the original with less purpose, more gore, and more Hollywood muddling. It trades real suspense for shock and gore. In it's effort to shock it feels pretty ho um. I will give this remake (this one not the 2013 remake) a pass though it has some memorable scene basically because R. Lee Ermey steals the show. But it essentially a ugly retelling of an already ugly (and good) movie. Tobe Hooper's 1974 is a horror masterpiece. It is suspenseful and uses very little gore for shock. It relies on atmosphere, story, and set up. It's far more effective and comes off as a wholly disturbing experience. Gunner Hansen has yet to be replicated in his portrayal as Leather face. He was able to exude this child like innocence under layers of psychotic serial killer. For all it's rough ugly shock there still was some ineffable, macabre, beauty about it that I don't think will ever be replicated. As a house... I'm unsure there will be THAT much difference from Flesh Wounds. Universal is pretty creative in their setups but houses are visual. You don't get the story as effectively as a movie. Then again it is a simple Haunted house. If you go through a haunted house for the story... eh I don't think a chainsaw house is you bag. It will have bodies, chainsaws, and memorable scenes. I can't imagine how that will be bad. From a nostalgic standpoint (or for anyone who has seen the movie) it will stand out and you will enjoy being in the movie. In case you hadn't notice, this is quickly becoming the cheap business model of HHN... but they are only copying Hollywood in the cash grab for your memories. Overall I liked flesh wounds as a house. I will like the house based on the movie I really like all the better. There is no point in taking it further than that with an I.P. You know what to expect... In fact it is much better to see the movie it is based on first (I'm looking at you Dracula Untold) than to go in completely blind. But really who hasn't seen a TCM movie? You got the idea it isn't rocket science. It will be like any house with chainsaws plus add a nostalgic layer to that.
  21. First shoot fully complete and in the can. Working on second. So that's... 13 more to go before August 0.o. If I get one filmed and fully produced in a week I will have two weeks to spare. So it's doable. 15 is just a guideline anyway. I just want a a backup of shoots before it goes public so I don't get overwhelmed.
  22. Seriously? What memorable scenes were in the original Halloween? Sure the first scene.. and the "ghost scene" but the rest was Myers standing around like a creeper. the original TCM disturbed me at a core level when I saw it. When he hung that girl on the meat hook and made her watch him cut her boyfriend up as she was dying... that messed me up. The dinner scene is iconic as well. The kills are far more gruesome in TCM. I'm biased though. I never really was interested in Halloween. I saw it pretty early on as a kid and it affected me very little. (I'm actually one of the rare people you will find who likes Halloween III better than the rest of the franchise). I saw the original TCM when I was 18 and it left me feeling pretty disturbed. This was 95 ish mind you and the disturbing factor of movies has been upped quite a bit. But I remember thinking at the time how impressed I was that a 21 year old movie still could disturb me. The I found out about Cannibal Holocaust, Salo, et al. Human depravity, no matter the time frame, no longer surprises me. But everyone has their favorites. Either way I'm just happy TWD wasn't announced
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