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Everything posted by JDW

  1. you're welcome but I'm not seeing it. Did you put it in your public folder? Otherwise it would not show unless you allow acess to the folder. the link should look something like http://dl.dropbox.com/u/425977/avatarsiren.jpg when you put it in the folder and it syncs... right-click it and copy public link.
  2. no not really. create a dropbox account. its free with 2 gigs... very handy http://www.dropbox.com/
  3. nvm I justy realized both of those are from the same year.
  4. I know that the regular one has filled up for the Sept 25th. I know because I tried to add someone to our party. I don't really need the Q&A portion for 20 bucks more. I've already spoke to TJ, Mike, JMR, and various other A&D members numerous times. I'm good with the regular
  5. so the AP pin is rather plain... BUT I still want it Oh and my wife says we got the letter today.
  6. SEE? and I was just down there yesterday and they said Friday... grumble grumble grumble...
  7. Yeah I was going to say people shouldn't prevoke our resident unstable to hurt herself. However I saw the media gift and my first thought... my goodness what if someone does brand themself?...
  8. Well he looks a lot like a cross betweeen the scribes, darkness, and the tree guy from '08
  9. new video with Michael Burnett on the site. Note the picture on the wall to the right...
  10. wow he is gnarly.. no pun intended... OK it was
  11. Well we know there is a special pin and lanyard just for AP holder... so there is AT LEAST that. couldn't agree more about that shirt it is one of my favorite shirt of all time as it is so different from all the other black shirts with blood writing.
  12. I actually thought it was kind of easy (minus the Sacrifice portion... I think that one just didn't make sense IMO). But overall I thought it was a good diversion.
  13. Best bet... sometime this week I'm guessing it is at least Wednesday... But I have no idea.
  14. Oh no I'm not bashing them (Except the ones who flat out lie) I know they only know what they are told... and what they are allowed to say. I just don't understand why it is such a mystery.
  15. AH the question, year after year, nobody seems to know the answer too. Every year I go in every day to all the stores and ask "When will the lanyard be out?" "When will the merch be out?", every year we get as many answers as the people you ask, and every stinking year the merch comes out either later the same day or the next day after I asked and nobody at Uni knows. For example I've already been told the lanyards came out last week and they sold out (har har), last Friday, Today (Monday) and opening day (this Friday). All by guest services employees. I had a myriad of similar answers about the merch for this year from various employees. So I guess the only real answer is "When it comes out" I honestly have know idea why they wait so long. The more you sell earlier... the more you make or the less you have at the end.
  16. I dunno they are a symbol of perfection, virility, luxury. But we really have had any input at all to deduce what she is inferring... So I wont think too hard on that
  17. I know things have evolved since then, but I wonder if we will see anything at the gate like the Terra throne roots I fleshed out back in March. Perhaps tangled roots like what we've seen on Fear and the lantern?
  18. Well I will be there every Friday so i'm bound to run into everyone I'd imagine. But I'll keep an eye out for you
  19. Thanks the only tricky thing was syncing the video to the audio on a few seeing as they were sepoerate in the file.
  20. I was too. Forget singing along. just hit the space and keep the wave as green as possible.
  21. It's a screen shot from the video that Uni released.
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