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Everything posted by JDW

  1. You know I'm tired of everyone in my head thinking I'm crazy

  2. I was thinking about it, maybe Chance's scarezone will be a show/zone combo. Basically some kind of theme representing her fever dreams and some whacked characters roaming. Then, periodically, she comes out, the scare actors become her minions, and they have your typical sacrifice type show. Then everything resets.
  3. Shoot 4 is done. We'll it's filmed. I have been discovering the joy of filming in Florida heat. I had to get an impromptu ac unit and it makes things almost tolerable. Will probably film the final teaser in the next few days. It should be a nice segue into the show. Then August 15 is reveal time.
  4. sorry I brought it up. I didn't realize it would be a can of worms. But it's pretty much the nightingales discussion 2.0 Here an interesting tidbit, the UMTH check in is moving to IOA. My guess, it will focus on houses back there or just easier in general.
  5. I can say with 100% assurance that we might definitely know the list... possibly. Really it all depends on what happens with "That which shall not be named", my guess is it will be the next released... and then all will fall into place.
  6. Yep those two.. may have been the only two. there was the mummy/doomsday in the Disaster queue but there themes were completely different.
  7. Hey we are all for info. But don't jeopardize your situation.
  8. I actually had heard early on and dismissed it. I didn't hear nearly as much detail as some others because I was trying to say info free. I had pretty much dismissed an ICON outright but I wasn't actually checking too hard to find out. Then I heard it again that day when I actually started poking around. So, while I didn't actually mean it, Maybe I did subconsciously. I actually do that a lot. Even when I don't say anything if I know something my thought process shifts. Make me not very good at secrets I guess. It was a nice surprise to me as well that we were getting an icon. Because early on I heard no icon and left it at that.
  9. Shooting for the commercial went well this weekend. I can't wait to see the footage. My Daughter and I were broth in the commercial and she did fantastic (she's 2). this is for another project (soapstone else's property) and not my main project. I will hopefully have one final teaser sometime mid July and then the full reveal August 15th. I've been bouncing back and forth between both so it's a bit hectic.
  10. I don't think so honestly. I think they had to have the IPs and the dream fever will involve her house/sz Gone are the all encompassing themes. But hey at least there is one.
  11. sometimes the lines end up in the same room divided by something. It's basically just a way to squeeze two (or more... there was a proposed triple run for SS 22... wrap you mind around that) houses into a smaller area by using the same scenic pieces or themes. I don't really see the need for them anymore unless they are the gimmick
  12. By my count there are... um.... 6 seasons of AHS to base a house on. Who is to say Freak show is either the only one or even one of them. HHN Unofficial is clearly speculating and that pic is not official.
  13. Horror Story theme may be revealed soon. Would be the best time to reveal
  14. yep that is what it is... But it sounds like they don't know there is a question mark on that.
  15. I find it odd that they announced TWD and it is nowhere to be found on the site after the update. Are they that ashamed of it? hope So.
  16. Wha?!?.. ha.. huh?!? OK you are obviously screwing with us.
  17. Code named Krispy Room names: Play Room, Time Out, Bunk Beds, Nursery, Lecture Hall, Ghostly Twins, Double Shot, Party Room, Destroyed School Room. Furnace Room. Was in the Jaws Queue. You walked in past the burnt Good Harvest Orphanage sign and play ground equipment. there were fire effects and soap suds falling as ash. Play room. Exactly what it sounds like. Toys, lockers, etc. Time Out had desks. You went around a corner and there was a mannequin of cindy writing on the black board. there was a black light effect and then a Cindy scare. Bunk Beds had... bunk beds with scare actors. I can't remember but a lot of the "kids" had morphan masks. anyway the bunk beds had welded wire on them. the Nursery was a bunch of cribs and was featured in the game. it had scareactors and an open widow with a ghost girl? floating in it. Lecture Hall I really don't remember. Ghostly twins had a pepper's ghost effect.. I think. I know there was a mirror. Double Shot was heavily burned and had a real flame effect in the wall Party Room... eh... a party? I forget Destroyed School Room was the school room now destroyed and had rafters. I believe the children were climbing in them. Furnace Room had a real electrical effect (I believe the same one from S&S), furnaces, and Cindy as a final scare.
  18. Man I tell ya that looks virtually indistinguishable from Hacks
  19. Looking at 208 dollars plus tax, parking, and express x 2 (Which I have no idea how much that costs). Yeah it's pricey. Hope it doesn't get so expensive I can't go. I dropped my AP pass partly because of the price. Even though I said I refuse to do express, it is ludicrous not to anymore. unless you enjoy being miserable.
  20. Would make sense, wasn't Alice supposed to be a mixing the two worlds into "fever dreams" and it was in Shrek. Just don't make it 3D. Seems very likely they are expanding her backstory to include ShadyBrook. Makes sense and would tie together Jack's relation to her. He meets her during the ShadyBrook take over in 2006. She's either an inmate or a doctor. Going with inmate because she is clearly insane. (and doctor is too close to Harley) he likes her brand of sadistic so he indoctrinates her into the Carnival of Carnage.
  21. Yeah truly hideous. Matter of opinion I guess. I always thought she was attractive. Doesn't really matter though she is a good actress and has a ton of makeup on her face. Not really sure what her attractiveness has to do with her ability to scare. Do men have to be attractive as well to be icons? She is an accredited actor and has been on some popular TV shows. I'm not gonna argue with you anymore as I cannot see your point in the slightest. Am I happy they reuse? eh. But are they trying? Yep. and really I liked the reveal and the concepts so that's that
  22. You're nitpicking dude. Sorry but I just don't see it. You obviously don't like Chance... or... women apparently 0.o But this is A&D attempting to make corporate and fans happy. I applaud them.
  23. How is it the same? This year, Chance will step into the spotlight as the star of the nation’s best Halloween event. Universal Studios Florida will become her stage – where she will take guests on a journey inside her twisted mind as she struggles with what is performance vs. what is real. Different costume, no jack, playing on the fantasy vs reality... In fact it is retconning Sindy's original story. You want 2002.. THIS is the original story from 2002! Granted it's Chance but it's a way to appease the fanboys and the GP alike.
  24. Wow I'm out of the loop. Congrats! I also have a baby daughter (going on 3 now) I feel your pain with the lack of sleep
  25. I... uh.. clicked the link Nick posted. well the Ultimate FFP is every night with express. No thanks. I'm burnt out after 1 or 2 visits. Dates show 16th and 17th.. maybe I'm out of it but are we starting THAT early this year?
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