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Everything posted by Pandry

  1. Amen brother. It's the little things that can make such a big difference. I remember when they had them up years back even without a scare zone there, and it was still just great to walk through because of the ambiance they provide.
  2. Updated profile pic in honor of the Jack-O-Lanterns return to glory! ...and also so Oysterhead will take me seriously again...
  3. great pics. So totally overjoyed with the pumpkins being back! I know it sounds like an inconsequential item, but that's always been my one go to HHN memory. Never could get a decent night photo of them last time they were up in CP. need to start working on the night settings. I'd be pushing it, though, to hope they can sync them with the sound effects a la 2008.
  4. OMG, please don't be pulling my chain regarding the pumpkins! That's all I've wanted back this year. (Headed to the thread for a looksie)
  5. The irony is that we'd all laugh and love it and the GP would probably be like: damn, these sound pretty good, I'm buying my ticket today!"
  6. But that's all we're really doing, just offering opinions and I believe that's all he was asking. We all have expectations but, in one way or another, realize they're just that. We're all in the minority (veterans at least) and marketing has a whole new generation of attendees that have never known an Icon. They know TWD, love it, and look forward to it and they give a majority of marketing towards that new wave. I like to reminisce. But again, until I actually attend my first night this year, I can only say what I'd like to see or what I thought I might see for a big anniversary year. What I am pretty sure about is that I'll like some houses and zones, and not like a few.
  7. I was looking back at some of the links for past years. 2008 was my fave year and they had advertising verbiage very similar to this year about most scare zone actors than ever before. Almost like it's all window dressing. I'm not sure what I was expecting for the 25th, but it certainly wasn't what's been presented thus far.
  8. That's why it's best to go in with zero expectations. Then you have nowhere to go but up, or they meet the zero expectations. Right now I'm just looking forward to Blizzard and Asylum. Then I have a little bit of interest in Insidious. I liked the movies and thought Hollywood's houses looked good via YouTube. I've said it before - if they bring the pumpkins back in the CP trees, I'll be happy. That's the last time I felt immersed in the event. But I also get a FFP so we'll stop in for a few hours after work on Wednesdays and Thursdays. So my outlook doesn't have the urgency that some have for doing only a couple nights. I do feel bad for all those who bought tickets solely to see Scream.
  9. if some of the guests have a little leprosy going on, they could walk right in and join the cast. Speaking of TWD, how awesome would it be if they could pick one random night and have Greg Nicotero and his crew come in with actual actors from the show and give them full walker makeup just like in the series and have them work the house? It's a pipe dream and 8 hours of makeup, but damn, that would be something. When my girlfriend and I watch the show, we always talk about that. Some of those walkers are just terrifying!
  10. And of course, our 4th year with "House of the Severely Drunk with Advanced Leprosy and Dementia."
  11. I remember seeing the episode back in 2008 when they last had BC. Didn't learn of it until HHN ended that season. I was surprised they were Buffy inspired. I guess they're technically an IP, per se.
  12. So aside from Saws N Steam, The Purge will become just the 2nd scare zone ever to become a house. My friend was a scareactor in Purge last year. He and most of his Purge cast have roles this year from the July auditions. They're all livid that they announced the house as they wish they could now be in it. Except he's saying no Run house, period. Splitting Psychoscarepy and Collectors to their own house would erase Run altogether. But hey, how about Asylum in Wonderland and Collectors, hmm? No one's thrown that out there, absurd though it may sound. But Mike did say they were combing originals, so it's just a matter of which ones.
  13. Except that we pretty much know what's coming. We just have to see if HHNMatt's source holds up against the majority. I'll admit, I'm curious to see. I'd actually prefer Psychoscarepy and Body Collectors in their own house. But that's just because 2006 was the only Run house I've been in and I wasn't impressed.
  14. I agree. If it was a new IP, I'd say likely. But one from two years ago...just slip it in with the rest. But hey, what do I know.
  15. I was only referring to how someone stated they wouldn't drive x-distance for some original content. I can understand that. And a lot of people in that camp are first timers so they wouldn't know any better. As far as the rest of that banter within the Tweet; useless drivel.
  16. Thought this was interesting as we like to debate IPs vs. originals. I'm in the original camp but most of the GP like IPs and I get that they're what bring in the crowds. I just wish there was more of a balance.
  17. Outstanding point. Completely forgot about that podcast. Yep, I don't see a way out of that one...
  18. Or do you think, being the final IP is AWIL, they'll just go with the full reveal and skip a single reveal of AWIL?
  19. Until it's made official, anything can happen. These last few days showed us that much, if anything.
  20. Well damn. They wrapped that up quick. I was hoping for a little last minute speculation. Now all I'm waiting to see is if Matt's list is correct or not regarding the originals.
  21. Wednesdays are always the least crowded. It's definitely possible to do everything. That also appears to be the first Wednesday night of the season on 10/7. That being said, you can still expect some long lines as the evening goes on.
  22. I have it all figured out for a possible replacement house...Fear The Walking Dead. That's right, two TWD houses! And maybe make the roaming hordes zombie hordes. The new Uni creed: when in doubt, TWD. I'm sure there's a warehouse full of TWD marketing material and merch. Easy to get scare actors. Seriously though, I'm joking. This would be my nightmare come true.
  23. That's rather subjective as their commercials the past couple years have largely been recycled with TWD. They had TWD in the airline terminal last year. It's been a long time since I've seen an HHN commercial that would make you excited, veteran or not. Believe me, you're not missing anything not living down here. Diagon Alley commercials were just recycled Hogsmeade opening commercials - which were poorly put together to begin with. Can't see this year being any different except maybe plugging in the 25th Anniversary logo. Near the end of this month we'll start seeing the billboards go up. I like those only for them being a daily reminder during work commutes that it's almost go time!
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