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Everything posted by Dick

  1. I used to drink a lot at HHN, but was diagnosed with a rare blood illness a few years ago and will never be able to drink again. I've actually found the event to be more enjoyable since NOT drinking. But, as long as people can handle their alcohol and do not act like total jerks, I see no problem with it.
  2. September 24th couldn't come any quicker!

  3. Perhaps a haunted prison? Maybe another Hellgate as mentioned earlier? Tons of possibilities for a prison.
  4. Oh, that is freaking awesome!!!! Thanks, man!
  5. The facade to sprung tent 1 looks wicked awesome!
  6. Thinking about submitting my film for the Rob Zombie Universal Horror Nights competition... Anyone care to see it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dick


      Lol, cool... Let me get it on youtube first. Just a warning... It's BAD! It's bad on purpose though.

    3. HHN1293


      cool what's it called? i want 2 see it. =P

    4. Dick


      Attack of the Killer Zombees! It's a zombie movie about bees.

  7. I agree with everyone else. Your work is FANTASTIC! Is there anyway, you'd be able to make me something with Frankenstein on it?
  8. It's indeed possible. I hope it's some type of area 51 investigation house, though. However, a house utilizing a creepy/crazy brain surgeon would be BA too.
  9. The original Die In had Michael Myers in the house. It was the first movie set you walked through after venturing through the screen. In my opinion, the Michael Myers section was the best! That house rocked though. I'd love to see Myers have his own house. I just don't see it happening this year. I'm not sold on the whole Cindy idea yet either. I think that may be more wishful thinking than anything else. Hoping to be wrong, however. As for the parade building... I'm almost certain that is going to be a house set up like a museum showing off the history of HHN, with it obviously coming to life like Night at the Museum. But, I don't think this is a reunion year. I think the clues point more to it being a celebration of the history of horror in general. FEAR itself, just may be the icon this year... Makes sense, in my opinion. Excited to find out more!
  10. Yeah, it makes it really difficult to speculate anything when not much is known. It's exciting, however. I feel like we've known far more about previous years at this time then we do this year at all. Either a great job by Universal or Potter just grabbing all of the attention. Probably both! As far as observation deck... Perhaps it COULD be attached to a Bioshock themed house. I doubt it, but that would be awesome! If that were the case, the Greek mythology stuff could be attached to a God of War house... Again, doubt it! I want something original like a lot of others. But, whatever we get, I'm sure I will definitely be pleased! Just anxiously awaiting the arrival of more NEWS!!!
  11. I'm extremely excited for some Greek Mythology. As for it not being relevant for teens... PLEASE!!!! Wizard of Oz probably wasn't relevant for them either, but that didn't make it any less scary two years ago. They can do so much with Greek Mythology and I am happy that it gets a soundstage!!! House of the year?
  12. is anxiously waiting for some more Horror Nights Rumors!!!!

  13. 2 Stars for the Spawning... Those costumes just look so fake that it's hard to get into it.
  14. That's pretty much what I assumed, but it's still a fun show.
  15. Hey Thanks!!!! I know this is a late thanks, but I had no clue that you said this... Lol!

  16. I actually went to the original fright nights and I just turned 24 on Tuesday. However, I didn't start going every year untill 2000. That was the year I finally had someone old enough to drive me to the event and I was hooked right away!!! I loved every minute of it and have gone every year since. It's funny, because two years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare life threatening blood illness and was in the hospital for two months straight. And one of my biggest concerns that year was wondering if I would be healthy enough to go to the event. Luckily, I made it! It was extemely difficult for me to walk around that much, but I managed. I had so much fun that year and I now view that year as my favorite of all time! The saddest day of the year, for me, is the last day of HHN!!!
  17. Went both nights... Had a lot of fun! Suffered from being thrown into walls, having my feet stepped on, getting the crap scared out of me, and the classic chafing! Wolfman- So far, after going through this house a few times, I think I like it the best. I went through during the day and could not see a thing, which I actually enjoy because it makes it more scare, and I also went through at night and thought the house looked incredible. Walking through the forest at the beginning really set the mood for me. With the sounds and the growls, I was afraid without even seeing anything. Everytime that I went through, the wolfman seemed to be everywhere! The final scene was also fantastic! Definitely a great house. 5 out of 5 stars! Dracula- Lots of scares in this one for me as well. So far, I believe this to be my second favorite house. Again, the set looked incredible and the vampires were creepy as hell! Can't wait to go through it again! 5 out of 5 stars! Frankenstein- Another outstanding set design and great scares! Easily one of the top 3 houses of the event so far! The Frankenstein monster looked outstanding, as did the Doctor and his many creations. 5 out of 5 stars! Leave it to Cleaver- One of the most creative houses that Universal has ever created. The que video was great, the set was great, and the overall idea was great. However, I just didn't get scared in it. I had a lot of fun and can see the potential for more scares, but it didn't really get me at all. Reminded me a lot of Home for the Holidays. 4 out of 5 stars! Saw- Definitely much better than I anticipated! I didn't really have high expectations for this house being that I'm not a huge fan of Saw and it was in the Jaws que. However, I really enjoyed this house. Again, I did not find it to be scary. The pig people are kind of creepy and the last room was AWESOME... But, I didn't get scared. I had a lot of fun though. The set was great, the video stuff was great, and the cast was superb! The longest line of both nights SUCKS though. Definitely the perfect spot for a Saw house though. 4 out of 5 stars! The Spawning- Only went through this house once. I thought the set was pretty good but the costuming was awful! The creatures defnitely reminded me of the Creature from the Black Lagoon though. I think this house has a lot of potential but, to me, it wasn't scary at all. I think this is the only house I didn't jump in at all. The problem for me was I could see the flaws in their costumes and I'm wondering if the house was darker, if it would be better? No idea... The group I was with enjoyed it, and I overheard a lot of others in the park saying it was the scariest. I really wanted to like it, and will go through it again, but I just could not get into it. I will give it another shot though... So, untill then, I will hold off on giving it stars. Chucky- GREAT HOUSE!!! I loved it. Thought the set was fantastic, the scares were there, and it was also a lot of fun! 4 out of 5 stars! Silver Screams- Kind of let down by this one... Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the house. Thought the set was great, some of the scares were great, and the characters shined. However, I thought the rooms for the movies were too small. And, I don't find the Usher to be scary. So the end scene was not that scary for me. The transistions were extremely cool though. Still enjoyed the house but thought it was going to be my favorite. 4 out of 5 stars! The scarezones were okay this year. I liked the War of the Living Dead, Horrorwood Die In, Lights Camara Hacktion, and Cirque Du Freak. The other two, however, are lame!!! Bill and Ted I thought was a lot better than last year! Very hit or miss for me, however... Though, I thought it had one of the best openings I've seen in years. Didn't see Rocky yet. Probably will later on in the month. Overall- Great year! I don't remember liking as many houses as I did this year in any other year. The scarezones could be better and I miss the old style of the Bill and Ted show... I'm kinda tired of seeing the dancing. I had a lot of fun though and I cannot wait to go again! To all of the scaractors... THANK YOU FOR PUTTING ON ONE HELL OF A SHOW!!!!
  18. I'll be there on the 25th wearing a chainsaw wolf t-shirt, and on the 26th wearing an Army of Darkness t-shirt.
  19. Yes, congrats F.U.B.A.R.!!!! I've always enjoyed reading your posts, even on Chainsaw Wolf!!!
  20. Wow! This is awesome... Thanks!!!
  21. The website has been updated. In the movie theatre, you can now click on the Leave it to Cleaver movie poster, The Spawning movie poster, and a guy on the bottom of the staircase.
  22. On the new update, is anyone able to watch the video that is connected to the Spawning house? Every time I click it, it goes away.
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