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Posts posted by PWT

  1. yeah i passed by the house and only have seen the actress shoot the thing once in 3 days, the scares in the house take time to set up so yeah at first i didnt even know what was going on

    Thursday the actor in the roof was missing'i really, really hope they dont take away that scare. is one of my favorite parts of the house.

    ( i saw the nightingale on the roof getting off too i really really really hope they dont take both actors off :angry::( )

    Late Saturday of opening weekend I recall the over head guy in thing missing too. If I recall correctly there was a guy working up there with a flash light.

  2. That's exactly what I'm confused about lol. If I'm already in Universal with a normal ticket, then I don't need the stay and scream to stay I'm the park until HHN?

    If you already have a daytime admission ticket you do not have to purchase a stay and scream ticket. You will be able to get into one of the two lock downs at Kidzone or Finnegans.

    The point of a stay and scream ticket is to get you into the park before HHN so you can experience daytime Universal and get into a lock down. The lock downs are not exclusive to people with Stay and Scream tickets.

  3. From what I hear there's two chainsaws per cast. From the actors I've seen they're average size and not anyone from the normal chainsaw gang.

    One small thing that bothers me, I wish they'd make the chainsaws dirty if they're going to put them in the zone. The actors that have them are all in worn clothing, yet they have a brand new chainsaw that looks like they just got it out of the box.

  4. The Wheel on the wall has been there since opening weekend. Most just have never noticed it. Spot on with the rest.

    Zkeep is right, the wheel has been there.

    Also, I really really hope GE was more aggressive last night. So much room for improvement in the zone.

  5. Thats me. I'm cast A in that spot the one thats not constantly in the open. It didnt happen yesterday cuz my partner was not with me. Its not a permanent role and they only fill it when theres enough left over Firecrew and apparently yesterday there wasnt. Although I begged to have him or someone there with me cuz we really rock that spot.

    But thanks for the shoutout. Its the first one I've ever specifically gotten.

    I got double teamed twice in my first run of SnS. I'm sure one of the double teams was you. I remember one of the double teams explained to me I have pretty skin. Congrats on getting two specific shout outs.

  6. Well its Sting Alley, what do you expect?

    What do I expect?

    The scariest scare zone, as it has the best area without props for scares. The only negative effect of a scare zone in sting alley, I can think of, is that it's more off to the side, Universal may be inclined to spend less money on it.

  7. While I do love chainsaws. They seem a little out place in this zone but maybe that's because they just added them and they were not there from the start. None the less they basically steal all the scares.

    They added chainsaws in this zone? If so, I'm quite said to hear it.

  8. Winter's Night

    -Sets here are absolutely beautiful. Stunning is the perfect word for it.

    -Has the best facade of the year, easily

    -Love all of the little jokes slipped into the gravestones, and some fun (and wise) re-using of props (the coffin from original Screamhouse was a treat!)

    -Some serious depth in the details to be found here. A very cool mirror trick in the coffin scene that you can totally miss if you don't know where to look

    -Cool temperature is lovely, as is the snow

    -Costumes are well-designed and a nice variety. What the Legendary Truth has should've been. Love the Weeping Angel (wish there were more of them), the zombies look great, and the ghosts look spectacular. Nice Canyon of Dark Soul-adapted costumes at the end!

    -Some really solid scares throughout this maze. The "miniature scare" provided me with possibly the best scare I've ever received at HHN, it's brilliant

    -The penultimate scene, with all of the crypts and hallways, is effective for repeat viewing... very hard to remember where the spirits are hiding due to the # of potential spots

    -Happy to see some light gore used (referring to the coffin scene with the corpses), it's very unsettling

    -Also glad to see the house actually reflects the backstory's plot, I saw our Hawthorn several times

    -Finale is very good

    Suggestions for Improvement: Not many. Place one more actor in the Finale scene, preferably in the center of the pathway (nothing more unsettling than that). I noticed one cast seems to know how to use the Miniature Scare to full advantage, one cast doesn't. Please make sure both casts know how to utilize this brilliant scare!

    Facade: A+

    Sets: A

    Costumes: A

    Atmosphere: A

    Scares: A

    Finale: A-

    Opening Weekend Grade: A

    The mirror trick was used also in Mary Shaw, in case anyone didn't know.

    Also, I'm not quite sure if the finale costumes in this house are working as intended...

  9. The In-Between

    -Biggest surprise of the event for me! This house rocks!

    -Facade is a little too simple (ala Chucky) but the little touches like Issue #21 and the 3D effects bump it up a few notches.

    -Really though, the casts and costuming makes this house. The sets are deceptively simple.

    -The plot here is clever and well-executed... The story is told with a beginning, middle, and end. Great use of the tunnel as our transition

    -3D effect is very fun in certain scenes, didn't notice much of a difference in others. I lost my glasses midway once but still enjoyed the rest of the house

    -The zig-zag hallway (straight path with openings in the walls for blending-in actors to pop out), the laser room, and what I like to call the Pixie Stix room are my favorites. Trippy as balls. As a friendly guest behind us put it, this is why I stopped doing acid!

    -The costumes here, as I mentioned before, make this house. The colors and 3D are brilliant... especially all of the WINGED demons. They know how to do their stuff and create scares even when we see them coming a mile away.

    -Some of the sets are very simple (mostly the first couple) but rely on their black walls and darkness... it's very hard to see the booholes...

    -I believe after the first "head" scene there's a boohole without an actor in it... just a stationary head. While it does get scares... um, lame? Can we get an actual actor in here please?

    -Everyone keeps talking about the scene where it looks like there's no floor... a little help here? I seriously kept thinking it'd be obvious so I didn't look for it. Is it the Pixie Stix scene?

    -Finale is fun (love how we're back in the dorm, but tripped out)... when the actors do come out, they get some great scares.

    -Also love how it's so easy to get lost in some of the rooms in this house. Creates a serious tension!

    Suggestions for Improvement: Get an actual actor in that timed boohole. Stationary head is lame. Other than that... I guess the finale scare actors should come out more often? Oh, I know - take up the intensity a notch, add a timed strobe effect. That'd be cool.

    Facade: B+

    Sets: A

    Costumes: A

    Atmosphere: A

    Scares: A

    Finale: B+

    Opening Weekend Grade: A

    The laser room has mirrors as floors.

    Also, it's funny that you mention the finale needing to come out more. The only scare I've gotten on my run throughs is the actor on the right distracting me while the actor on the left scared me. Besides that this house seemed very lacking on scares.

  10. Shouldn't be that bad. I believe Hell Week starts on the 14/15. But even then you can get everything done. I do know a trip is going to be there on the 15th, so expect a group of kids that night. Shouldn't be too big of a deal though.

    Is 14/15 hell week or the following week?

  11. Forsaken isn't bad for fog at all. The fog at the end is low lying fog, or it's supposed to be. The only other place there is fog is at the beginning.

    As mentioned above, GE and Canyon is the only two SZs packed with fog. NM has a lot too, though.

  12. On Friday and Saturday this was probably my lowest ranking zone. I got 0 scares, that I can remember. I'm assuming the actors are being told to not take photos too, so, you have a zone with no scares, no photos, no new concepts.

    Of course, things can change, and I hope they will. With all the fog it's a very nice area. However, walking in the middle of this zone gives you a pretty small chance of having an actor come after you. Even when I walked this zone on the ends, there wasn't much movement.

    This zone, however, does have cool costumes.

  13. This scare zone so far has the strongest scares, in my opinion, and some of the people on the casts are awesome and trying very hard.

    On Saturday, however, there was a minor issue with the red sin/stage. The sin had to get off her stage and was off it talking to security/back stage for 20 minutes or so. (Not that I called that there'd be problems or anything...)

  14. So far, this is my favorite zone of the year. Not because it's the scariest. (Although, this has gotten me the second most scares.) But because it's something new and as long as it keeps improving the walls and actors are quite fun.

  15. This is probably my favorite fun house since 08. Both casts in president room is amazing and has got me.

    Overall, almost all the rooms are awesome. If I had one complaint, it'd be the ops on most of my trips through. For one, when I went to enter one of the runs I was being yelled at to get in a single file line when about to enter the house. For two, the ops in this house seemed to be very focused on making sure everyone was rushing through the house.

  16. I got to experience this house the best way possible on Saturday night. First in line, during the day when my eyes hadn't adjusted to the dark. Some rooms were absolutely impossible to make it through without someone to follow! I literally had to stumble through with my arms out in front of me, running into walls. Every single scare startled the crap out of me because I was lost and had no idea where they are coming from. That is the perfect way to experience a haunted house at HHN.

    You can't find your way through the yarn room and actors in there scared you? I thought the costumes didn't blend in well and the room was very easy to navigate.

  17. oh yeah that is the one thing i do always, GRAB THAT ROPE PEOPLEwhen the room with the weird floor comes, grab the rope, always, i almost slipped really bad first time, now i grab the rope always

    Or you could just walk on the left flat side on the side ways floor. There's enough room to walk comfortably while everyone walks all side ways behind you.


    As far as houses, this is probably #4 on my list. It's one of the better houses for me.

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