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Everything posted by CelioCantos

  1. I legitimately thought the fountains were flames for a bit, awesome effects.
  2. Michael Aiello: "There are clowns featured in penn and teller. Won't tell you how or where but the is an instance... Hope this helps and thanks for the support!" Inquiring upon Mike for info on clowns, other than twenty penny circus this is the only other instance of clowns this year, lucky Kim... Oh well speculate with it what you may.
  3. Ok so I'll tell her to try to avoid that zone, it's a serious problem but I'll tell the others it should be ok. Just no Circus for her and if there is one in the traditionals I warned her, thank you everyone.
  4. So as far as the Doctor's newer videos about the decryptions... he mentions how the clowns are still unsure? Anyone have any info on whether or not it is scrapped for sure or...? I have a few Coulrophobic friends with serious problems one has fainted on occasions but she loves the scares the only thing she can't deal with are Clowns, so if anyone has any for sure information this could be a deciding factor for her... possibly the others too so please help.
  5. Is there a Gothic walkthrough like Silent Hill's or is it fully set with lighting and actors? If there are actors don't link it. I want the costumes to amaze me.
  6. When I saw the images I was overjoyed, I know TWD is the biggest thing marketing is promoting housewise so does anyone have any info in-depth info on Gothic...?
  7. http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/features_orlando/2012/09/universal-studios-first-peek-at-walking-dead-house-for-halloween-horror-nights.html this belongs in the walking dead thread but it answers where the walkers went and such.
  8. So for a non-passholder who will not be likely to get in early going with people who will want to go to the shows and ride but going three nights but he himself wants to go to all the houses should I make a run for Silent Hill and Walking Dead first and then take the rest as it goes or should I go to the other houses and wait till the lines die down near the end of the night?.... on another topic last year they had the text this number to get line announcements will this return?
  9. http://kow626.com/2011/07/29/review-of-the-20-penny-circus-at-the-improv-pointe-orlando-in-orlando-fl-on-7272011/ found this review
  10. So I'm beginning to wonder if maybe this could have a tie in to the inbetween I know I'm insane but wait, let's say LT began investigating Orlando further in depth when the event of last year went on and the Inbetween was there, they saw the phenomenon and saw to it to seek out the truth behind the sigils and the mysticism that allowed the demon world to merge with this one, could one of the demons have been an ifrit or an ifrit's minion? Regardless in finding further sigils around the soundstage they unearthed the burial ground of the demon lord of the Inbetween's world, now his reign of terror begins as he brings to life all these fears.... on another note if "not of this world" isn't alien but is a being that leaves dimensional or demonic which of course could tie in to the inbetween and what got me further into my insanity. Ughh 17.5 hours left......
  11. So then the walking dead is the theme I suppose?
  12. So has it been decided if there is any theme or Icon this year?
  13. So, as far as Fear goes (the Icon) it seemed as thought there was a lot of careful thought into his origin and power and such, while execution could have been better all the mythos around him was fascinating. It seemed it was all a developing story arch too, like he is the headmaster and the seven icons are his advisory or council, and the rest are professors but all were beneath him. So if after so much deliberation and set up for him to encompass the past and following twenty years, is it known if his arch is finished? Or will his presence be secretly seeded in subtly in every event? To address a more poignant question, will this years event, Icon or iconless have any tie in with the Fear arch or has it ended?
  14. Am I the only one curious enough to see if any haunt this year does anything creepypasta related, I mean with the new movie about the tulpa coming out it could be interesting to incorporate something of the sort, heck it might give that super fear that some of us crave, but I've been teasing my friend for weeks about how were getting silent hill, could it be possible we could get a slenderman somewhere....? Basically a better question to tie in with my previous randomness is do we know what the spirits may be other than chainsaw weilding grim reapers?
  15. Thank you so much Wesker, pardon my ignorance...
  16. Hate to interrupt but then no word on the maybe cancelled cdt?
  17. So to go back a few pages has it been for sure denied for the female chainsaw drill team? Because Gambits last spec map doesn't have them on there...
  18. Iron is this the metal of pyramid heads sword/head, perhaps its more metaphorical in the sense that one requires an iron like will to pass through the house... Iron is this the metal of pyramid heads sword/head, perhaps its more metaphorical in the sense that one requires an iron like will to pass through the house...
  19. Duality could be the theme, especially from what I read about the trick or treaters being the dark self and the sexy self, and if the rumors I've heard are true and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Icon could work...
  20. So as far as my wild tie in of end of the world anyone have any info that dictates there will not be a theme?
  21. Anyone here believe that an opening ceremonies show will be done with the Icon or theme (if there is one, especially considering the Legendary Truth esque feeling) or is this just wishful thinking? I mean there is one unaccounted show...
  22. Well there goes my hope of seeing the $12,000 animitronic dragon puppets....
  23. Even better could still tie in in an end of the world scenario... Ooh maybe the beasts could be a chupacabra scarezone? Anyone? Anyone?
  24. Could the beasts be alpha zombie types? Like the scraggly walkers then an upper class of extra creepy zombies hey maybe even beasts that were zombified? End of the world theme, zombified people, clustered survivors fighting off all living beings (Cdt), ancient civilizations rising for power and their hunters (ghosts, vampires, dragon warriors), prisoners and the tormented innocence within them released as everything crumbles (prisoners, and trick or treaters), and finally agents of chaos running rampant throughout feeding off the carnage (clowns)
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