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Everything posted by justchristy

  1. Since I'm a sucker for details, I decided to take the bait...I took a look at the clues given to us before each of the 5 games (I'm assuming those are the clues he's referring to). Below in red are the last words right before each last verse, and all last letters of every clue. 1. Memory's the key / To the six that match. / Time sifting away / Is the only catch. 2. Night gives way to morning dew, / Find ye sanctuary before / It dawns on you. 3. Four rest in peace, / But two do not, / Uncover long dead / before unmaking the rot. 4. Lock up their cages before they / break free, / Of five rusty keys, / use only three. 5. The relentless come, one by one, / Shoot straight and true, / 'fore they reach you. Even if it means nothing...I like investigating Anyone have any thoughts?
  2. Ok for the Beast (Cerebin) game, I've played on different computers, on the same account of course, but at different locations and different times of day. Basically, statistically speaking, the least commonly used key # was 4, and the most common were 3 and 5, with 3 being the most popular. I've gotten the 1,3,5 or 2,3,5 combinations (or their permutations) a lot more than any other combos i've tried. And the first cage really likes key #'s 2 and 3. Again, this is just in my case, on the computers I've played on, in the area I'm in (south florida). Is anyone else getting similar results? Or different ones? Interested in seeing if there's some sort of pattern geographically or otherwise, or if it's just random. Part of me loves that moment when I guess the first two right...and then wants to throw my laptop across the room when the third one is wrong. Just me and my lack of patience.
  3. Is there finally any particular trick or anything to the keys/cages? I DON'T HAVE THE PATIENCE FOR THEM. PS - Team Strengoit
  4. For what we thought was the "Victorian" house....a name involving "Haunted" or "Paranormal"....something having to do with supernatural activity and spirits. Possibly a revisitation of the Poltergeist....*shrug*
  5. Whoa...ok let's not freak out here. The guy probably used the hashtag #gothic because of the architecture aspects and the general atmosphere within the house. Furthermore, Gothic architecture is one of the best known and common types of architecture on the planet. The GP would get it if it were the house title...but I doubt that even IS the real title. The house name will probably something having to do with church/cathedral/things coming alive at night/rituals, etc. etc. etc. Plus...do we really think the Universal peeps would release the house names to these people who are on tours BEFORE giving the official announcements? My personal opinion is no.
  6. lol yes or that...the point being, it's a more sinister/dark character. If there weren't church bells, I wouldn't have suggested it...but why would they include the bells?? Just to interject MORE evidence for the gargoyle/cathedral house's existence? And if so, why did they pick THAT specific house to emphasize? And what's with all the heavy breathing and growling? < 9 hours....tick....tock.....
  7. This is my issue with them bringing LT back: why haven't they done it sooner? Instead of driving us all insane trying to guess what's going on, why haven't they given us access to the world of LT once again, if it is, in fact, returning? I wasn't into the LT thing back in 2010...does anyone know around what time of the year they started the whole LT stuff back then? If it was late, like this would be if it were happening, then maybe it's possible. But I just have a feeling that there isn't a lot of time left for them to give proper set up for LT before the event actually starts.
  8. Is it crazy for me to think the voice might be the hunchback of notre dame? Not the disney version, but the original hunchback from the book. The church bells just automatically take my mind there.
  9. Alright I've been doing some ridiculous google searches and I tripped on something I should have realized when someone (sry, don't remember who!) mentioned log cabin... What if it's a house a la Cabin in the Woods?? Here is a really brief summary of the very end that I found that would pretty much fit the whole "buried"/"unearthed" clue and picture they've given us... Thoughts??!
  10. You and I, we have the SAME problem lol
  11. Great idea! Or maybe all of these evil entities and monsters were somehow trapped in that scythe thing...and maybe they broke it and that's where the white substance comes in....it's interesting that they made it white. When I think white, I think ghosts and apparitions.
  12. They've dug up a Mayan spaceship. That's definitely it lol ok I looked at some of the clues in the google doc (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZsAPshPm3cEuduWlCXtK56qSprhWWYr6OA41QSRLM2w/edit?pli=1) #6: "Your future seems grim." Is this an overt reference to the grim reaper?? or a "death" like character...possibly the caretaker, as has been mentioned.
  13. You guys, I got it. They dug up Ivan Ooze from the power rangers movie. DUH. lol I just dated myself, oh well. ANYWAY....unusual moans/white substance?? Ok so this signifies more than one "something" has been dug up. I agree with this vessel idea...sort of like a genie in a lamp, some kind of evil entity was sucked into a vessel by previous "good guys" and buried underground to stay there forever. And the white substance...maybe something that spreads and "infects" universal employees/guests and turns them into different groups of evil beings (SZs). Idk I'm still pondering this whole thing....
  14. Does anyone else feel like this could be The First Evil, or something like it? All this digging/underground/something-we've-never-seen-before stuff has me pondering. Also, the "it's freaking us out a little bit" part sounds really odd to me....why would Universal be freaked out, after 22 years of HHN horror, by something they dug up? What could, hypothetically speaking of course, make them THAT worrisome?
  15. This DEFINITELY goes with the Poltergeist/Insidious kind of Victorian house we've been pondering on....very cool I like the idea of "imagination and reality" being combined...nightmares coming to life, in a way (minus Freddy, of course).
  16. TWD isn't necessarily "better known" than other horror characters...it's popular with people who aren't familiar with HHN. They're trying to draw in a new crowd. Additionally, as we've discussed in this thread previously I think, the reason you are seeing TWD as the main marketing ploy is because it is, without a doubt, part of the contract made for Universal to borrow the rights to the show and its characters/themes/etc. I wouldn't doubt that there might be no icon for this very reason....in a way, the Marketing dept might have sold their souls (or their icon, in this case), in a manner of speaking, in order to be able to get TWD into the event. It's all about money.
  17. This is awesome!! I'm not even going to ATTEMPT to email them....I'm sure they've gotten a ton of responses already. If anyone gets into the first 22, share the info!!
  18. Lol thread isn't dead...we are just waiting for the full reveal, or at least I am. Plus um...there's a hurricane outside my window rt now lol I don't think fear, the icon, will be back. He made sense for 20 bc he sort of brought closure to the first 20 years of HHN. If he would have been featured again last year, then I'd say there would be a shot for him reappearing this year...but he wasn't. I think Marketing is looking to do bigger and better things, and "zooming out" from the concept of the all-encompassing icon, like Fear.
  19. Ugh omg that noise....and then that red face....agh good material, I must say. I'm thinking maybe the Victorian house has something to do with Indian burial grounds underneath the home, which is why it would be haunted. Just a theory.
  20. Wasn't neglecting... Just giving my input on your Italy question. I like your ideas, I wasn't speaking against them. I personally love the idea of Notre Dame+gargoyles+maybe going underground AND finding plague doctors underneath the cathedral...and your idea of the supernatural element with people turning into gargoyles...very interesting
  21. It's bc Italy has very famous catacombs underneath Rome. I've been there. They're creepy as f***. Claustrophobic. And honestly when I went into catacombs at 20, it wasn't too different from the real thing...well except in the real thing you KNOW you're under the friekin ground...creepy.
  22. ah, welcome to the game THIS. This is an awesome explanation for the "game" aspect of this "war" idea.
  23. Chris, a warning.... Don't. Tease. Me. With. Harry. Potter. kthxbye OMG LOVING this! I think I posted somewhere like 29384757 pages ago (not an exaggeration at ALL) that it looked like there was a character with one of those catacomb mask/beak things in the background of the puppet picture that Universal posted on their fb page not so long ago. Interestinggggg.
  24. What if digging deeper means digging underneath the dirt? The core of the earth is fire and iron and heat....I feel the stretching happening in my brain again....
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