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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. I think they may have subtly hinted at this House last year: I recall that in the scarezone 'Dead Man's Wharf,' one of the bits of music played was the opening theme of 'The Shining.' I recognized that ominous yet amazing composition almost instantly.
  2. I can still remember my first HHN, all the way back in '07! It varies year to year how they handle announcements on what will be featured. In 2008 and 2009, for instance, we learned well in advance what Houses will be featured, through a combination of heavy- yet- awesome hints on the official website and unofficial leaked info on forums like this. For this year, we have two officially- confirmed Houses so far: American Horror Story The Shining As for not- yet- officially- confirmed- but- it's- pretty- much- guaranteed Houses, here are those: Saw Ash vs. the Evil Dead A House featuring a mashup of various films by Blumhouse A House that's a mashup/ combination of two popular Houses from earlier years: Catacombs and Gothic. A House involving scarecrows in the Dust Bowl A voodoo- themed House which will almost certainly be called 'Bayou of Blood.' A vampire- themed House. Plus, in terms of shows, they will be bringing back the popular 'Bill and Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure' show, and Academy of Villains will have a new live show.
  3. Sheesh, that can't have been pleasant to come across. Personally, while I drink occasionally (Almost never more than one alcoholic beverage an evening, if that, and only when I'm already turned in for the night and not about to go anywhere), I never drink at HHN, largely because I'm not much of a night owl and I have an hour's drive back to my apartment, so I don't need anything in my system that might possibly make me less awake or alert for my drive home. A dry event wouldn't bother me one bit.
  4. It was one of my favorite Houses that year (Though Silver Screams was the absolute best that year). It was scary, exciting, and inventive. That being said, it was one of the Houses in which, to get the most out of it, you'd need to get to certain rooms at certain times to see the awesome scenes unfolding: 1) Early on, we see Inspector Abberdine firing a rifle with a great loud gunshot. 2) Midway through, we come across a "Transformation" room. 3) In the final room, we pass by a rock outcropping, and at the right time, the Wolf Man leaps atop it and gives a breathtaking howl. As UsherBscary notes, it was a great House that got me super- hyped for a then- upcoming movie that ultimately turned out to be a disappointment for me, mainly due to poor writing. Now then, since I was away on vacation for the first couple weeks of June, a couple Blumhouse- related questions: 1) When was it first more or less confirmed that there would be a Blumhouse House? 2) What Blumhouse properties do you think we'll see in it? I'm thinking probably 'SInister,' since that was a decent movie with some good potential for a House, but wwhat do you all think?
  5. You mean Funko Pop figures? Yeah, I kept in mind that this is probably less than half what they'll have to offer. As a pin/ button collector, the one they showed on that site might be a good addition to my collection on my backpack, but I'll want to see a little more variety before making my choice on what to get.
  6. I personally am not terribly fond of indoor facades, unless they actually HAVE to do so due to height/ space requirements or something. The reason being that I like snapping a photo of House facades before I go in, and when it's indoors, they usually have security workers there who seem to have the specific job description of yelling at anyone who may have their phone out for that purpose. I mean, I can understand that if it's in the middle of the House and they don't want to spoil the surprises for prospective visitors, but a quick shot of the main entrance facade doesn't seem like it would hurt anyone.
  7. Any word yet on what rides will be open this year? I have a friend who's interested in going, and hopes the Rockit will be open for it.
  8. Three questions: 1) What time does HHN open each evening? 2) Can I get tickets for it at one of the official Universal ticket booths at the park? I need to buy two FFPs (One for me, and one a birthday present for a friend), and would rather not do it online if that can be helped. 3) Along the lines of question 2, are there ticket booths at City Walk? If Question 2's answer is yes, I'd rather go after 6:00, when as a Florida resident, I'll have free parking.
  9. Call me cheesy, but am I the only one who finds it kind of funny that 'Halloween: Hell Comes to Haddonfield' is designated as House "H"? It's alliteration run rampant!
  10. LOL, maybe get a group with a bunch of big guys who can surround you at all sides when you're going through the Zones?
  11. That would be a great idea. It would fit in with the theme, give Scareactors something to hide behind, and give us good areas for photo- ops.
  12. I just hope they have some good pins this year. A Chance pin would go very well with my Jack pin I got last year.
  13. I fully agree, the 2008 website was magnificent with probably the single best backstory I've seen for an Icon, I wish this year's website had done something half as cool as that. I was just meaning that the House itself had some bugs (i.e. the inflating walls would often malfunction). Back on topic, I wonder what it will be like, with the House separating Chance's "Real- life" experiences in the asylum with her imagination/ hallucinations? Should we just keep the 3D glasses on all through the House?
  14. 'Reflections of Fear' in 2008 was an Icon House as well, and that wasn't very well- liked. Though, part of that might have been its bad location (It was a House with a lot of special effects, and Houses that were located in the Jaws queue tended to have their effects malfunction quite often, as was the case in ROF). That being said, I like Chance, and the concept for the House sounds interesting. I look forward to entering it.
  15. This SZ looks like it'll be so much fun! Very cool theme, hopefully it'll include both greaser vampires and girl vampires in poodle skirts, and playing 50's music in this SZ!
  16. This is almost certainly my most anticipated House this year! I loved the movie, and its environments and characters, if done right, could make an incredible House! Someone on Youtube proposed an interesting idea on how the CGI gingerbread men could work in the House: Have a Scareactor pretend to be a man being attacked by the gingerbread men, with his costume appearing to show them all over him. I sincerely hope the teddy bear and the cherub doll are both included!
  17. Quick Question, for those who are in the know about this House: If I had a Frequent Fear Pass, would paying the $50.00 extra enable me to get into the Repository on multiple nights, or would it be $50.00 each night?
  18. Quick question: If I wanted to buy a Frequent Fear Pass, would I have to get it before HHN first opens on the 18th, or would they continue to be for sale after that date?
  19. Hi, long time, no post! Sorry! My first time was 2007. I remember I first went into 'Vampyr: Blood Bath,' while it was still sunny out. I didn't like that House very much, it was definitely my least favorite of the Houses that year. It wasn't very scary, and it was made even less so by the obnoxious younger guys who went in right behind me. Then, I hung out for a while, and went to where I heard the Opening show would be. Although I started to get impatient at how late it was to start, it ultimately proved to be very much worth it, as it was an awesome opening show that I'm glad I attended! Then, I hung around a little more, I think I went on a ride, before coming back to the same area to attend the Jack's Carnival of Carnage show. I loved it, it was gruesome and funny. After that, I went to 'The Thing' House. That was very scary and well- designed, and I liked that it showed what happened to the survivors of the first film, that was a nice touch. After that, I went home, and the rest was history.
  20. I remember. It was 2007, HHN's opening night for that year. It was also the first time I'd been to Universal in general in at least 15 years. First, I went through 'Vampyr: Bloodbath,' but that was not a good experience (Both because of how bad the House itself was, and because the guys behind me were complete idiots). Then, I went to the stage where I was told the opening scare-amonies would be. I waited there quite a while (It started 15 minutes later than it was supposed to, though at one point during the wait the people kind of threw us a bone by doing some cool things with the stage's spotlights), but it was worth it, because the opening show was so cool and funny! I also that night rode 'The Mummy' for the first time in my life, then saw the 'Jack's Carnival of Carnage' show, which was good gruesome fun. Finally, the last thing I did before leaving that night was going through the "Thing" House. That was a good House, kept me jumping. All in all, a great first night and great intro to HHN!
  21. If I go this year, this is the House I'll be looking forward to the most! For the Tell Tale Heart, maybe you enter hearing a VERY loud heartbeat, then the old man (Looking dead and rotted, of course) pops out from a spot in the floor like a jack- in- the- box. I'd agree with the other posters here that there would HAVE to be a Masque of the Red Death room, that story is practically tailor- made for a House like this!
  22. If I'm able to go, this is one of the Houses I'm looking forward to the most. I too hope it's the right mix of scary and funny. I wonder what the Easter and St. Patrick's Day rooms will be like?
  23. Two stick out in my mind: 1. At the very first House I visited, 2007's 'Vampyr: Bloodbath,' there were like 3 REALLY annoying teen boys behind me. They kept loudly (As in, in an exaggerated, fake way) yelling at everything, and the one who seemed to be kind of the leader of the group kept shouting to the others, "You guys are vaginas! You guys are vaginas (I hope saying that doesn't violate any site rules or anything)!" I wanted to smack that kid. 2. The next year, the final night, in 'Reflections of Fear,' the girl behind me kept shrilly screaming right in my ear at everything.
  24. As I recall, in 'Dead Silence: The Curse of Mary Shaw,' the first part where you're going through the cemetery was quite cold. For my ideas: 1. Possibly another 'The Thing' House. 2. I would gladly pay extra to see a 'Trick 'r Treat' House. The movie ruled, and several of the environments in it could fit perfectly into a House (Especially the abandoned quarry, and Mr. Kreeg's dark house). 3. Kind of going along with the general theme from 2008, a House centering around childhood fears, like the monster under the bed or the Boogeyman. 4. Making 'Saws 'n Steam' into a full House. 5. For kind of the scary/ funny House this year, I'm recalling a funny conversation I once had with someone while in line for one of the Houses in which the queue line went through Barney's Playland. Looking at how surprisingly spooky the Barney statue appears late at night, someone (Maybe me) had the idea for a House centered around a "Barney"- esque kids' show in which the already mentally unstable man who played the show's main character abruptly snaps and goes on a homicidal rampage throughout the studio.
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