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Everything posted by ThNdIzNiR

  1. Quote from Angel Heart = New Orleans and Voodoo (noted above by timbo8) The Inverted Pentagram could have ties to witchcraft. Sounds like American Horror Story season 3 to me.
  2. Are we getting the freak out maze in Hollywood? If so, that one is definitely Aliens vs. Predator. Beauty is only skin deep horror property that stars a former model... Karima Adebibe (model) Beauty is only skin deep refers to the BUSINESS of beauty products... AVP = Avon Products Inc. (ticker label) Beauty is only skin deep refers to THINGS that are beautiful on the outside but not on the inside... imdb trivia section points out that throughout the whole movie the words alien or predator are never spoken, aliens were called THINGS, creatures, serpents and the predator is referred to as hunters or humanoids. Also... I have a guess for the teen spirit maze too. (Hollywood only?) Theme of the maze connects to an actor who appeared in a Universal teen comedy... Fast Times at Ridgemont High - Sean Penn Part of the title for the maze is in part of the actor's credits... Dead Man Walking movie 1995 Murdy snuck in to see the movie... it came out in 1982, so I'd assume it is old enough. A movie title that has something to do with poker... Dead Man Walking - a dead man's hand Dead Man Walking or... The Walking Dead What do you think?
  3. I'll toss a few things that popped in my head for hint #9. At the beginning, I was thinking of the creature from Jeepers Creepers. Toward the end there was a mention of candy. At that point, I was thinking maybe the witch from Hansel and Gretel (witch hunter movie?). When I was trying to find the witch's name, I read that the 1st publication of Hansel and Gretel was recorded by the Brother's Grimm and published in 1812. So maybe Grimm??? I guess I'll listen to it a couple more times and see if I can read up some more information.
  4. I was pretty disappointed last year when I was sitting in that alley drinking a beer and wondering how they had nothing set up there (other than some sort of vehicle at the front of one of the entrances). In my opinion, that alley is one of the best spots in the whole park in relation to atmosphere. The scare zone from HHN 20 stills pops up in my head on occasion. I'm not so sure Japanese horror fits in there, but oh well, something is definitely better than nothing.
  5. I would probably go down to Orlando just to see a Doctor Who house, but after reading this on imdb under trivia I think it leaves little doubt what Cassi clue #5 is referring to... The Purge "There are six sirens when opening Purge at 7 pm March 21st and seven sirens when closing Purge at 7 am March 22nd. At the very beginning of the movie, when James Sandin arrives home, he says "Home again, home again, jiggety-jig". This is from the opening of an old nursery rhyme: To market, to market, to buy a fat pig/Home again, home again, jiggety-jig." I'm still hoping though.
  6. Just watched Dr. Jimmy clue #7 again... The whole song could easily be applied directly to Doctor Who. He says, "the snowflakes that fall have a meaning". In the show, I don't know how many times it ended up snowing ash from various ships that exploded over London. From 1:17 - 1:31 in the song he is literally describing a time lord. The song itself is more or less about a character longing to go home where those he loves are, but the home seems to always to be changing much like London is always changing in the show. Cassi clue #5 is a nursery rhyme that supposedly was referenced in Dr. Who in season 7 possibly episode 7 The Rings of Akhaten roughly 41 minutes into it (there is some confusion here on the episode #) released on April 6th. So we have a 6, 7, 7, and the episode involves the Dr. and Clara visiting a solar system with 7 revolving planets and at some point they are wandering around at a market and the locals are preparing for a Festival of Offerings. Would Doctor Who even be possible? I'm a pretty big fan of the show, but I'm not certain that it would be considered horror. There definitely are creatures that are frightening.
  7. Don't get me wrong, I see the Asian connections in the clues. Go! apparently originated in China, but was also huge in Japan. Geishas were Japanese. Then there is also the Japanese monster book to consider... But I'm drawing a blank as far as what japanese or japanese reboot ip would fit the succubus or fox spirit motif. I suppose this could be one of the original houses, which certainly would be cool. Guess we'll see as more clues come forth. On a side note... Cassi clue #2 "It is said luck favors the bold, but will your courage falter? Where pain flows like a river will you succumb to its water?" Maybe I just have vampires stuck in my brain, but when I read this clue I picture a guy trying to be bold by attempting to hook up with a chick (trying to get lucky). His courage begins to falter when she begins to feed on him. She drinks his blood (pain and blood flowing like a river). He may or may not die from this because he could be turned into a vampire. (succumbing to her blood/virus whatever you wish to call it) I know most of you are hoping for this clue to be Aliens. The evidence overall definitely points in that direction. Personally I hope you all are correct, but it would be quite an undertaking on their part to pull this off correctly.
  8. I agree that Cassi clue 8 and 7 are most likely 2 different houses or street. With that being said, clue 8 is a board game that involves entrapment. The writing implies someone is being lured in due to the creature's beauty. The main creatures that come to my mind when applying those variables are succubi or vampires. Assuming that the Dr. Jimmy 3 little maid clue is connected to this, which I have no clue if it is, then we have 3 female (or possibly male) geishas who are clearly hiding something and are alluring. We also know that geishas were top tier prostitutes. You mention the Japanese urban legends on Dr. Jimmy's tumblr, but I haven't seen those. I did see pics of HHN Singapore 2013 which had 3 evil sisters (the Evil Maiden of the Opera, the Crone of the Forest, and the Daughter of the Undead), but I don't think that has anything to do with any of this years stuff. However, if there were urban legends posted from earlier dates, I must have missed them. To sum all that up in a few words, we have 3 supernatural beings that have sex and entrap their victims through beauty and manipulation who may be responsible for the origin of a legend. Take a look at this... Twilight Denali Clan Origins from this website "http://twilightsaga.wikia.com/wiki/Denali_coven" , "The three sisters (Tanya, Kate, and Irina) then searched for pleasurable company of men to deal with their loss, and subsequently are the originators of the "succubus" legend; a demon in the form of a beautiful woman who has sexual intercourse with men before killing them." If you look past the idea that it is Twilight, does it not fit the theme we are looking for?
  9. Dr. Jimmy's performance #5 (Rainbow High) is from the musical Evita by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Webber is also known for his role in The Phantom of the Opera. Would the Phantom be considered horror? And I have another question... did Universal ever display Laura, Alana, and Laney's Frankenstein make-up from Face Off in Orlando or Hollywood? When I was there last year in Orlando I didn't see it anywhere.
  10. I don't know... You say Twilight isn't horror. When I see how popular the Twilight series was and how much $ was brought in, it is quite horrific to me. Twilight Cinematic Spectacular!?!?! Can someone repost a link to the clues that reference the source of why the demon must be Asian please? Thanks.
  11. As we all know, a female name for a demon is a succubus. Apparently the Denali coven from Twilight has ties to a succubus legend in their realm of fiction. I hope Dr. Jimmy's 3 little maids clue isn't referring to this. There were 3 sisters. If HHN goes the Twilight route, I may... I don't even know.
  12. The pic from The Who am I? pt. 2 looks like a circus clown. Jack the Clown's Carnival of Freaks? With Kim Gromoll (the creator of Jack) leaving after this year's event, I'd assume Jack has to make an appearance?
  13. Ok then. How about this... Late night info = Late night infomercial, Boom = Kaboom (which was a cleaning item and also an Atari game), Altar = Mass or Ceremony for someone who has passed on. Put that together and what do you get??? Billy Mays or Billy's Maze, Billy being the puppet from Saw.
  14. The first thing that popped in my head when I saw the twitter codename today was Tales from the Crypt. There is an altar in the opening scene of that show, and the Crypt Keeper would share his info (tales) relatively late at night when the show 1st aired. Just my thought...
  15. 1st post here. Greetings all. I just had to add something that I noticed in the trailer of the movie Sinister which was posted and commented on earlier. Anyone else notice that the symbol representing the creature in the movie is basically two 2's facing one another?
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