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Everything posted by Ridesandstuff

  1. ^ this seasons theme would've worked pretty well for the event. A traveling freak show in Jupiter Florida. Maybe Orlando could've been one of their stops. Too bad it's season 4 though since I doubt they'd wanna spoil it with a maze
  2. Pretty sure they just copied it. If they were doing REC I don't see the point of half assing the poster
  3. If they wouldn't do any season 3 scenes for the first WD maze, and wouldn't do season 4 scenes last year, why would they use AHS season 4 scenes if they don't wanna spoil anything? If ahs came wouldn't it likely just be Coven or the last 3 seasons combined?
  4. So if Bloody Mary is likely for next year in Orlando, would it be likely this year for hollywood?
  5. The VIP experience doesn't take away from the event. We're already low on maze venues, I doubt they'd make that number even smaller by doing an up charge maze.
  6. If he had to make a deal for it, then it's not an HHN mythology house.
  7. theres the librarian and the hellhounds too. Also theyve done mazes that involve the same characters though the maze before...Im sure they could make it work. Not something i honestly want though

  9. Just bought Alan Wake...pretty good so far

  10. everything smells like cinnamon now that Christmas is coming...and i like it

  11. Even though it didn't really happen, the voodoo ceremony would be good too.
  12. Bates Motel doesn't lend much for a maze...a scarezone maybe, but not a maze.
  13. saw that last week, very interesting. Seeing that toy makes me wish they had that same photo op near TSMM. P.S i think im gunna make that my avatar now lol
  14. He killed an early 2000's rapper? http://whomikejones.com
  15. It's in The Great Movie Ride and there's an alien costume periodically in the exhibit after the studio tour.
  16. Haven't found the article but I did find a different one http://jimhillmedia.com/editor_in_chief1/b/jim_hill/archive/2011/09/11/so-how-come-hong-kong-disneyland-can-have-a-frightening-halloween-event-but-the-anaheim-original-can-t.aspx?no_redirect=true#.UmRFEo29Kc0
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