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Posts posted by TheEyeOfHorus

  1. Does this symbol look familiar to anyone?


    I don't think it's a "solar cross" or even cross hairs like it's been suggested before. I think we're looking at a Pagan Celtic Cross. Which is always orientated by 90 degree increments.

    It should be noted too that the Pagan Celts did have a ritual, later adopted by Satanists, that involved sacrificial...burning.

    the solar cross IS the celtic cross...

    two words for the same thing, because the symbol is older than the celtic usage.

  2. Personally, I'm trying to only work with the evidence and information we're being given by Legendary Truth, not unsupported theories. And in the case file of the newest photos that have been released it says...

    That to me is pretty clear that when LT says "anomalies" that they are referring to the "Markings/patterns". Nothing about what has been written seems to imply that they want us to spot differences between these photos and the original, non-burned, images in the archives. So speculation about tattoos appearing, and extra blood is most likely a dead end. It's not hard to imagine them putting those changes in there for art direction purposes.

    The release pattern seems to be that they'll release the images on LT first, and then a week later have us analyze the changes on those same images when they're put up on the LT FB page. Those changes are the meaningful ones, like we saw in the release yesterday. So it looks like we'll be waiting for the new images to change in about a week.

    I think we need to focus on the anomalies and changes in the burned photos like IH has stated multiple times to investigators, or risk wasting time again.

    But that's just me.

    According to IH... its a good theory. So im going with that.

  3. No, the images are quite different nearly all of them are taken from a slightly different angle. In the first you can see the Caretaker's face far more clearly in the burnt picture, as his hair covers part of the original.You can also see more of the cloaked figure's face. The picture was taken closer and turned slightly more towards the Caretaker than the other.

    This is truly obvious in the Midway pictures. In the original the painting of the woman with the half-skull face is all but obscured by the figure in the bowler hat. But in the burnt picture you not only see her whole face, but most of her body too! The original was taken from a lower angle closer to the two front figures. In the second you can see the feet of the figures behind them and much more of the wall they are standing on.

    Now I do realize that the first and third pictures were actually from a video, but even still there are interesting differences. In the Festival picture these go beyond the skeleton being in a slightly different position. Look at the group of young men to the skeleton's right. The guy reaching out towards his friend has turned his head towards us in the burnt picture - and look at his head! Plus the window in the building over the skeleton's left shoulder is completely different.

    There are no differences I can make out between the two pictures in the Screamhouse, other than the burns and bleached effect - except that in the altered picture is cropped to show more along the top and on the right than the original.

    In the last two however, take a look at the guy's chest. He has an extra tattoo in the burnt picture!!! looks like a knife?

    ding ding ding.

    Its like a lot of people have never done the "whats wrong with this picture" puzzles

    the devil is always in the details

    I was waiting for someone to point out the tattoo...

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