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Posts posted by TheEyeOfHorus

  1. Just read through all the posts from the past ten days when I was off in the Worker's Paradise, oh wait wasn't that the other one?

    Anyway, after seeing the new picture of FEAR I gotta admit he is oddly hot. And since XX is his brand, maybe Dos Equis really should be the signature drink?

    The Most Interesting Sumerian Fear Demon in the World.

    To Badyesgoodmaybe - the whole severed finger thing is the motif for Howl-O-Screem this year NOT HHN. Whereas I would never suggest to a person with a mental/personality/social disorder that they should mutilate themselves it is obvious that for this years theme cutting off a finger would be inappropriate. Branding yourself with XX would fit the theme.

    BOB is somebody's uncle? Aunt maybe, but Uncle?

    Have i told you I love you today kind sir.

  2. I'm just hoping to meet the icons. That's all.

    P.S: I have made a sin against GOD involving my middle finger (long story), and now a voice in my head is telling me to use a kitchen knife to cut it off for my two trips to HHN to run smoothly. What should I do, folks? (My mind says DO IT.)

    I bet the caretaker would appreciate a gift.

  3. from my understanding, and I may be wrong about this... but RTU is like NOJ in the fact that while its held at universal, ticketed by them, and staffed by them it is actually in reality a private event where the organizers have worked out a deal with the park to hold it there etc, and in return universal gets a percentage and a handy tax break for a charitable contribution. Its the organizers who handle what dates the event is held and keep it during those days.

    and in that case.... they should be aware its during this time that universal prepares for HHN, and should take responsibility for the knowledge that props maybe out at that time. And, if they find those things offensive, they should find a new time of year to hold the event.

    of course that would involve people taking personal responsibility AND not expecting others to cater to their beliefs like they are the only ones in the world.

  4. Exactly. Please remember to a) think first, B) think some more, c) consult friends with common sense and then d) don't act. To consider doing something to an actor is ludicrous.

    Yes, though im not sure about the consulting friends part... stupid people in groups are even MORE dangerous. Though you did say common sense, but still... thats a crapshoot.

    I've read the post from last night on facebook and been reading this thread but I gotta say this........please dont tell me that guy who saying LT is a bunch of Ametures either A.) believe that Legendary Truth is an actual Paranormal Investigation Agency or B.) believe that he's actualy a Ghostbuster and that he fought a Voodoo preist because he may need mental help

    I think i said it best before....

    nothing surprises me anymore...

  5. you seem to have taken my question quite literally, I'm actually not extremely involved with this game, more of an onlooker, I meant more along the lines of an "online" thing, whether that be having Mr. Fell speak to us or send messages to people regarding the "disloyalty" to the organization. I in know way meant this as a serious thing, I'm sorry If you misunderstood :)

    no problem, and I understand what you mean. And it wasnt directed only at you... It has been a growing trend on here and FB and I figured it needed to be addressed. And as good intentioned as the post you made was, I can also see your post as possibly fanning those flames in the fans who are getting too involved.

    As ive said several times, Its getting to the point where I actually am starting to not want to participate this year.

  6. Does anyone think the senior staff members will do anything to "handle" those of the collective who seem to have turned away from being loyal to them, and now feel they are the problem (as most of us have become suspicious)? Just curious :)

    Also... that really wouldnt work or make sense... what would they do to them? especially in todays litigious society... Remember folks... THIS IS JUST A GAME. IT IS NOT REAL LIFE.

    This is something I sadly feel like I need to say, as many people have gotten a little TOO into this game this year and lines are being blurred.


    people were asking in the chat last night if they should attempt to subdue or restrain Fear or his allies at the event, which common sense would say NO, you dont touch any performer or guest... however common sense is not that common it seems.

    People are getting very personal in disagreements and taking things wayyyy too far.

    and It seems some people are behaving like this is actually REAL. What do you possibly think the "Senior Staff" are going to do to park guests?

    They are all ACTORS and we are all playing a GAME.

    Its a shame that this needs to be said, but unfortunately the way some people are taking this i'm afraid people will do real world things that have real world consequences and ruin the fun for everyone.

    Dont touch, threaten or in any other way assault or attempt to bring harm to anyone else involved in this event... or anyone in general.

    thank you.

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