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Posts posted by TheEyeOfHorus

  1. I just talked to a few more applicants from yesterday and they said the Uni Team said that 60% of those who auditioned last week were cast. If there were 480 at that audition that would make the number cast roughly 288. We've also heard they are trying to cast around 1000+ scareactors/stilt walkers.

    you misunderstood... they said they were 60% cast... not meaning they cast 60% of the people who showed up at reunions...

    they cast closer to 90% of them... so at least 400+ already cast.

    what they meant was that they have completed 60% of casting. meaning they only need to cast 40% more...

  2. Do they drug test the potential "Scareactors" ?

    My cousin legally, and medicinally uses Marijuana, and wants to audition tomorrow.

    She needs to know if he needs to get the documents and paperwork which will exempt her from that portion of the drug test..

    Only reason I ask is it's a long and annoying process to get those papers filed, and if she can avoid it she'd like to.

    if they did, they would have very few scareactors

  3. mmmm, lol I don't know :)

    the problem is that there are no movie related houses, because there are horror movies with this type of environment, Maybe the professors turn against the students lol

    LOL, still cant believe most of you are swallowing shadowlurkers drivel..... even after casting has proven much of it false.

  4. Here is some casting speculation for you that has been floating around.

    Tent - Child's Plaything

    Tent - Soldier

    SS22 - Inmate

    House location speculation has the following locations.

    SAW - JAWS Queue

    Chucky - Sprung Tent

    The Wolfman - Sound Stage

    Icon House/Silver Screams? - Disaster Queue?

    Feel free to add, and speculate.

    parade building seems to be icon/silver screams

  5. Today while standing around in the excruciating heat,.. i started thinking, and i know we kinda got it last year, but i would still love to see a shaun of the dead appearance in a house or street or something...

    more a statement than pure speculation... but an idea none the less.

  6. since the images were a marketing guide then yes, fango is quite easily just on there to stress the use of fangoria as an important marketing outlet. They will be pushing the event with fango to help try to drive up out of state visitor numbers.

    They will also be pushing that Rockit will be new and open too as another draw...

    its not like rockit will be a house, its on the list because its strategic marketing

  7. Yeah, I agree. The Director hasn't gotten enough love, and he has a large fan following.

    I posted this on the vault, but I'm going to post it here too.

    Honestly, I'm totally okay with them doing the event this way... It brings people in, which means a bigger budget for next year! I'd rather have them use a safety net when the economy is bad than lose HHN totally to bankruptcy

    I can agree in a way... but still kinda underwhelmed with the concept.

  8. From the first time ive seen em i have real trouble believing it as the real icon/theme... it seems way too much a red herring for several reasons. The first one being that it truly seems... underwhelming, not the quality we have come to expect from A&D. now i do know that there has been a major disagreement on this year,and if this is happening i wonder if it is a result of the aftermath of that.

    I do know what i was told before, and how the usher does not jive with it. But i was told that, before i was told in march that "nothing was really finalised", and then informed of the disagreement.

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