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Everything posted by xmclovinx06

  1. the thing that i love most about this forum lol.... not getting your head chewed off all the time lol. But anyways i would love to see the director make a come back because when i first went to HHN it was in 06 so i got to go in All Nite DrIvE In Take 2 and i loved the feeling of being in the movies and the whole director concept and i agree with the follower i think if the usher is used, it will a marketing tool. But if the usher does make a appearance then i think it would be the usher ushering you into the decrepid theatre with the now playing posters where you are taken into the theatre and into the film room to meet the Director then through spliced together scenes from movies and the final scene could be the actual theatre with like bodies littered in the chairs with a film of the director playing on the screen and the usher blinding you with his flashlight. I'm thinking a cool strobe effect with the silver screen projection. Well thats my idea lol.
  2. as Quiksilver stated, im thinking that the ticket office will come clickable when it opens and it will be like HHN 18 and agana's notebook where we will learn a backstory.
  3. lol i was just joking it would be like impossible to have a sequel house for dead silence
  4. hah hah gepetto could always point to dead silence since mary shaw was in charge of the puppets lol. but anyways i think from the arch that it looks imo to be for like a vampire house. but i keep thinking that when the word "classic" was mentioned that it has to do with classic houses of HHN past. Like let's say castle vampyr for instance. idk just a thought
  5. hah hah the whole cirque de freak seems quite interesting.
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