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Everything posted by timbo8

  1. the meaning of the two brothers is america and civil war or north and south two brothers= north and south same cloth =america diametrically opposed= civil war or it could be this two brothers= alien and predator same cloth= other space diametriaclly oposed= the war they fought in the movies
  2. doesn't most scenes in purge 2 happened in the streets
  3. maybe but we need more clues to decide i think dead space right now
  4. Lol I keep that in my thank you I think purge but It could be both purge as scarezone alien as a house
  5. why alien just curious? an clue 4 i almost think japanease urban legends geisha house
  6. wow i never though of that the face paint email you got form cc and the mention on put on a face in the song and more importanly jack has been hhn number one icon
  7. yeah the first movie did too place in the house but hhn hollywood made into a scarezone instead of a house last year
  8. just the purge becuase it only makes sense for street and not a house
  9. i think they have to explain why jack is back they cant just say jack back when fear was conntected to jack since hhn 20
  10. http://blog.universalorlando.com/inside-uor/halloween-horror-nights-24-update-trenches/ did you guys see this yet and is it bit ironic jack name was in the post hmmm?
  11. One questiion how would they explain jack return since fear took all the icon with him unless fear let them go to start the new cycle
  12. yeah it purge he said at the begging when he arives home
  13. okay let count the houses that may be there so far 1. halloween 2.AHS 3.purge 4. Japanase house??? 5. twd 6.maybe alien 7 dont know yet 8. dont know yet
  14. this got to e the bogey man becaise the song came from the musical evita which is spanish and el cucay is spainsh name
  15. i know it a good guess but what if it japan version on nightingale but with kitsunes as geisha woman type nightingale
  16. um i dont think clue 4 would be nighingale becuase even though it baed on british staire the whole soap took plane in japan
  17. dr jimmy you got me on this one unless in not for what i think and the only i can think about are kitsune horror house to act like different kind of nightnegale house
  18. the song was in simpsons a street car named marge but i don't think simspons would be there so i my guess american horror story why that you put so much emphiese on new orlens now where was american horror story filmed last year in new orlens
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