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Everything posted by timbo8

  1. umm they weren't charlie splitfoot and never trust wikipedia
  2. oh my gog lt lt spritseekers or ghostbusters trap/contanment unit my guess ghostbusters who you going to call? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RonVkZ1lXA
  3. so this house is our fox sisters house and does dr jimmy 4th clue three little maids our connected somehow
  4. so what do you think it is jdw so then is our walking dead house then boooo
  5. it also connects to dr crptic performance number 4 the three little maids is japanese but foxes are known well in japan and the sisters last name is fox which i he put picture of the japanese picture of monster to point us to someting
  6. mytiquepheeq this has something to with geisha clue and three little maids clue from dr jimmy i think a kitsune or a fox sisters house what you think guys?
  7. oh well that suck then if if that that mean the new orlens clue is not american horror story but maybe a voodoo house or something but what abput the red herin then unless the red herin is the other pictures underneath the red herin which i think could be the birds which people tohugh are nigtingales
  8. spamalot lol yeah i trpe it wrong sorry here the clip shandrick what do you think is his clue number four?
  9. oh yeah becuase tim curry was in the broadway play camelot which had always look on the bright side of life
  10. you could be right who saids dr jimmy clues are random and not in order he might did that on purpose to trick us
  11. Wow never thought of that but wouldn't have to performs everyday then if it a show unless they ask each top constant form each season to help in the runaway like winners and runner ups and so on or it could be a scarezone where he have each winner and runners up designs from each episode scare us
  12. dr jimmy in the lyrics he said grimm and death who grim alot the the grinch isnt there rumor about the grinch actor playing jack the clown
  13. there also a charlie in the the movie or charles which conncets to dr jimmy charlie pictures on tumblur so we could be having a circs themed this year but a more evil one this time cool
  14. i dont think we talking the clues now on twitter sirowendisney and other hhhn people
  15. these clue have to do troy and greece hum here the kicker lokians aren;t real there science fiction here the souce where it came from http://www.swordforum.com/forums/showthread.php?5213-Greek-archers-at-Troy but the costeltaion is Sagittarius i sense greek mythlogy house
  16. could we get thriller performace this year since micheal jackson was in the movie adaption of the wiz or it ocul be halloween with micheal alwys wanted to come home
  17. this could be doom as well and be the videogame ip this year
  18. jdw yet it would be but maybe theother clue was for the house this a scarezone if you saw sirowndisney video yesterday he mention that would could get avp scarezone as well and this clue almost sound like avp to
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