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Posts posted by UOHHNFAN87

  1. I like hearing the words "classic B&T"...because the past few years have been for lack of a better word, sucktastic.

    The last really good year, IMHO was 2006...since then, it's just not been the same. Here's hoping that this year will reflect back on that true classic B&T style especially since it's an anniversary year!

    Well in terms of classic, I'm referring to the stage set pieces and films themselves...and I agree, 2006 was amazing. I also loved 08 and 09. 07 and 10 I could live without.

  2. Winter's Night = cold...very cold...Cast's ages range from 20's-60's yrs. old.

    Saws and Steam LOUD, hot, and effects heavy.

    HR. Blood and Guts = There is a queue video. Some of the wardrobe for this house is downright disturbing/twisted childhood like images *think Easter bunny from BnT's Bogus Journey*

  3. I'll remeber this! I absolutely LOVE Katy Perry!!! Do you guys think we'll have the old "We will rock you " song like in previous years?? Or do you guys think we'll get the "remix" version of "we will rock you" (the one they used last year) ??? I hope they stivk to the original one!

    In reference to what you said about "We Will Rock You", what I have heard with my ears might not be what's final but what I have heard, it's the original.

    The finale is a good fair mix. I think some of you will be surprised at the spanning of styles, songs, genres, etc. Some oldies and some of today. Anything else having to do with the show I cannot say, things change allll the time.

  4. Ugh, I hate that song! I used to like it but I've heard it soo many times (radio and I've had to dance/performe to it alot) that I can't stand it, lol. But they'll probably use it for the end...like the last song! I could see them using E.T. - Katy Perry for the opening dance, idk!

    I promise you will hear Katy Perry's ET at some point...promise.

  5. At auditions I had seen a pretty good Nicki Minaj with a HUGE fake ass lol, and a Macho Man Randy Savage. Those 2 stick out in my mind.

    I DO NOT see a Michelle Bachman to whomever said that. That's just not happening...In election years the most political figures we get are the two Pres. Candidates for the exception of Hillary and Palin in 08'.

    Hangover wise, the most we got in 09' was just a reference. Wasn't that good a movie anyway, I don't think it had a huge pop-culture impact.

    Sheen yes I'm sure we'll see him in some capacity, they would be dumb not to take some advantage of that.

    I also have strong reason to believe we'll be seeing Katy Perry again in some capacity...

    In regards to Thor whom I'd love to see, idk how they'd get around that with the whole Disney ownership of Marvel now. I know Cap would be ok because we had those rights before the legal time frame that exists with those properties (anything before 1998 or 1999? I think...) we can use. If anyone has any more details on that feel free to share.

    Rebecca Black quite possible for sure...although maybe because of all the hate she received they'll have some psudoname for her like..."Becky White" or some shit, lol...that's just a random idea of mine, no fact.

    In reference to Beyonce being "prego", I heard Jimmy Fallon do a great joke on that a few nights ago, "Jay-Z and Beyonce just announced the release of their new mixtape *show prego pic*. I got a good laugh.

    That's all I got for now...

  6. I was formerly a different user on here and haven't posted in some time. I just wanted to share some of the actors that we will be seeing this year in the show. I will not give names of the actors, but if you've seen the shows in recent years past you'll know who they are.

    Our time traveling dudes from last year will be returning, Ted has been doing it since 08'.

    "John McCain" will be returning, he also does the Grinch during Grinchmas.

    I won't use his name as I said but a regular to the BnT family. He's a swing for almost everyone. last year you may have seen him fill in for Tom Cruise, the Smoke Monster from Lost, Jacob and even Bill. His resume is too long to remember.

    At the moment that's all I can think off...I'm blanking. But Those alone will mean great things hopefully for the show. These are all seasoned BnT veterans and actors lol. Should be some great chemistry.

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