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Everything posted by marchofprogress

  1. Hello! I have posted my pix from my trip on 10.10.2013... They're all in this album: http://s839.photobucket.com/user/Antonio_K_DeLellis/library/Facebook/2013%201010%20HalloweenHorrorNights That includes everything except the ones that were pictures of ... my thumb. A few of them are blurry but I LIKE EM SO THERE. Here are my ten favorite: http://s839.photobucket.com/user/Antonio_K_DeLellis/library/2013%201010%20HHN%20Top%2010 Caveat: I used the camera on my phone...... I have pix from my last visit on a camera somewhere in the vortex that is my girlfriend. EDIT: AND THE LABYRINTH REVEALS - my photos from 9/29. I guess I only took 14 of them. I'm not gonna top 10 that:P http://s839.photobucket.com/user/Antonio_K_DeLellis/library/Facebook/HHN%202013%2009%2029
  2. Well now that it's been revealed I can pose my burning question ... For those of us who know nothing at all about Resident Evil, where should we start for trying to find some stuff out so we're not completely clueless in this house?
  3. Is anybody else miffed that today is the 23rd and the site isn't in Full Reveal status? 23!
  4. ............. Can I pay extra to have something cut off by Michonne, d'y'all think? Alternately...... Can we get a Breaking Bad house? All you'd need is Skylar White with her monstrous jowls ....... And they can have a whole room for Marie that is just like PURPLE IN YOUR FACE........ And, uh, I don't know what else they could have..................... What about like... A magnet?
  5. Wow that's incredible . . . . so I could push one of those gargoyles over pretty easily, with my hand?
  6. Well that's basically the coolest thing ever. How heavy is it? Those gargoyles are very effective - to me they look like genuine gargoyles (i.e., super heavy) but I just can't believe that to be the case. That's the reason I asked in the first place.
  7. Why's everyone hate Zombies so much? Is it because the zed-word is ridiculous?
  8. I enjoyed your pictures. Thank you for those What do they build those gargoyles out of anyway?
  9. Is that Ah-nold on the screen? What's he doing there?
  10. ^ "What do you mean I can't bring it in? What's the problem?"
  11. HOLY BUTT - THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!! This video made me even more excited about this year's event; thank you
  12. March's Strategy For Memory Game: Memory games are difficult for me if I try to remember the actual pictures on the cards - a short chant/mantra is easier to remember. So, I use numbers. I assign numerical values to each of the six tiles, some of which are on the tile and some of which are arbitrary: 1: Tile with Eye and one tally mark (I) 2: Tile with two birds 3: Tile that has the triangle (three sides) and three tally marks 4: Tile with four characters with the mask on the upper left and a closed rectangle (pretty arbitrary since other tiles have four things and another tile has a rectangle but it works for me since the other rectangle is open) 5: Tile with open rectangle (technically has five segments, right?) 6: Tile with the giant vase, spear, and sitting humanoid (last number remaining, and the spear has six segments..) Start clicking in upper left and go across the first row then go back to the left side and start clicking on the second row - remember the corresponding numbers (e.g. chant in your head "251623"). Remember the numbers in order, even when you've matched them out (so keep remembering all six numbers in my example even though you should've 'cancelled out' the two 2s). That'll help you keep the rhythm. Most of the time you shouldn't have to remember more than the first six, but even when you do it's easy to match them up. There's only twelve tiles, so you can do the math to figure out why that is. I'm consistently able to get 55+ points using this method. And as you get used to it it goes really fast. I've never lost using this method. March's Strategy For Cage Game: Click randomly and get frustrated until you go back to Memory Game, then play Memory Game. March's Strategy For Coffin Game: See "March's Strategy For Cage Game" above =P Hopefully the other games won't just be chance/luck. I know there are algorithms for the other games but I don't think you should have to look at the code of the games to determine what are essentially brute-force algorithms, e.g. "guess 4th key 5th key 3rd key for the cage game on the first cage and you'll usually get it because of the algorithm in the code."
  13. A little graphical wizardry reveals: it says "mj0INg+Lk" ... The 0 is a zero (there's a line through it)" but what I think is a + may be a t. Now all we need to know is whether Tesla ever posed topless! It wouldn't surprise me, given that he invented science. ALL science.
  14. I've been following all this and not saying anything or participating in my own Google-fu, but now I can't help myself from saying that it would be AWESOME if the ifrit turned out to be a complete hoax. I love puzzles but nonsense puzzles are even more awesome. That said, even if the clues are legitimate it is easy to go overboard and read WAY too far into it. Obviously this is the spec thread so that's allowed, and may even be necessary, but I think it's going to be something far more basic than advanced number theory that cracks this last clue. So we need to notice the very simple basic things. All those numbers are 2 sets of 2 digits that begin with 2 and are even numbers. This year is #22. Lots of 2s. Duality as a theme could be spot on. Also the way they are broken up into three sets makes me think of street addresses on neighboring streets. The 2600 block and 2700 block. The 5 is crossed out for some reason. Maybe this is information mapping out the event. I'm a crazy HHN Fanatic but someone way more familiar with the park than me is going to have to speculate on that. Maybe whatever the 2500 block is, it isn't being used? Maybe that's got something to do with a mobile horde? I don't know. But I don't think it's a cryptographic cipher for letters or words. Those kinds of messages don't look like that. Especially when you factor in the psychology of the creator of the image: the whole point of giving a clue is that the clue can be solved, and if this is a letter cipher it would take far too much effort to find a solution without much more data. It's too even. For what it's worth I also think these numbers aren't just made up. That is, whatever they are, they come from a source. Lists of numbers people make up look different. I'd get into geek math but I don't wanna. Edit: scratch that. Could be letters.
  15. Wait a minute here . . . . Are we now saying that there are going to be 8 distinct groups of roaming scareactors, and no actual Zones? Won't that just be a chaotic mess? And a logistical nightmare? There are parts of the park that are hard to walk through in a group of five people when the event really gets going. There are also parts of the park that are far less traveled because nothing's ever there during the event, like roads that connect/bisect parts of the park (e.g., the one road that was all dark last year but just had the '21' logo in a few places on the pavement). I think for a wandering group of scareactors to work at all it's gotta be a pretty big group of a dozen or so scareactors ... if there are 8 of those ... I don't know; I just don't see that as a logistical possibility without becoming an outright annoyance. And if they aren't wandering in groups, that's just silly. Have like one lone zombie lumbering about in the park randomly? Don't think so. As far as speculation on how construction and parades and other stuff may automatically prevent Uni from building scarezones... Scarezones dont need to be complicated. I can think of plenty of scarezones that basically involved scareactors just standing in the same area, maybe with some lighting effects (which probably would've been present anyway) and a prop or two. I can think of just as many that could be set up in fifteen minutes. In fact, these two types of scarezones actually outnumber their counterpoint in my memory. That is, scarezones with hugely complicated sets that really need to be permanent fixtures in the park are widely outnumbered by those that are really just smoke and mirrors with a few set pieces. So even though we've been essentially told there won't be Zones by insiders . . . . . . I don't believe it. Having several groups of themed hordes aimlessly roaming the park all night just doesn't make sense. I like the idea someone had of having specific zones that rotated what kind of scareactors were in them. Either way though how the hell are they going to make the Event Guide? It'll just look silly with the houses on the map then, what, a list on the side "Also beware of roaming werewolves, ghosts, etc" ? I'm always doing that wherever I am anyway! Also, just to throw this out in the mix, check out the HHN Hollywood site. They've got Silent Hill, the Walking Dead and Alice Cooper. They've also got the La Llorona maze, which they had before, I think two years ago (?). Maybe we'll get La Lloronoa in Orlando? Since it sounds like the same people are now in charge of Hollywood and Orlando, it makes sense, right? I think this year is going to be WAY more reliant on the scarezones (or whatever they do instead) than past years because really quite a bit HAS been revealed. Four houses have been revealed, and they were revealed a long time ago. The stuff that's going to get the GP to attend the event has already been announced. They don't need an icon. They don't even need any more good houses. The event will be a success. Me, I fall into the minority of Humans, even though we are the entirety of the people reading and writing here now. I relish the drawn out revelation and I love the creative themes of the events. Hell, I even loved the Lady Luck/Choice-related backstories for each of the houses last year that were definitely applied after the fact just to tie them together. My favorite year is still Reflections of Fear because of how well it was themed and how cohesive it was. But that's because I'm one of the people who start obsessively reloading the HHN website starting way back in July. Most people aren't thinking about Halloween in July - that's madness. It's a madness we all share but still. That said, it's not too late for them to apply a unifying theme to the event by using some kind of creative scarezone replacement. Considering the list of 8 clues, they cover just about the whole of horror if you think about it. Who knows what Uni will do with that in the end? Nothing's been officially announced. I'm hoping that - since they already have the GP hooked with the stuff they've announced - the scarezone/scarezone-replacement idea will be fan service for people like us. The lunatics who are WAY into the event. It's too bad we're not gonna have a good number for a few years.... event number 21 will of course lend itself to something chance/gambling related because of the number 21 alone... But 22, 23, and 24 don't have the same kind of meaning. Uni gets to be inventive.
  16. That sort of gets at what I was saying about it being established tradition... To many, I suppose, that's the stable - that's their go to the mall and sit on sana. NO santa = kids like "WTF!" and rioting, throwing pies. ITD BE CHAOS! ... And you know Fearman, you insightful bastard.... you made me remember I didn't miss them opening day....
  17. I actually heard that Uni's a pretty cool place during the day. How do things change so fast into where we're being chased by .. pigs and stuff..?
  18. Obviously this is all speculation. But I still think the examples you provided arent outside the theory. In all cases, it's to alert others, I think. I've probably been to HHN50 times and never seen a man scream. What'd you scream at?
  19. Ripped away soldier actually happened?! That was the scene that I thought was a nightmare! Shudder....
  20. I do have to say, those 'scatter like roaches' scares where they scatter into other people holding chainsaws are definitely good for a ton of laughs and definitely *not* lazy... so... Okay. Point. That's got to take a lot of practice - or at least a lot of working together. Are the chainsaw team folks usually the same people? Like are these guys you've worked with for years? Did you read the post? You say I made some valid points so ... I kinda think you did. All due respect, but "tldr"-ing somebody, then reading what they wrote, enjoying it, then telling them it was tldr and that you enjoyed it... Is kind of bittersweet. And if you *didn't* read it.... Again, all due respect, but it's just rude to tldr someone and comment on their post without reading it. Or to say something about my word minimum in the first place. ........Especially if you're a moderator. Come on. You should be *encouraging* people like me who have a passion for this stuff and try to strike up conversations about unconventional topics, or try to teach people something they might not know. I bet at least one person learned how to tell the difference between startle and fear by reading what I wrote. Maybe I even taught you something. Thanks for reading anyway... Some other people enjoyed what I wrote and that's good enough for me. That's a treasure-trove of research that took me years to amass, actually, and I was freely spreading it for anybody who wished to read something that I found interesting enough to A- wonder about, B- research thoroughly from many angles and C- write about for others. If you don't find it interesting, that's fine. I just figured that of all the people who would find it interesting, this is the Target Audience and this post happens to touch on it directly. I wish I would've seen something like that years ago before I started researching this stuff on my own - woulda saved the trouble! As far as my verbosity .... Well, Fearman, I defy you to explain everything I explained there in 20 words or less. Basically, I get positive responses from people who take the time to read what I take the time to write, so I'm going to keep taking the time to write it. If you're officially admonishing me for saying too much as an admin..... .Put it in my permanent record. Or just actually "tldr" it and skip over it. . . . To paraphrase Rocky Horror, if you think it's too many Words, "I ... DIDN'T... WRITE IT... FOR YOU!!" So.... No need to insult. Re: My analogy - of *course* that would never happen. It's absurd. Just illustrative of the difference between startle and fear in a practical (...sorta) example. Re: the part about chainsaws being required .. So are you saying that the chainsaws aren't necessarily there for the scares at all? Just sort of tradition? Because I do have to say if there were *no* chainsaws I would've felt something was missing. I just thought it was a little overdone this year. Especially since as the event went on they just added more and more. I half expected to have chainsaws in the bathrooms by Halloween ..... And I readily admit that my perspective on the chainsawmen is tainted forever by the guy who wouldn't go away when we lost our friend. So that's all I have to say about that. I hope it wasn't too long
  21. Posted all my pics! SO THERE! Though there's no topic for it here yet. Hm. For all of them: http://photobucket.com/MarchOfProgressHHN For IIX: http://s1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa371/MarchOfProgress13/Halloween%20Horror%20Nights/Halloween%20Horror%20Nights%202008/ That includes my Joker makeup too, which I wore to work on Halloween .... At a law firm.
  22. Posted all my pics! SO THERE! For all of them: http://photobucket.com/MarchOfProgressHHN For XIX I only have Behind the Screams ... http://s1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa371/MarchOfProgress13/Halloween%20Horror%20Nights/Halloween%20Horror%20Nights%202009%20Behind%20the%20Screams/
  23. Posted all my pics! SO THERE! For all of them: http://photobucket.com/MarchOfProgressHHN For XX: http://s1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa371/MarchOfProgress13/Halloween%20Horror%20Nights/HHN%20XX%20-%202010%20-%20Twenty%20Years%20of%20Fear/ I actually have a whole album for Extreme Houses from that year:) http://s1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa371/MarchOfProgress13/Halloween%20Horror%20Nights/HHN%20XX%20-%202010%20-%20Twenty%20Years%20of%20Fear/HHN%20XX%20-%20Extreme%20Houses/ POST POST EDIT : My videos are up now too! http://www.youtube.com/user/PinkFuzziman Much harder to caption the vids form last year though . . . .
  24. Alright, that does it. I just posted all my pictures all of em! I took out most o the ones that are just my finger but like I've said before, I love all my HHN shots cus they all capture the mood... AND THIS YEAR I FINALLY GOT A GOOD SHOT OF THE F'KING FLAME !! For all the albums, here : http://photobucket.com/MarchOfProgressHHN For XXI: http://s1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa371/MarchOfProgress13/Halloween%20Horror%20Nights/Halloween%20Horror%20Nights%20XXI%20-%202011/ POST POST EDIT : My videos are up now too! http://www.youtube.com/user/PinkFuzziman
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