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Everything posted by marchofprogress

  1. I'm still sad that no Bloody Mary : (
  2. Not going to waste my time teaching music history here since it's o/t anyway. If you are confused about whether Kurt Cobain would be okay with this, I invite you to read his Journals (available on Amazon!) or .... Well, just about anything he's ever said/written or sang. As far as taking a song and re-purposing it with a different tone ... That's irrelevant - it's the content of the song and the context around it that makes turning into a dance-pop number uncool. All the dubstep versions of Fur Elise aren't offending anybody (besides people with ears) because Beethoven wasn't like "One of the main things that defines me is my extreme hatred for dubstep. In fact, it killed me." Re: saying it was 20 years ago and get over it, if I got on stage and did an awful painting of the Mona Lisa in my own feces, would you still be cool with that? Time is irrelevant. We're talking about art. And there was no hint of irony to this performance. That's all I'm going to say about that on this board. Message me if you want to keep talking about it. I can definitely prove to you that Kurt was anti-commercial if you want quotes - his Journals are on a bookshelf in my bedroom and his lyrics are pretty much all in my head. It's just o/t here at this point. If all else fails just take it as one guy's opinion shared on the place where opinions are shared. So, what I actually wanted to say ... Was that I saw it on the last night two different years. Both times it was the same : the front half-or-so was cordoned off for VIPs and there was ... Applause at the end. I will say, though, that I haven't ever seen the LAST LAST LAST LAST show of any event (as in, the last one of the night), so YMMV.
  3. I am totally in agreement with you. In case it wasn't clear in what I said above, I don't dislike this house because I dislike the show - I dislike it because it's the same house every year with the same props, etc. However, according to the tour guide, this is also by far the house that brings the most traffic from tourists. I don't know how he could know that, and I don't know if it's really true, but TWD sure is prominent in the marketing. Also, when you said M&M houses, I immediately thought of little shelled candies with gigantic teeth and it made me laugh out loud in my living room by myself in the dark like an idiot (I'm so used to just calling the house 25). So thanks for that, and I think we should start a petition for a house "M&Ms: Melt in your Soul" for HHN 26. You with me? That's the best I could come up with off the cuff. I almost want to start like a whole separate thread for "What should we call the M&Ms house" but this ... has probably already had more than it's fair share of Space.
  4. I have no idea how my question went beyond this answer and got into some nonsense about how the creative team has too much creative control... Thank you for answering - my guy didn't know
  5. 1- 2- That's what I figured but the tour guide said "let them in" ... I guess maybe they looked like Gentlemen? BadumTSH 3- "Guy chases a whale" is a simple story too. It still simplifies to the point of leaving out important parts. Mainly, why is it snowing, what are the collectors doing in there, etc. It's all tied together with that famous blizzard, too. I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING
  6. Thanks for the answer but that question was a joke I feel like it's been already answered ad nauseum before .. My real question was about the Jack Teeth thing. This (the mirror) is still one of the best effects I've ever seen. Maybe THE best.
  7. That sentence is completely false. All you said is you disagree, so you are incorrect - that is the bare minimum of disagreement, so literally any more explanation would be disagreeing with me more. Please explain further. I'm interested to know why people hate on this house so much.
  8. Thanks you saved me some cash and disappointment ... I'll just remember it in my head that they had awesome decks that were really cool and eventually that'll be true and I'll regret not buying them. .... Wait, is regret better than disappointment? ... There are no winners here. Luck ran out.
  9. They're not even dated... They're just ......... Lewinsky jokes. They're airplane food jokes. They're .... They're hack jokes. I can understand them on a late night talk show, but they have a year to write this. Maybe it's in my head, but it seems like the show wasn't always 100% "Topical" (if "Der Kanye is full of himself" or "LOL Justin Bieber is feminine" is topical...). Musical and dance ... I can't praise it, because I wouldn't participate in that show in any capacity if I knew about the Teen Spirit thing. If I knew that was going to happen, I wouldn't have even gone in. I would've let my friends go and sat outside listening to the real song lol ... It wasn't a club beat, I guess, but go listen to the song and compare it to The Nonexistent Recordings That Are Not Out There of the same thing in the show. I'm good with tasteless too, mind you, and it's damn near impossible to offend me. But... to make another comedy reference.... Jim Norton was talking about how people were offended about the mosque at ground Zero and he said "Just because it's legal to put a condom machine in a rape crisis center doesn't mean you should." There's a difference between overly sensitive (YOU PC, BRO??????) and being not stupid. That Whory performance was the exact type of thing Kurt killed himself over, so it was picking an old wound for some of us. After that I honestly felt more like crying than laughing, and I already spent the prior eight or nine hours of the show not feeling like laughing.... Wait, it wasn't nine hours? Huh. Seemed like it. I cry when angels deserve to die.
  10. What do the playing cards look like? There are SO MANY OF THEM. I swear I could spend a mint in the merch store this year .... Anyway though, do they have like...scenes from the movies on them or are they just regular cards with (Freddy/whatever) on the back?
  11. Hey all... Here's the thing... I want all my pix in the cloud and a lot of my friends want to see them..... But I shoot more than Rambo. I did UTH yesterday and shot about 1500 pix. I uploaded them to Facebook and a lot of them are, well, crap. I'm guessing I'll end up with 3,000 by the end, and the only ones I dump are the total blacks or total whites. I keep the ones where it's weirdly lit (like when the inmates attack the cops in front of the fire) because I think they're cool, and some of my friends do too. But some people aren't into that and just want to see the good stuff..... Pictures of cool things in focus. My ratio is getting way higher as I screw with my "new" camera (D60 I got last year). I think if I shoot 3,000 I'll get 3-400 good ones. People in this forum (some of whom know me, even if I've been gone for a bit) know as well as I do that that's a pretty good rate. I think I might even hit what I've been aiming for as a goal: 1% GREAT pics. As in .. I'll actually print them out : ) My question: I seem to remember seeing something on FB where I could like... "Star" pix or something to make a new album of "TL;DR Greatest Hits" unless that was on some other site or something. Is there a way to create a new album as a subset of an existing one? Or will I just need to start over? Also, for anyone who cares, my best pic so far this year is from ridiculous circumstances. I was with my lady standing in front of the gazebo watching the inmates wander about and screw around and I heard the gazebo explode, turned around and shot it, sight unseen. I think it's my best pic so far this year lol ..... Though I will say that the hanging chainsaws from 25 I took at UTH today is my new desktop wallpaper. Anyway, any ideas? Also, any pointers anyone has as to how I could process a million pics without it literally taking all day ..... Heh.
  12. Anybody else do the morning and afternoon tour with My Buddy Matt today? I'm especially interested in the guy behind me who shot all the rooms empty. I've never encountered anyone who shoots more empty room than me so maybe we can trade pix
  13. Heyyouguysss ... I don't think I can offer any original praise on this so I just had a question.. In the Gothic room ... How does the floorrrr worrrrkkk? Sorry I couldn't help it. My question is this : The facade with the curtains and all... If you look at it the right way it echoes the shape of Jack's teeth. Is this intentional? I kept trying to take a picture of what I was seeing on the UTH tour today but none of them came out right.
  14. My opinion needs to be on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my favorite house of the year, and if it weren't for Dream Warriors, it'd be my favorite house I've ever been to since I started going annually back in 07. Here's why: it doesn't lose anything in repetition. Other people have said that this house isn't meant to have scares in it, but meant to be fun and trippy to walk through. It is. But I think it has scares - one of my friends was SO SCARED by one of the cardfolk that he praised him to guest services, his pulse still pounding like 4 hours later. It also has an awesome storyline that gets deeper and deeper (tee hee hee) the more you know about it and think about it. Put these two things together, and here's what happens if you're a jaded HHN vet: the first time you go through, you know where all the scares are coming from and you just look around this CRAZY house with awesome gorgeous visuals (with or without the glasses btw). You'll see something new every time in every room. Because you can tell that they spent a million hours planning and painting. This is a definite labor of love ...... Vs something like The Walking Dead, which I kinda get the feeling the people who build it had the same feeling as myself and some others of like 'oh this again.' And then you can go through again, and the experience in the same place will be different. And again. And again. And again with a different friend. And again in a different part of the line.... Hell, I did the tour today with the lights on (though it's still really dark) and it was awesome, and I can't wait til I can do it again with the lights out. Then again. And again. I hit this house every time I go. I can't say that about any other house or scarezone ever, including this year.... There's just no way you're not going to have a good time in here. Scares or no. And to me ...... I go through the houses only to have fun, since I don't really get scares. I haven't gotten one since .... I honestly can't remember. It's all about atmosphere and fun for me, because that's what it's about for the scareactors too for the most part. You'd have to be a sociopath to get that job with a Reason #1 not being "cus it's fun." Ever watch Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show? It's impossible not to enjoy it - he's just having SO MUCH FUN. I feel like this house is the Jimmy Fallon of houses. Comedians like Daniel Tosh just say that it's butt-kissing when Jimmy Fallon just always acts like the world's biggest fan of everything, but I think it's just to amp up the intensity and joy of everyone involved. I mean ... The first Wonderland scareactor you see is on a TRAMPOLINE. Yah this ousted Dollhouse as my 'favorite but for freddy07' because dollhouse was just ... Creepy. The whole way through. Just.... Like.... Get me the hell out of here. Even/Especially with the lights on. It was pretty much the worst thing that ever happened. PS -- I highly doubt that my friend's comment at guest service got to the scareactor so ..... If anyone knows the scareactor(s) that play the cards that stand still until some dummin like my friend walks up to them then SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF THEM.... Tell them they rule.
  15. I'm starting to feel my age, and I'm only in my early 30s. The stuff I recognized was all annoying garbage. Melissa McCarthy isn't funny - she's damaging. She's another character that promotes the stereotype that all fat people are gross and clumsy. None of this was funny. If I had to choose a line ..... It would be the one where they say Clinton and Bush are running and there's a Jurassic park movie in the theaters............ That was funny but obvious. I'm just reminded of what Norm told one of the contestants on one of the Last Comic Standing seasons when she made a Kardashian/West joke. He was like "You live in a different place - let other comedians do that." It's hack comedy. It's the Lewinsky joke of today (btw this damn stupid show had a Lewinsky joke in it). "OK, grumplepuss," you say. "You can't go in to b&t and expect smart. It's supposed to be dumb." You're right, imaginary person!!!! And that's why I still go at all ........................... But then they did "Smells Like Teen Spirit." With the wrong kind of guitar. He was holding it left-handed but I think the research stopped there. The thought of this wouldn't make Kurt turn over IN his grave, it made him turn over IN TO his grave. That wasn't right. And not because he's dead - I actually thought that segment could've been really clever but .......... No. You can't put an "nnTT nnTT nnTT nnTT" club beat behind that song and make it a pop song with lots of smiling happy people bouncing around making jokes and stuff .............. In short, this show killed Kurt Cobain. Not excellent.
  16. I wish these movies were one billionth as good as this house.
  17. Things to note: this show is retardedly popular. My UTH tour guide gave us the numbers today (ratings, that is) and they are STAGGERING....... I personally don't understand it. I think they've been rehashing everything since the first season. Shady Guy/Sign/Omen Who Randomly Shows Up: "We have a place where this isn't a problem" Rick: "My beard groweth." Darryl: "Girls think I'm sexy." Shady: "Soooo, follow?" Rick: "I don't know this has never worked ever." Shady: "CmahhhhHHHHH!" Rick: "OK" Then they go and they're cannibal racist werewolf walker army feeding whatevers. And Carl is still alive like "GOSH DAD YOURE SUCH A BAD DAD DAD" I feel like Mugatu. ITS THE SAME LOOK. And they use the same props! But guess what? There's a spectrum here. 25 is for the fans <<>> TWD is what brings The Folks. So it's not going anywhere any time soon, and the tour guide today directly said it'll be there next year. And you know what? Packing TWD houses with hoardes of tourists (heh heh) lets them do cool stuff on the other side of the park that other people with taste can enjoy. If this event didn't have to make money, that would be incredible.... But it does. And TWD is as close to a guarantee of profit as you can get. Just my two cents on the "OMG WHY IS THIS STILL HERE" debate, a sentiment I shared until I checked the numbers and stopped thinking like an artist. Note that I have no qualms with this and I'm not saying it's selling out.. I'm saying the series has sold out, because they're doing the same thing recycling plot lines. Give Uni new plot and they'll make a new house that can rule. Keep having Zed-Words in the woods and stuff and ... well, we all know the zed word is ridiculous.
  18. Three things as a result of my UTH tour today: 1- What's the snow made out of? The falling snow, that is. Our group talked about it - I asked becuase my buddy swore it was soap but I said it wasn't since it didn't leave a residue and it seemed to melt like water. 2- If the story is that a Body Collector knocked on the door and a nurse let him in ............. w... Why would the nurse let in one of these people? 3- I'm sad that they don't tell the stories on the site anymore. I had no idea about any of this stuff until the tour. It cheapened it to me. That's not a complaint, really. This house is beaaautiful.
  19. I wonder why they chose to use only sculptures from NoES 3... I'd pose the theory that it was the movie where they most explicitly went into Dreamland to fight Freddy but... Maybe it's cus it's just cool. That said, anyone got any idea why they didn't paint the Freddy snake green like they had to do for the movie? .... If you didn't know, they had to paint it green because it was ... Ahem.... Very ... VERY phallic. I wonder why they didn't here. Anyone know? Or, for that matter, anyone know why they only reference 3?
  20. Last time I was in this zone it seemed like they had more scareactors than before for each period and that they were switching off temporally instead of spatially .. In other words it wasn't half the zone as b&w half color, but rather half the time.. And they weren't doing it in 45 minute shifts. I'd only seen this one out of the ..... *counts fingers*... too many times I've been there but this was the last time. Is this how they're doing it now?
  21. Can someone please, please, please explain to me .... The Zebra on stilts?
  22. I totally did this. Do the tour guides visit these forums? Hm.
  23. Cody - If I had a nickel for every time I've been escorted out of a place for yelling rape jokes .......
  24. @LV Thank you - you reminded me of a question I wanted to ask ya'll. When they do RHPS at HHN, do they do it like they do it when you go see a midnight showing? Ie, do they play the whole movie? I'm going to be going with a couple RHPS fans in a week or two so I figured I 'd wait to see it with them if it's 90 minutes long. Edit: Also, What's Spiderman like? (D'oh...)
  25. Review 9/29 and 10/10 Me and my lovely lady went on 9/29 so we could see everything in the daylight, then we went again 10/10 to catch what we missed. 9/29: Surprisingly packed for a Sunday. I thought we'd cover everything but we didn't. We missed La Llorona, Afterlife and Havock. I think because of that, the overwhelming feeling we got from the event was that it was very very repetitive and sparse. Let me explain. I drive past the billboard on I4 every morning that advertises "Walking Dead" "Resident Evil" and "Evil Dead" and when I saw all three of those together the first time I couldn't help but notice that the words are jumbly. Evil Walking Resident Dead Evil. Trees. But then when I got to the event, that's about how it played out. Since I wasn't sure we were going to get to do it during the day again, I did what I always like to do when I get there early enough for sunlight: I scouted the whole park as quick as I could and took pictures of cool stuff that wouldn't work during the nighttime. When we were back at the front of the park, I remembered The Strategy. The Strategy is, of course, my preferred method of avoiding lines - you head alllllll the way to the back. So we went to The Walking Dead. I'll post house reviews separate... But anyway WD lands outside Llorona, and it said it had a 90 minute wait. No way I was waiting that long. And I figured my plan wasn't working. So, SCRAP. So we hightailed it across the park, ate turkey legs like cavemen, and stumbled on our next house. Naturally for me this was Cabin in the Woods because I think that movie is amazing and I wanted to see how the heck they made it into a house. After that we turned around and headed toward Werewolf, which was the next one I wanted to see. A lot of this was planned around how we're probably going to go on the UTH tour and we wanted to see all the houses on the tour in the dark before we see them in the light. Plus we just watched AWiL the day before. As always seems to happen to me on that front stretch of the park, I ended up all the way in the back without noticing. So we were like "Evil Dead? Wut? How'd that happen?" ..... So we pulled out the trusty map and saw that we had a clear path back. So we did Evil Dead. Which is a house about .. A ... Cabin ... In the woods. I'm obsessed with Cabin in the Woods but my girl still can't differentiate those two houses in her memory. Just a bunch of cabins and ... dirt.. and.. wood... and ... whatever..... Next we got to Werewolf and .... It felt like more of the same. Somehow. I don't know. We both loved it anyway. Finally, we were tired and ready to leave, but Resident Evil's wait time was like 4 seconds, so we did that. 10/10 We went back on Thursday mostly to hit the other three houses we missed. We did. I wanted to start with Afterlife because I'd read some stuff here and elsewhere with people saying it was the best house of the event, and 3D houses are awesome. Plus My Lady had never been in one (or any other HHN houses before, for that matter)... That was cool. Then we did La Llorona, saw a human wearing a horse mask, and headed toward Bill and Ted (I am aware that this is a retarded way to work a map). Girls seem to like to take me to Bill and Ted. ....... Anyhow after that we rode the MiB ride, cus I'm four years old and I enjoy it Finally we did Havoc and left. It sounds like we did a lot less but I took a TON of pix. I think there are 300 in my album I posted, but that's not counting all the deletes and such. Anyhow. REVIEWS! I guess I'll go in order from The Bomb to The .... Dud? Spoilers abound, I guess, but you already know all this stuff anyway.... 1- Afterlife: This was awesome. I like when you can't even give spoilers away in a house because it detracts from nothing at all if you do. I can tell someone who's never been in the house what's in there but ..... You just gotta see it. Don't miss this one. It's cool. 2- Cabin in the Woods: I wanted this to be #1 because I'm a fanboy. But Afterlife was just TOO COOL. And I am upset about the same things other people were upset about - the merman and unicorn. However, I got to see the Ballerina. Of course the beginning of the house was kinda lame (but so was the beginning of the movie. That's the point). Definitely gave me a husband bulge. 3- American Werewolf: First off let me be the first to say I am pissed off there were no scareactors in the first room. I would've loved to ask somebody if I should stay off the moors or not. But kudos for having the hallucination/nightmare creature. And the subway. And .... Werewolves. And omg, the transformation scene. So good. This house was awesome. 4- La Llorona: This house has the "What the butt" factor that puts it square in the middle for me. It had a whole lot of atmosphere. A whole lot. I'm pretty sure that was it. And then there was someone wearing a horse. I guess. If you had no idea what the story was, you'd ... have no idea what the story was. House was cool .. I guesssss... Gotta go through a few more times. 5- Evil Dead: 1- Too much like Cabin in the Woods to do this year, 2- Everybody telling me they're going to eat my soul is lame. However, I think this may just be because we went so early on. I want to see this house again later. 6- Walking Dead: 1- You not only have a scarezone about Walking Dead, you have NO OTHER scarezones, 2- This was done last year, 3- Everything was behind fences. I'd like to go thru this one again to see if maybe they made it ... Anything ... But not if the wait is more than like 10 min (read: I'll go through ten thousand times on Halloween and think it's awesome). 7- Havoc: This was so unmemorable that I .. Don't remember it. We went through it. I know that. I'll probably need to go through again, since the wait time is only 30 seconds long. Possibly because it is .... Not The Bomb. 8- Resident Evil: What the hell was this? People have supposed that this was the 'funny' house of the year, but I disagree. I think it was just disjointed and garbage-a-riffic. There were like 2 scareactors. They were humans, fighting on our side. Also, I died in there WTF! Street Experience Grr. ... Oh, need more elaboration? Okay... This was my girl's first experience at HHN. And I feel like she got robbed. Personally, I like to wander the park and take pictures pretty much more than anything else, and that usually involves hanging out in scarezones taking pictures of sexy half naked chicks rocking out to The Beautiful People. Instead we got one park-wide (ish) scarezone that was like that damn carnival bs in 2007. And you know what? Here's The Thing - ONE ZOMBIE... Is not scary!! I can outrun one zombie! And if I can't? I bet my right hook could knock it down so I could. And I'm a big boy - 6', 250ish, so I'm not a fast runner. But I walk to the bathroom faster than a zombie. Two zombies? Okay, that gets to be a problem. But zombies are only a real threat when there's TONS OF THEM. You need to feel outnumbered. Having a few straggling zombies (all of which look the same, by the way, and look the same as the ones in the Walking Dead House..) doesn't do anything. They're indistinguishable from guests to me. Just as dangerous. Just as slow moving. Just as hungry for my flesh. Now, what I was thinking was going to happen was that they were going to pump more and more zombies - I'm sorry, "Walkers" (the zed word is ridiculous) - in over the course of the night until they were EVERYWHERE. But a theme park isn't very conducive to that I guess. So we're stuck with like.. Five zombies. Spread throughout the park. Booga booga! I went into Herschel's barn and you know what was in there? A red light. I got a lot of cool pix of the glowy words on the ground/buildings, but other than that ... What a waste. As far as I could tell there wasn't even anything in the RV (like the damn Skoolhouse bus). So naturally my gf thinks it's like this every year. And it's tough to explain it's not. I'm like "one year as soon as you walked through the gates, the Wicked Witch was on a tower yelling at everyone, and you walk into this effed up version of Oz, then if you went the other way you ended up in this crazy Alice in Wonderland trippy craziness, then there was . . ." Etc. You all know what was there. It becomes hard to belive when all you can see is ... Well, what's there now. I feel ... Cheated By the "Scarezonse" that is. The houses were for the most part pretty awesome. SET PIECES Didn't seem new. Meh. I miss SCAREZONES! BILL AND TED Why is it that whenever I bring a girl to HHN, they want to go to Bill and Ted? Maybe I'm just a Grumpy Gus, but I don't get it ... It's all just a bunch of "OH THERES JUSTIN BIEBER HES FAMOUS HAHAHAHAHAH" ....... Bill and Ted are cool though...... Plus you're not allowed to take pix. So what else am I supposed to do? Watch people dance to that #$#@#$ "WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY" song? I mean, I guess if you were a huge pop culture ... follower... you'd get some appreciation out of it but ... I don't know. To me, the only thing that makes it worth it are my pix - and my pix are AWESOME by the way. Until they told me to stop taking pix or .... I don't know, I'd have to watch the show again? MEN IN BLACK Yeah that's right. I rode the Men in Black ride. I do it every year. Sometimes more than once. Sometimes alone. Because I think it's fun. So what! ... Ahem. TRANSFORMERS I didn't ride this. Neither me nor my lady can do those rides where you sit in the moving cart and watch a screen (like the Simpsons) and it sounds to me like that's waht this is? THE HOLLYWOOD RIP RIDE ROCKET I WILL RIDE YOU THIS YEAR DAMMIT! MERCH Didn't get a chance to look through this much. FOOD AND DRINK We got gigantic turkey legs and they were awful. So gamy and gross, we both threw them out. That made me super-sad because that's usually one of my favorite parts of HHN. Plus they were like a thousand dollars. Also if you go to the bar and ask them to sell you a Coke or an Orange Juice...... They can't. Wtf. My lady wanted a coke and they had to pour it with two ounces short because "Thats where the liquor would go." Serious? Oh and it was a thousand dollars. FINAL VERDICT (For now) March's verdict: There's a lot of bugs to work out here because not all the material holds itself up. To explain what I mean, let's go back to Path of the Wicked again. It had the Wicked Witch, the crazy Scarecrow on stilts, the Tinman who would beat your butt, and even flying monkeys. Plus lighting and smoke and stuff. If the scareactors sucked, that still would've been awesome (sorry scareactors - you were all awesome anyway!) Now that isn't to say the scareactors sucked. I don't think any of them did. I think they're just ... limited... by the material. Gripe Number Two: Total number of scares so far this year: 0. Not one. That's never happened to me. That said ... I think this is going to turn out to be a great year once they hit their stride and iron out the bugs as they always do. Someone from UO will step in and be like "Wait a minute it would be WAY more awesome if Bill and Ted showed up in helicopters, right?" and then.... So let it be written. And the world was a better place. Though I think my main gripes aren't really something that can be smoothed over. The whole event was Walking Dead last year, and now there's a house and a PARK WIDE SCAREZONE? That ... I'm sorry, I think that's lazy. How do you get around it? Ten billion more zombies. But there are already tons of them wandering the park - and they paid to get in! Now, my main gripe the first night - that it was all super-repetitive - was my fault. The houses we skipped totaly broke that up, so I was wrong. Especially Afterlife. That is just like a tailspin. So . . A few awesome houses, a few 'will be awesome' houses, and .... Resident Evil. Wth, Resident Evil? Oh and a set of scarezones that is like The Godfather III - so far I'm choosing to deny it exits because it's so awful compared to the predecessors. ......At least I finally got to see a merman. March's Lady's verdict: I'm not even sure if she'll want to go back. Going to HHN with me involves a lot of "hang on lemme take a picture" and I only do that in the park... And without bothering the scareactors. But if all there is as far as Scarezones go is the same zombies over and over, that would get .. Very boring for her. I know we'll go again on Halloween since - for reasons completely unfathomable to me - nobody goes to HHN on Halloween, so you can go in every house five hundred times. But before then ? Why go back? At least her schedule at work makes it so that we can't get there before 10 on Weds or Thurs (so, free parking), and we're both off Sundays. Oh. Yeah. We'll do the UTH tour and stay for the event that night if we can come up with 200 bucks. Just my two cents.
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