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Everything posted by Voorhees

  1. I am really looking forward to this house. They have so much material to work with and the setting of the prison and Woodbury are much more intriguing than the locations used in the first two seasons. This will definitely be an intense house. I also think that the street experience regarding TWD will be creatively done. I am excited to walk through Atlanta, venture to Hershel's barn, and through the woods on the way to the prison and Woodbury. There will be other street experiences and scarezones, and I hope they can create a fully immersive experience with these other ideas. The Collective will fit in easily, but what about the rest? Two things are going to determine the success of TWD this year. First, AMC has to back off! They need to let Universal do what they do best - create an atmosfear that encompasses their story. TWD is only a PART of the event and I hope it doesn't take over every little aspect as it did last year as this would diminish the importance of other IPs and original concepts. So, bottom line . . . execution. Secondly, characters from the three seasons need to be represented. The absence of characters from last year's house was disappointing and hopefully AMC has learned their lesson. Although they still raked in the money, the feedback regarding only using walkers (even though character props and "Zombie Sophia" were placed in the house) allows them to be more flexible with Universal's (and the fans) requests.
  2. Maybe Rocky Road can also be called RailRoad? Both words point to the same location, no?
  3. I'm sorry LostAlice, I should have thanked you for your time in creating the sig for me. Yours definitely captured more of a mysterious feel, but the Jason with the fencepost is a must! However, I did like your display of the Camp Crystal Lake sign.
  4. Reaper, thank you so much. I'm sorry it took a while for me to respond - I didn't know you did this two weeks ago. You did an amazing job!
  5. Okay, thanks guys. That makes more sense: the three pictures now all point towards AWIL. I was wondering why they would have three different photos to represent three different houses, when one item should ideally reveal one house. But, what about the sketches? Do you think that they still point towards ED? Maybe AWIL today with photos and ED next week with photo of sketches, along with the DVD release? Hopefully, we'll get our photos today - PS is really taking too long to update. Also, where is our bi-weekly LT update?!?!?!?
  6. One confusing thing is that the post on ETR is dated July 10, 2013, but it was just posted. I know the term "soon" is becoming hard to believe lately, but I imagine that we will get the photos sometime tomorrow since we're expecting one house reveal per week. It's about time for the "official" Evil Dead release.
  7. Before we go too crazy with the scarezone initials, remember that A&D have done an amazing job in the past of completely making up codes to mess with the fans so we wouldn't know what to expect. I mean, who would have guessed that the colors of the rainbow with a series of numbers would have represented "7"? We were all going with the Chinese New Year, remember? With that said, I would love for "Rum" to represent a pirate-themed SZ. If we try to tie everything back to the Woods, we can easily have the pirates (maybe from Columbus's fourth ship, maybe not) landing on an island (or escaping from the Forsaken castillo) and venturing into the forest. I wonder if their lost voyage or the Woods were worse for them?
  8. Regarding SZ speculation, I never said that the 9 streets will have different "themes." I've been saying for a while now that I think the Woods will act as an overarching theme of the entire event; the SZs and houses will all be manifestations of creatures that are found in and events that happen in the woods. When I mentioned that we still have to figure out seven of the streets, I meant that we need to figure out what other things are waiting for us in the depths of the Woods. As Parkscope mentioned above, RE did take place in a mansion in the middle of the woods. And, our super soldiers are rumored to have been on a train that crashed in the woods. The other houses make sense, now it's time to tie-in the scarezones as more information is discovered. Regarding casting, I know that chainsaws and stilts make more money, but do veteran scareactors make more as they return from year to year? I still say part of the "no stilts" is due to safety. Mardi Gras and Macy's are one thing, but HHN is becoming more crowded and it's harder for them to maintain safety. Wasn't one of the Iniquitus pulled down last year?
  9. Since active back-up is being replaced by "The Collective," could we assume that those casted as such will be part of the in-park games? I can see several "scare"actors casted as characters to find, interact with, and get clues from throughout the park for investigation purposes. I'm excited to hear about 9 streets this year! WOW! This supports the idea of having both fixed and roaming scarezones, which seems like a good recipe for HHN. Assuming that Resident Evil happens in NY (transformation to Raccoon City) and HAVOC happens in SF (connecting from house in Disaster), we still have seven to figure out. My guess is that we will see the park transformed into the Woods, similar to last year's cemetery - this would provide opportunities to create fixed scarezones (just think what they could do in Central Park this year) and roaming hoards of the Woods' inhabitants. I am sad to hear about no stilt scareactors as they definitely enhance the street experience. I did hear rumblings about this, and wonder if it is a safety concern.
  10. It'll be very interesting to see which camp comes out ahead in this battle royale. PS: Only time will help unearth the truth and the horror released will be legendary.
  11. I'm on the LT/Goth investigating, provoking, using, etc. PS to look into the mysteries and the horrors of the Woods. Don't worry, Heather, some of us have your back. I won't repost what you already said because it would be repetitive and we have talked much about this topic on the side. But, yes to all you said in your posts! PS: Only time will help unearth the truth and the horror released will be legendary.
  12. I posted something like this in the general Speculation thread, but I'm going to repost a modified version here . . . We have heard that the cabin from CITW will be reconstructed at this year's event. I can easily seeing this happen in Soundstage 21, where they can build one large cabin and have it acts as the cabin from both CITW and ED. I'm not suggesting a full dual-run set-up, but something similar. Two doors into the soundstage, both leading you through the Woods to find a cabin. This is where it gets tricky. . . . Either we enter the cabin from two different sides with the facades matching the appropriate movie, or we get a modified cabin that is an amalgam of the two - not too dissimilar to the cabin in PS's video post. After entering the cabin, we "walk down" into the cellar and the houses again diverge and we explore the rest of the story for each house. This would allow A&D and FAKE to build a MASSIVE cabin and justify its creation. Also, I was thinking about the unicorn . . . here's my take on the scene. As you walk into a room within the Facility, an animatronic unicorn (on a track) lunges towards a Facility worker (live scareactor) and pins him against the wall. The unicorn's horn would be retractable and can easily be made to look like blood is pouring out of the scareactor when he or she is impaled.
  13. If we can send "live" signals from the Moon, ETR and LT should be able to post videos. Regarding the blog post itself, I really wish she would be more specific. And . . . communicate with us so we know what is right and what is wrong. I agree with JDW and Legacy . . . let's get the ball rolling. The natives continue to get restless.
  14. Thanks for the map. I, too, think that Evil Dead and CITW will share a soundstage. Michael Aiello did say that they will complete build the cabin - wouldn't it be cool to see that in the middle of the soundstage (a scaled-down model of course) and use the same cabin for both houses. We could start by walking through the woods, finding the cabin, and then exploring the rest of the movie (house) based on storyline. They could easily modify the sides of the cabin to correctly model the cabin from the respective movie. And, after talking to Boogey Man earlier today, I agree with the speculation about the HAVOC train. I'll let him explain in detail since he made the connection between the original speculation and the RRRR post from PS. Ryan, credit is due to you for coming up with the idea. With that said, here's hoping for a video update tomorrow, mostly to settle the restless natives (myself included, of course). <fingers crossed>
  15. Thumbs up for that, Jeramy. With each passing day, I'm agreeing with that statement more and more. But the question is, are they going to connect at all? I surly hope so.
  16. Now, just to throw out some speculation as a quick summary, just in case you're not following the HE page: 1) The Devil's Tree (hellmouth protected by a sentinel): http://weirdnj.com/stories/devils-tree/ 2) The Jersey Devil: http://weirdnj.com/stories/jersey-devil/ 3) The Pig Lady: http://weirdnj.com/tag/pig-lady/ 4) The Pine Barrens, Blue Hole, Sourland Mountains, Raritan Railroad, Clinton Road The above were contributed by a variety of members. You know, after the fact, we can now appreciate Dr. Jimmy's constant references to Sondheim and "Into the Woods.," along with others who have been dropping hints over the past few months. It's always fun, yet sometimes frustrating, to follow your trail of clues. But, keep 'em coming. But beware, there are other scary things in the woods.
  17. I agree with Jeramy in that there seems to be a definite disconnect between LT/Goth and PS. Maybe this is A&D vs. Marketing all over again, but Charles said that they came to a better agreement this year. These separate stories could easily explain our frustration with not being able to connect the two seemingly different approaches to giving us information (Goth vs. PS). Are they the same? Why be so secretive if trying to recruit our help? Why edit videos to hide identities? The questions go on . . . I also agree with Mystique in that we are getting mixed messages from Michael Aiello who said that there is no connection between the houses, yet, as Jeramy pointed out, we have practically written the backstory and created the theming for them. I hope this isn't just Marketing thinking they have a "better" way - only time will tell. With all of that said, I do still believe there is some connection between LT/Goth and the PS updates. They advertise LT on the main HHN website to increase their sales of FFP tickets, and then show the blog for Evil Takes Root. Even the general public should be able to make the connection since they are both represented at (what appears to be at least) face value on the website. PS is most likely a female (I would be extremely shocked if we are all wrong about this), but I do not believe she is Goth Wackee. I am with Mystique - there has to be a connection between the two, but as Boogey Man said above, it's early and patience is a virtue. . . . Regardless, having the woods as a theme, or a "theme" if you prefer, is very enticing and I am thoroughly looking forward to the concept of the woods' entity being a central focal point this year.
  18. The question we really have to be looking at is if Goth and PS are one in the same. There are arguments to both sides, but I am now leaning towards the fact that they are different people. I once thought otherwise, but the latest blog made me rethink this.
  19. I think that the woods are the icon. The face coming out of the forest may just be the spirit of the woods that is calling us in to explore the woods and all of the fears that are manifested within. I originally saw La Llorona as a potential "icon," but I'm more and more seeing the woods and an amalgam cabin (such as the one we cannot seem to identify as one individual cabin) as the "icons" of the year. Marketing may choose to use La Llorona as a spirit to be feared in their ads and on billboards, but I'm thinking the cabin and the woods are scary enough. Last year, they used various creatures (that ended up being legion members, although never actually appearing in HHNO) as the "Once your inside, there is no way out" slogan. I can see us being welcomed into the woods for a day hike or a camping trip, visiting the cabin from the video and then all hell breaks loose as a myriad of creatures from our nightmares (ones that dwell in wooded areas) enter our world. Does that remind you of any specific cabin and it's mysterious basement? I think this alone will attract the attention of the general public.
  20. Halloween night is never that crowded and the one time I attended in November, the park was pretty empty. The event is more popular now and draws more of the general public, so it is hard to tell. I'll be there that night and as long as they include November 2 in the FFP+, which I expect they will add it in later, I'll be there that night, too!
  21. I didn't even know this thread existed. Geez, where have I been. I would love it if someone could create a signature for me that portrays Jason Voorhees at his best. My favorite was F13 VII: A New Blood (I love Tina), with F13 IV, I, and II just behind them. Other key words and characters could include: - Jason Voorhees with the fence post from VI (great scene in the graveyard) - the Camp Crystal Lake sign with the lake in the background - Pamela Voorhees (maybe gravestone in the background) - maybe off to the side? - "Friday the 13th" proudly displayed - my screen name "Voorhees" I am by no means an artist, but I would appreciate it if someone could give this a shot. Thanks for considering this request. - Voorhees (Sean)
  22. Well, if there are taking these measures this year, it looks like they will put up the walls and screens before they begin putting out props next year. This is very reminiscent of the evolutionary arms race. I think A&D will win the war, but we can still fight to win some of the battles. Oh, and Mystique . . . I, too, like shaking my presents. Anticipation and guessing is half the fun, no?
  23. Jeramy - amazing job with your project! I'm still in the Keys, but had a few minutes to check the site. Great to see the permits and house location speculation about set. I, too, stated in an earlier post that Cabin in the Woods would make a perfect overarching theme where we "select items," which awaken the "monsters" and send them into our world from the Facility. Since this was similar to LT's 2010 investigation, could it be possible that we (as the newly-re-established LT Collective) along with Thorncastle et al are going to be looking into this Facility, which could be controlled by Fell and Himmell? Maybe that's the tie-in from 2008 to 2010 to 2012 and now this year. They experimented with the portemetus and now they have a cabin, which happens to be in the "woods." I also agree with Jeramy that Universal marketing might just use The Walking Dead to overly sell the event again. Good for ticket prices, but I hope they also use an original marketing tool, such as La Llorona. Charles said that Marketing was listening to A&D more this year . . . we'll see . . . I won't be able to check again for another few days, but I hope I get back to some great information!
  24. This is amazing news as we all know that Marketing has had its own agenda since 2009. While making money is a major concern and will always be at the forefront for any marketing team, the hardcore fan base seems to have tipped the balance a little this year. As the years continue, I see the scale tipping more and more in favor of listening to A&D to satisfy and gratify the super fans. ^Kathy, I 100% agree with the no safe zones. One of my most memorable things from HHN last year is the roaming hoards having free roam of the park! I, for one, would put my vote in for several fixed scarezones (that wouldn't be affected by the parade route) with some roaming hoards. Besides being a win for us, this would give free marketing to the event during the day as bewildered tourists wonder why a massive, scary Skoolhouse (just an example) is sitting across from Mel's. Hopefully, the scarezones tie into a common theme as it does make for a more immersive experience overall. Whether it is an overarching story/theme or simply ties into the houses or other scarezones, I would be happy.
  25. So . . . we walk into the prison, end up on death row, witness the execution of Giuseppe Zangara, and then enter his mind through a series of flasbacks Dead-Exposure style. As Jeramy said a while ago, it does appear that we may be missing our dark comedy house this year. Sad news. However, this year's line-up is very exciting and I'm looking forward to it! ^Edit: I like the idea of Spookhouse or the essence of it as an overarching theme. The Occult definitely sounds like something that we could investigate through LT.
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