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Dr. Satan

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Posts posted by Dr. Satan

  1. Stab-A-Thon posters is actually an AWESOME idea, directing us towards the Terror Tram. That would really heighten the story of the event. And the Ghostface lamps would be a neat touch too.

    I just really wonder if they're gonna go all out in recreating Scream 4 or if they're just gonna phone it in and throw Ghostface in at random places.

    Think about it. Has the entry scarezone ever been well-themed? No. My prediction is that it will just be Ghostface lamps, Ghostface statues, and the Go-Go dancers. Don't forget, USH is a daytime park as well. Major SCRE4M sets in the entry courtyard would be innapropriate for the normal/daytime theming.

  2. ^^^ if they added different sets from Scream 4 in the scare zone that would be cool. Not sure what they could put yet cause i haven't even seen the film yet lol

    They could have Stab-A-Thon posters or something.

    My first thought was that they'd have the bobblehead Ghostface heads on lightposts and other misc high places in the area, like in the trailer at 0:36.


    Before the HHN Return, they used to have some sort of character things hanging off the balcony areas near the statue for daytime Halloween events.

  3. to the Whorehouse set

    aka House of 1000 Corpses set! ;)

    Thanks for the info, DTH. That sounds like a lot of fun. Anyone here going? If so, make sure to get some TT construction pics. :lol:

    (Five days later, after the race. Photos go online. Pics of a hotel being constructed on the backlot. Fan reaction...)


  4. The concept of this house is really incredible but I have one concern. The picture of the room with 'The Tell Tale Heart' manuscript on it looks like an amazing reimagination of the scene yet the picture of 'The Pit and the Pendulum' looks very literal. I can see the HOS house doing much more literal interpretations but I expect better from HHN.

    My idea based on this is that given that 'The Tell Tale Heart' manuscript is directly in that room in that picture is it possible that this is a transitory room like the little theatre seats in 'Silver Screams'? Is it possible that we really are going to see the madness of Poe as our transition scene and then a scene literally adapting one of his stories. For instance, what if the person in that picture is supposed to be Poe going more and more insane like his character and the next scene is quite literally a scene from 'The Tell Tale Heart' with a scareactor and all? Thoughts?

    Poe did not have blond hair.

  5. The only one that comes to mind as a parody of an outrageous horror presmise is something to do with Snakes on a Plane. I know it isn't technically a straight horror film but the premise is pretty outrageous and there is a scene on the TT route with a plane. I'm probably wrong but who knows?

    I actually have a feeling it's going to be something playing on JAWS (... or Shark Night 3D, as the Facebook person wants...) because they already have that area on the Tram. Just a guess... :P

  6. "Slash in the Box" - Good! Would've voted this one, but it's a pretty typical concept.... 7/10

    "Follow the Sun" - WHAT. THE. F***. This one just left me disturbed. And not really in a good way. Cartoons getting tortured/raped just isn't my thing. I can see why Eli picked this one, though. :P Good animation and scary. Reminds me a lot of "The Nightmare" last year. A lot of random gore in a cartoon-ish fashion. 7.5/10

    "Stalled" - Even though it pretty much was played out to recreate the last scene in "Hostel" (or so we are led to think), I thought it was pretty good. The ending sucked but I voted for it anyways. Best camera views IMO. 8/10

    "Closet Monster" - 5/10

    Begin rant about my choices. :lol:

  7. Here's some, in regards to the post hinting at Scream:

    "Come on universal knotts was doing this one ten urs ago. Scream is played out hope I'm wrong"

    Oh, I'm sorry... I must have missed the Knott's Scream maze. (not counting the segment in Horrorwood Hotel)

    So then, the post AFTER they officially announced it gets this response...

    "What is it???? Is it scream the ring what"


  8. So, here's my speculation...

    The orange demon/dragon heads seem to be the same or similar texture as the heads in the vortex tunnel at The Hallow'd Past last year. They're lit the same way and are obviously 2D. Now, the other heads definitely appear to be hanging.

    What if this is a Chinese New Year hint? They have lion and dragon dancers that look a lot like the ones in the photo. Remember the colored street roles.

    (For a better look at the image, go here: http://twitpic.com/60ipbn/full )

  9. Well, I just re-watched Hostel. I could be convinced. I still suspect that it'll be almost in its entirety in a warehouse-type building, but you could go as far as adding the torture museum from part one. I also think that there's a high probability of having at least one hallway that has rooms with torturers and torturees in them. You could probably have a few of those lurches in black jackets that 'collect' the victims. But I'm still not expecting anything more than torture porn with little or no decernable story what so ever. But I think I want to be wrong on that.

    Maybe you'll enter through the Museum and end up in the torture place as the maze progresses.

    Don't forget, in the Museum scene, there's a live scareactor that scared the two guys who were chasing Oli. Easy to put in the maze, no doubt.

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