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I am Weighting

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Everything posted by I am Weighting

  1. So, does anyone know what the giant side entrance to this house is used for? When I was there, I saw it used once. They stopped me to let (who I'm pretty sure was) Gloria Estefan and her husband, a security guard, and some official looking Universal employees walk through ahead of me. I'm just wondering, because that is all I saw it used for and it seemed like such an odd purpose for such a minimally used feature.
  2. American Horror Story = LOLWAT

  3. Hey! We were there the same night! Very nice review and I liked reading it. I thought Nightingales had a fairly strong finale, it's just very hit or miss. Even more hit or miss than The Forsaken's.
  4. The Winged Demons are so good! They really knew how to work their costume to get a really great scare every time! I also liked the checkered walls demons, but that's a different story.
  5. The lighting is beautiful. Living in Pa, I get one or two snowstorms a year, and the lighting in this house looks almost exactly like moonlight reflecting off snow. It doesn't give away the scareactors' spots and it compliments most of the scenes; I actually forgot I was inside of a building the first time I walked through. I agree with you on the really good scares in this house; they happen few and far between, but they are really good. Especially, the miniature cemetery one... which happens fairly often if only more people would notice it.
  6. I began to Vogue while reading your first sentence. 1. It's a good thing she's watching out for the safety of mankind. But who watches the watchwoman? I never said you are a nihilist, I said you own nihilists. True nihilists should own nothing. People who say they are nihilists are generally people over the age of 21 who still live with their parents and they take what they have for granted. They also want people to dislike? Fear? Hate? Be annoyed at? them because they think it makes them mature. They are different from people who actually are nihilists, but true nihilists are hard to come by. I don't think I've ever met one. 2. I hate math. No, I hate theoretical math. I just argued with myself. I still hate it. Let's change this topic. Do you like to Time Warp? 3. Because if there is one thing prisoners hate more than democracy, it's people who force democracy on others until they die because of the amount of times they were forced to take part in democracy. I lost my train of thought halfway through that. It left me behind on the platform with a bouquet of flowers and a heart shaped box filled cyanide laced chocolates. 4. If you have to ask, you can't afford it. 5. I know! I remember reading a book about a girl with Leukemia who tried to make enough cranes so she wouldn't die, but she didn't live long enough to finish making them. Thanks, public schools! If I ever get around to making 1000 folded cranes, I will do this to someone. 6. No, I will do this. It seems like a great conversation starter with the cashier who gives me dirty looks every time I walk into the store. 7. I don't own it and all the rental stores around me closed. Maybe it will be On Demand, but I rarely find movies I want to watch there. 8. I wasn't. 9. Is it from the Inbetweeners? I've never seen the show, but I have a vague idea of what it is about and I noticed you mentioned it in your review. Yeah. 10. The Internet- The most virtuous and pure place on Earth; filled with humility, humbleness, good deeds.
  7. fashion designer: saying stuff's out of style then just bringing it back without any change whatsoever? Lame. I'm going to change it up and start a NEW list. 1-I have been conversing on the same several topics for over ten years with some of my friends. Conversations don't end unless they're boring or worthless, like me. 2- I don't wanna know about your weird face-licking friend - such people as these are not welcome in my Normalcy. 3- Cooping is a theory - and actually closer to a fact - about a factor that contributed to his death, not caused it. You can't be cooped to death, can you? .... That would be the worst thing ever! You'd be hanging out at the water cooler in heaven with people being like "i was killed in world war two killing some nazis [pronounced NAH-zees] - so how'd you get in?" and you'd be like "mumblemumble they made me vote a lot mumblemumble" ... I'd venture to say that the rampant drinking and syph were probably closer to cause. The cooping would just leave you exhausted. .......... ......... .......... Or, you know, maybe Courtney did it. 4- Any girl who removes any article of clothing under any circumstance in any setting is a stripper. 5- Why would you say "this" 1000 times? Is it like that thing where you fold a thousand origami cranes and give them to someone for good luck / to throw out for you ? 6- "I just wanted to see a tree bleed and be melodramatic" = something to say to the cashier at 7-11 next time you go in 7- I'm glad I have a fan. We are turning my thread into the most popular discussion forum since Athens. The movie needed the Tyler-Durden-In-A-Palm-Tree-Shadow image from the book. Also, do you wanna know who Keyser Soze is?! Be careful man - I've seen a lot of movies I can ruin! And not just popular ones! 8- Yes, she certainly is . I can't stretch that to make sense, and I am basically a phD in BSing..... 9- I made the universal "turn the mirror around dumb-butt - you're supposed to be looking at you" gesture .... That's as good as saying something. The waiter, being dyslexic, mistook the gesture for the international sign for bring table 5 a wheelbarrow full of beets. 10- You've amassed a thorough and complete knowledge of Sin in an *HOUR*? Holy heck, Batman, what did you do in that hour?! It ain't a race! As far as LITERARY knowledge, yeah you can slam that all together on the internet pretty quick but then again my summary was brief (at least by my standards.... My thesis was like 120 pages and I thought that was kinda short). I didn't even mention Augustine. Or get further into the differences between the sins, or say WHY Dante did what he did with them, or describe the dozen developments between the pope writing 'em down and Dante playing with them. There's always more to say. Nor did I get into how The Beautiful People isn't a song encouraging sin but pretty strongly lambasting it.... "hey you what do you see, something beautiful something free, hey you are you trying to be mean? you live with apes, man, it's hard to be clean" ..... But don't get me started on Manson because that thread would get really long. I most certainly would be a poo fashion designer, I can barely even pick out what I want to wear, much less design what other people wear. Since lists are back in, but apparently with a twist, here is similar list in response to a list in response to the lack of a list. 1. I was going to say "You're not boring and worthless, you're unique and exciting" and then I realized, I don't actually know you and for all I do know about you, you could own an anarchistic society of Nihilists whose soul purpose is to devalue everything. I hope that made you feel the same. 2. -valley girl voice- "Hey guys; it's me, A Contradiction and I just wanted to say that I saw what you did there." 3. Maybe you can't be cooped to death, but don't they beat you into submission? I think saying you voted to death against your will would definitely gather some attention around the divine water cooler. 4. Oh, then I guess I have seen a stripper. A few, actually. That pretty much means every woman and man ever are strippers. 5. Now I want to give someone a billion pieces of small folds of paper and tell them that I made it for them and it's good luck, so they can't ever throw it out. What an inconvenience I would be/already am. 6. Duly noted and will be said to the 7-11 cashier as I buy a pack of gum and a soda. 7. Yes, that was an... interesting part of the book to say the least. I don't think it would translate very well to film, but I do like the comments Tyler makes on perfection. I love Chuck Palahniuk, as you may have realized by my signature. No, I don't want to know who Keyler Soeze is, because I actually want to see The Usual Suspects at some point. I can also ruin movies, but ones you've probably never heard of. If the girl is making fun of everyone's accents but no one seems to notice, she is a Water Nun. There! I ruined a movie you'll probably never see (nor want to see) in your life! 8. No, you ARE a phD in BSing. 9. Damn dyslexic waiters. They're always messing hand signs up, especially when they aren't in restaurants. 10. Thorough knowledge of Sin-- yes. Complete-- not by a long shot. Like I said, I watched a special on Sins, but only the first eighth of it which just gave a background, as I already knew most of what there is to know of the SDS from the internet. I know enough to know more than most, but I definitely could not write a 120 page thesis on Sin with my current knowledge on it. I think Beautiful People was used more to describe the scarezone, not sins. They aren't many good songs about sins. In fact, I can't think of any off the top of my head. Or the bottom. Or the middle.
  8. 7- I will say this about Envy's snake: it totally helped that the snake was the fakest looking thing I've ever seen in my entire life! 8- VANITY FTW. When I walked by her the last time she TURNED THE MIRROR AROUND TO FACE ME. I almost had to ...like ... tell her a thing or two..... If they turned the whole park into Inferno, I'd just let whatever was down at the bottom eat me and die happy because that would be the coolest thing I have ever seen. For now we're stuck with scantily clad women and Marilyn Manson - Psh! How lame is th- -- actually, that's kinda cool. More Manson, Less Clothes! Incidentally, the second time we walked through on Sunday, a burny face guy and a doctor guy got up in my Lady Friend's face and were menacing, and between that and the beautiful people I was like "wow, I have been to concerts EXACTLY like this. At least five of them!" Yes I've seen MM at least five times! Yes I've seen him so many times I've lost count and have to say "at least"! That's not the point! I didn't go to HHN tonight for reasons discussed elsewhere, but thanks for asking, and for telling me my background info was unnecessary! Psh, you know how long it took me to amass that amount of knowledge on Sin? Not everybody knows! .... Sinner. (PS I didn't get the Lil Wayne reference either) Because I can think of no other way of doing this, I'm done with the lists. Done. We would just keep conversing forever on the same topics with no foreseeable end. So, the lists are done. For me, anyway. Yes, my friend who licks people's faces is quite a character. Reiterate wasn't the right word, but it was the first word that came to mind. JUST KIDDING LISTS ARE BACK IN STYLE imahypocritesometimes 1. I wrote that down and I'm holding you to it. I looked up Cooping, and it's only a theory as to how Poe died. Nevermore: The Madness of Poe, disagrees with the Cooping theory. 2. Nothing to say... again 3. I thought their dancing looked more like strutting around in circles. I've never seen a stripper, but I don't think that's what they do. 4. This x 1000 5. They can be annoying. I just really want to see a tree bleed and be melodramatic. 6. I think I may be one of your loyal fans now... And I'm obviously the best one as I noticed what all the rest did not and then ruined it for them. Oh no! You spoiled the ending to the book I already read and the movie I already saw! How terrible of you! 7. She made no sense. At all. Not even the littlest bit. 8. Next time, tell her a thing or two. Your background info may have been necessary for some, but not for me! Ahm liek da smartezt kidd i no. Not really, I just had a messed up childhood. I still liked reading your background info. I was able to amass all of that knowledge in an hour, how about you? Blasphemer.
  9. Express Pass helps. Last year, I went once and I didn't get to see everything and half the houses had cast changes while I was going through them. I was so worried that I would have a repeat of last year, that I made sure this year is the exact opposite. I went through all of the houses within two hours, and I was ready to go again. Also, eight is when the lines start getting to be "10,000 hours" long, and it seems that you only go in after eight. The entire time I spent waiting in line and walking through WN amounts all together to about an hour and a half. I could have walked through The In Between twice for the nine times I walked through WN. I also really liked it... Also, by going through all the houses multiple times, I got to see the quality scares in high quantities. Quantity versus quality war is over because they are complimentary. Yes, going to the park for the entire six (or is it seven?) hours helps you see everything you want a lot of times. I planned on seeing everything an even four times, but the wait for Winter's Night was really short and The Thing made me feel detached from the action, so I put the two times I would've wasted in The Thing towards The Forsaken and Saws N' Steam. No, I didn't see the shows, but one of the times I waited for Saws N' Steam, I heard the entire show. It sounded terrible. Yes, I had Express. Yes, I am an outlaw and I used it twice for two houses. I felt guilty of stealing afterwards, but then I stopped caring.
  10. That's definitely a major part of it. I noticed it lacked a little luster. It didn't suck, I just didn't think the room looked floorless. I thought it complimented the set of that room very well before I realized it was the floorless floor. I was floored by how un-floorless the floorless floor looked.
  11. 1- It was the way he did it. He jumped out, stared at her for a moment, and then (passionately) licked her face. It was very out of place for Saws N' Steam... and scareactors. However, you are right, people do get their faces licked all the time. My friend once used it as a greeting, as it apparently spreads less germs than a handshake. That was an odd time. 2- I mentioned the nine I walked through when I began interacting with you directly, but you chose to ignore it and say you'd walk through it 37 more times. You could have said you were going to walk through it 45 more times, thus beating me, but you didn't. I'd read my bible more often, but it's written in modern English. Exodus 14.14: "Don't Question God. You can shut up." I kid you not, it says that. So, I can't really trust anything it says. 3 Why wasn't there a hyphen here? It distressed me. I'm pretty sure posts are only deleted by mods. 4- I laughed out loud at this. Sure, I could have said "lulz," but where would the fun be in that? 5- I sometimes forget how odd it is to be apathetic towards someone I've never formally met before. Especially when they throw tantrums. Your background giving was unnecessary, as I once watched a special on The Seven Deadly Sins on the History Channel before it became the Pawn Shops and Conspiracy-Theories-Presented-as-Fact Channel. However, it was still a very enjoyable and informative read, and I appreciate the time you spent explaining it because most people would give up halfway through writing that. However, I must cut it from this quote, because it takes up a lot of space, and that would make this annoying to read. See? I'm not always insensitive! Also, I'm glad you are reiterating The Inferno, as it's been three years since I last read it, and it was terribly boring. However, it was much more interesting than the other two-thirds of The Divine Comedy. 1- Better yet, her stage could have been a giant, horizontal fan that pushes her tumbling through the air, like those sky diving simulators! That would've been impressive. 2- I don't really have anything to say here. \ 3- And her minions could joust the whole night on real horses! Man, you're right; this zone could have been so much better ! I actually liked Greed the way it was, how she became imprisoned by her jewelry and her minions were choking on their own success. I thought it was cool. 4- Sloth is generally considered the least of the SDS. However, Sloth was originally Apathy, and was considered the most deadly; being incapable of love, you can't love God, and then your soul is severed. I think the whole wasting away idea was interesting, but I don't think many people understood it. The called her "zombie girl." I would have had her doing heroin or something else 'life destructive', but that would probably hit a little too close to home. 5- I would have loved this zone so much more if on the stage there was a giant tree and the minions were cutting it apart with chainsaws, while the tree bled and said melodramatic things. That was my favorite chapter in The Inferno 6- Why, there is no six! How odd! I'll just skip down to seven. 7- I didn't think Envy made sense in 7 at all. What do snakes have to do with Envy? They're green? So are salads. Her stage should have been one giant salad bowl filled with all kinds of edible leafy greens. 8- When I was there, Vanity (I think that is more applicable in the case of 7) just danced around while looking into her mirror. She didn't interact at all when I was there. So, at least one came out exactly the way you wanted it too! 7 was the Seven Deadly Sins, not really Hell. However, if they somehow covered the Hollywood in ice, had people frozen up to their necks in it, and the Devil making more ice with his giant wing-flapping, 7 would be the best scarezone ever made in history. I hope you had fun at HHN for ... like ... an hour!
  12. To the scene with no floor, I only noticed it when I was looking at the floor the whole house. That was my second run through, and I was determined to find it. I must say, it's a little over-hyped. It's not like I hate the house because of it, I just thought it was over-hyped.
  13. The "eighth sin" is Lady Luck's minions. They aren't really part of 7. They scare people walking towards 7. Sloth - She's wasting her time, and wasting her life. Therefore, her body is wasting away. It's a bit of a stretch, but then again, so are extreme burns because of lust, and snake scales because of envy.
  14. If I were to go through it 36 more times, and you go through it 37 more times, I'd have gone through it 7 more times than you. I win. Yes, because being made of bricks means you bark at people who wrong you . Honestly, if I really wanted to stop someone form repeatedly pushing me (which has not happened... yet), I'd lick their face; that always stops people from touching you. Of course, this would mean carrying around a lot of Listerine mouthwash, but it'd be worth it in the end. Which reminds me! [rant] While walking through Saws N' Steam, I swear to God I saw a scareactor lick a girl's face. He jumped out at her, yelling "Blaaah!" and then he leaned in and licked her face. Maybe he only made it seem like he was going to lick her face, 'cuz the girl didn't even react and it's against scareacting laws, but I'm positive he moved his tongue up the side of her cheek. Maybe he knew her... I walked through Nightingales, and the girl walking in front of me scareacts in Nightingales, but it was her night off, and she got high fives from about three of the Nurses... so maybe the guy knew the girl whose face he licked, which would also explain why she didn't even budge when he jumped out at her. Or maybe she's had a lot of botox and didn't feel the lick, and she doesn't have periphery vision which is why she didn't notice the scare and I don't know why I thought you'd care about this anecdote. [/rant] Actually, I meant to correct the grammar in my earlier post because I hate proof reading, and I accidentally clicked reply. I replied to myself and it looked ridiculous, so I tried (and failed) to tell people to ignore my post in a clever way. I realized how ambiguous the post was, but I was hoping it would be ignored. Stop holding your breath!
  15. Ignore this post! It's a stray; it doesn't belong here. Don't give it attention or it will never leave us alone!
  16. The wait for WN was less than 5 minutes throughout almost all of Thursday night, and about 5-10 minutes towards the end of Friday night. So, every time I walked by it, I went in it. If the wait times for everything else were that short (they ranged from 20-45 minutes), I would've walked through them nine times too. Except for The Thing... twice was enough for me. I'm also really good at getting the most out of my time, it's something of an OCD. Like I said, this was a very rigorous schedule, and it took a lot out of me and it left very little downtime; I felt like I ran a marathon (or how I imagine one feels after running a marathon) on Saturday morning.
  17. Nights - 2 The Forsaken - 5 The In Between - 4 Nevermore - 4 Saws N' Steam - 5 Bloodengutz - 4 The Thing - 2 Nightingales - 5 Winter's Night - 9 I never want to make a schedule as rigorous as this ever again.
  18. I'm going with Winter's Night. I liked it more than all of the others, though Nevermore isn't very far behind. I thought Nightingales was good, but not great.
  19. Definitely the most entertaining review ever. Isn't Winter's Night amazing? In two days, I walked through it nine times, and I would walk through it 36 more times if I got the chance. So much to look at; if people weren't pushing me to keep walking the whole time, I would have carefully read every name on every crypt. It's a shame you didn't notice the scareactors, they change in the lantern (carefully hidden black lights) light; it's almost as mesmerizing as the sets.
  20. Howdy! I'll give a description as to why I ranked them, not a walk-through of the house. There will still be spoilers. but I'll try to be as vague as possible. HOUSES 1. Winter's Night: The Haunting of Hawthorn Cemetery 2. Nevermore: The Madness of Poe 3. The In Between 4. Saws n' Steam: Into the Machine 5. Nightingales: Blood Prey 6. The Forsaken 7. H.R. Bloodengutz presents Holidays of Horror 8. The Thing Winter's Night: I walked through this house nine times (it always had a really short wait) and never got bored of it, and I noticed much more than what many will. Every time I noticed something new, and this house has very consistent scares. This house takes the cake on sets, costumes, atmosphere, effects, storytelling, and scares. I say scares not only because the scares were really well done, but every single one of the nine times I walked through, I got at least three or so good scares. The sets are beautiful and realistic. The light snow fall just adds on to it. One person (I forget who) noticed how bright it was, and thought that it took away from the house. I didn't think it was very bright, but I thought the soft blue glow was very reminiscent of the reflection of moonlight off of a snowy field; something I see very often in Pennsylvania. I also liked the lantern motif throughput the house, especially all of the different lanterns placed throughout. The costumes and makeup were really cool because they changed in the lantern (black) light, They would go from looking solid and zombie-ish to fearsome and glowing spectres, which made for a very cool effect. The cold air made me shiver and it really added to the whole feel of the house, and the effects with lighting and mirrors (especially one with a mirror) were really nifty. This was the only house where I felt there was true storytelling, from the lantern light which seemed to harm the spirits in some way; to the shed where Hawthorn obsessively builds the lanterns he uses to keep the ghosts from leaving, I actually felt a continuing plot throughout the house. I also liked the silence, it reminded me of walking my dogs through the snow at night, and how all the noises are muffled and silenced by the insulation of the snow. The scares were very consistent in this house. Not once did I walk through and feel like it was lacking in scares, and there is one boo-hole (which has really cool distraction) that seems to produce a few screams every time. When done right, the "miniature cemetery" and the mausoleum scenes can produce very frightening and relentless scares. The problem is, this house is a little short. Maybe I'm biased and just want more of it to walk through, but I still feel like it ends just too suddenly. Also, the finale. It has a great finale-- one that I've seen people run screaming from, but most of the time you can just walk right through it without even getting a scare. Apparently there is some problem with th costumes, but it still left me a little disappointed. Overall, this is my favorite house and every walk through of it was a really great time. Maybe I just liked it so much because after doing something so many times, you just learn to love it. Nevermore: I'm not even sure where to start. I was completely blown away by how amazing this was. This house truly does the work of Poe justice. The scareactors were really energetic and relentless and the sets were amazing. I almost couldn't believe it was in a tent. I think the two best scenes are Masque of the Read Death and the scene with Poe on the balcony, as I consistently got really great scares in these rooms. There is never any dead time in this house. I felt like the house had a bizarre and tragic love story in it, but I found it very hard to follow and on some of my walk-throughs, it wasn't there at all. I dunno. Overall, I really enjoyed walking through some of my favorite stories brought to life and I thought the finale was really awesome. It really showed Poe's madness and it brought a really strong wrap up to the house. The In Between: I've never been so disoriented in my life. This house is an acid trip gone wrong with some of the most effective scares I've seen. The costumes are so perfectly designed. In many of the scenes, the costumes allow for almost complete invisibility until the scareactor decides to reveal itself, and this got me few times. Another good scare has the costumes blend with the sets (not in the way you think) and this actually got me to run right into the other wall I was so surprised by it. The 3D makes this house so much better and I really liked the depth and dimension it added. I definitely had a lot of fun walking through the In Between, but this one also seemed a little short. It left me wanting more, and though the scares are really good in this house, but a lot of the time it's very hit or miss when it come to getting them. Saws N' Steam: This one has really great effects. And a few really cool and theatrical victims. I don't have as much to say on this one, but I did really like it. The costumes were cool and the heat of the Jaws Queue really set the atmosphere. The diver and waterfall made me happy. This house was also really loud, and the scareactors had a lot of energy throughout the night; they never seemed to stop. There was some dead time in this house, but there are some pretty neat things to look at, like fish tanks and meat crushers. Overall, I liked this house, but it wasn't the best house there. Nightingales: The set for this house was amazing. I really felt like i was in a trench, and there was a firefight happening above my head. I liked the look of the Nightingales and their progression throughout the house. The finale has an awesome distraction that can lead to a great scare. This was one of the three houses where I got a scare that actually made me yell; normally I guffaw and smile like a fool. There is a really cool and theatrical victim scene that I did not expect at all. One problem: Some of the girls in this house really need to up the ante! Don't walk at me angrily; run at me like you want to rip my head off! Other than some minor lacking of energy, I enjoyed walking through this house and getting sprayed on by a ripped-open body. The Forsaken: This house is really good... if you get the right timing. The first time I went through, I got what seemed like every scare and the really awesome finale scare. The other four times, I got nothing. Maybe it was just bad luck, but I didn't see a lot of scaring, just a lot of pacing back and forth. The effects are really cool and the sets are very detailed, but the scareactors need to find what works for them. Like I said, the first time I went through it was great and I really enjoyed, but all the other times it just didn't cut the cake. The finale is really cool, if you can get it; I was a little surprised by it actually, I wasn't sure if what I was seeing was real or not. Bloodengutz: Very funny. I liked the costumes and the button effect. I really liked the Easter room, especially the fake grass. Not a lot of scares, though President's Day definitely had some good ones. The queue video was funny and a great set up for the house, and I liked the TVs set up throughout. Overall, this house was alright, but not really one of my favorites. The Thing: The costumes and makeup were great! The puppets were cool and it really felt like the set of the movie. The problem is, there aren't a lot of scares. At all. The scareactors are great, but I felt more like I was walking through the movie than getting the scares from the movie. With that said, I did like walking through it and sort of watching the movie play out, though there wasn't much tying the house together, you just walked from scene to scene. Having to choose one as my least favorite, I'd say this is it, though I still liked it a lot more than a few of the houses last year. SCAREZONES 1. 7 2. Grown Evil 3. Canyon of Dark Souls 4. Acid Assault 5. Your Luck Has Run Out 6. Nightmaze 7: Really cool concept that was pulled off spectacularly! The girls had so much energy! They danced the whole night (sure there were cats changes, but they still danced hard pretty much the whole time) and the guys scared really well. I watched a guy run out of this scarezone screaming when the minions of Lust, Envy, Sloth, and Vanity pretty much just targeted him. I almost felt bad. Almost. Cast change from second to third transformation is the best time to be in this zone. The song changes to the Marilyn Manson version and the guys go wild. It becomes a party... a party where everyone tries to scare you. Grown Evil Cool costumes, great scares, a lot of fog, and really dark. Not much else to say on this one... Canyon of Dark Souls I really liked the costumes and the menace of the stilt walkers. A few good scares, but nothing special. Acid Assault The 3D effects looked cool from far away, but up close they looked pretty bad. The scares were average, but I really liked seeing the Rat lady. Your Luck has Run Out I like the look of Bad Luck's mask (it's the Maori's facial expression for cannibalism), I just wish the mask itself looked better. This scarezone has great (really great) potential scares, but a lot of people turned it into a photo op and the sound the Lucks make (BWAAAAAUUGH!) isn't scary at all. Nghtmaze Really cool concept that was executed poorly. I could list the ways to make it better, but that would be a long list. The scareactors try, but they have nothing to work with. And they have to move walls. However, I did watch the scareactors trap a few people in a square, which was cool, but they let them out immediately. Also having wall suddenly shut in your face is unsettling, but not very scary. Overall, meh. I think this year on a whole is much better than last year. I just wish the theme was more prevalent. And less dead space. The whole back of the park was empty! I liked this year and I had a really great time, but there is always room for improvement [/cliche ending]. Oh, jeez. My favoritism towards Winter's Night is not as subtle as I had hoped.
  21. Jaws and Steam shirt on and I'm ready for round two.

  22. Tomorrow! Oh tomorrow, how far away you seem.

  23. I like how you say this is your least favorite year and then you say this event has the best house you've ever seen. I guess that doesn't count for anything.
  24. New pic pretty much all but confirms Weeping Angels idea. This pleases me greatly.
  25. This is a Bioshock house the same way The Forsaken is The Fog and the statues in Winter's Night are Weeping Angels; meaning, they aren't but they are heavily based on these ideas. This is the closest we will ever get to having a Bioshock house. It's such a shame that fans have been asking for it for so long, and now nobody seems too excited. Eh... we'll see.
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