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Everything posted by Mae

  1. Vincent Price was good, but I have to confess to liking Charlton Heston's version. You know, I just went to get a refresher on Mr Matheson and was also reminded that he wrote the original concept of The Night Stalker television show. That could be a nifty way to theme the event and it would leave any avenue open for exploration. I think, if done right, Detective Kolchak would make a pretty good icon, too. Mae
  2. Matheson would be a great author to base ideas on; he's not as iconic as King or Rice, but the world has been exposed to his writing for nearly 60 years. I was just reminded last night that not only did he give us I Am Legend and The Haunting of Hell House, but he also wrote Stir of Echos! I'd completely forgotten that! Mae
  3. Madness takes its toll.........please have exact change.

  4. Should I feel guilty because I booked a Disney trip instead of paying bills???

  5. All I can see now is Dean Winchester running through a corn field screaming "CLOSE ENCOUNTER! CLOSE ENCOUNTER!" Universal will figure out how to do the Alone house. They'll have some separate angle to keep the two parks' (BGT and USF) ideas from being too close, but they'll figure it out. Mae
  6. And it's a damn shame that you did miss it, it was fantastic! Of course, it had flamethrowers, chainsaws and Rob Zombie playing at high decibles, so what wouldn't I like about it? I found that year to be chock full of amazing creativity and it was unmatched in my mind until 2008. The outside areas were heavily utilized, not just by the 'crossover' scarezones, but the Midway of the Bizarre was actually the parade. The zone would close down about a half-hour before the parade started, there would be a little pre-show, an explosion and then the lights would come up on the floats as they rolled out of the Boneyard. We were in it twice and viewed/video taped once and it was a huge spectacle. If they never have Halloween parades again, I could live with that year's being the last and best. I do still wish for some sort of parade making a return, but I believe it is in vain. The layout of the park has changed, as has the level of attendance. Can you imagine trying to corral the crowds on recent peak nights to the sidewalks? Oy, what a mess! (And don't bring up Disney and their parades...there is a whole world of difference, from atmosphere, family attendence, and sales of alcohol to just the capacity of the streets between the two parks.) Mae
  7. Oh, wait! I remember Jerry Lee Lewis playing the night AFTER I went for the first time in 1994. Not sure how he would fit in, but he was badass in concert when I saw him as a teen. Mae
  8. YES MISFITS Honestly, I've had more fun at their shows than all of the other metal/punk/speed bands combined. Plus, with songs like "Horror Hotel", "Vampira", "Night of the Living Dead", and "Halloween" could there be a more appropriate gig at HHN?? HOWEVER I've been to a lot of concerts of all different types of music and Alice Cooper has my heart . (like, in a jar by his bed) He is consistently the best performer I've seen and would gladly pay extra $$ at anytime to see him anywhere. Plus, I absolutely adore the man. Seeing him at HHN could conceivably kill me with joy. Mae Oh, and btw Land of the Dead - The Misfits
  9. I can remember at least a dozen different houses that had outdoor themes (1-2 from each year that I've been, easy), or at least memorable outdoor scenes, and were completely enclosed. Reflections of Fear had one in nearly every house that year. Interstellar Terror would be the one without; tho ,if you wanted to get technical, the scene with the actor being sucked out into space could count. Now, as far as one whole and enclosed house being set 'outside', I don't think that has ever been done. Perhaps F13 or The Orfanage, mostly because the sets were greatly exposed to the outside, could sort of count as outside. I like very much the idea of the really cold house. The soundstage houses are notoriously cold to begin with; add some dry ice and and some scary 30 Days of Night type vamps and I am totally there. Mae
  10. The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.

    1. traveller


      I was always told we are not poor, just broke.

  11. Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.

  12. Snapple Fact #734 Potatoes have more chromosomes than humans. Does that mean that couch potatoes are a higher life form??

  13. *digs in her mental files....'I've GOT to have something outrageously stupid to throw out there!'...nothing yet, but give me time...* I was wondering if there should be NO online interaction; save for the obvious advertising banners and such. I'm wondering if we work ourselves into such a frenzy over what The Almighty Internets can tell us that we are too distracted to enjoy the event. We're nitpicking it to death (pun not intended)! I'm the only child of an original Trekker and I know nitpicking, but some of the debates seen regarding HHN simply blow my mind! (Really, who cares if Jack and Chance get married...it's no worse than the Chucky and Tiffany thing...plus, Chance is HAWT.) The website could go back to something more simple, 2000 through 2003 were all pretty straight-forward, with our icon, some inimation as to their story, and the set up for our involvement in the event. There would be some extras, eventually, like wallpapers and fun email greetings to send to your friends, but there wasn't a hidden agenda, a game, or even any easter eggs mysteriously hidden in the site itself. I honestly don't remember any websites prior to 2000, but I vividly remember getting that first flyer in the mail for 1998 and 1999. The excitement was still there, and it was merely an oversized postcard! Don't get me wrong, I desperately love and live for the web updates and the clues and secrets and tiddlywinks thrown our way (child of a Trekker, remember) but maybe it's time to let us just go in with nothing...no previews, no sneak peeks, no clues...Just throw open the gates and let 'er rip! Mae
  14. Oooohhh, you should look up Edward Low and Charles Vane....these two were definately scary! Plus, Anne Bonny was no precious lass to be faintin' at the sight o' blood, to be sure... Mae
  15. My job is trying to kill us all...there's been a huge ammonia spill but we're not allowed to go home!!!

  16. Heh, they can give us scares on demand.... M
  17. A few pages back there was talk of a voodoo themed maze in Jurassic Park. I believe the haunt in question was "Jungle of Doom" in 2003. There is an entire event dedicated to pirates in California. I think it is called "Pirates of Emerson", or that was it's old name, at least. It's apparently a huge fan favorite in the area. Knott's pirate houses are no longer, but they were incorporated into the log flume ride and were very popular for many years. I think the proximity to Disney has Universal shaking in their low heeled, non-piratey boots. I think they should do a pirate house...pirates were mass murderers, serial killers, serial torturers and rapitsts; why wouldn't they fit into a Halloween event? There were pirates in the Mediterranean that would have sent Blackbeard crying for mama; in fact, they were so nasty they were directly responsible for the formation of the United States Navy in the early 19th Century. There could be some scary pirate goings-ons, for sure....I wouldn't complain. Arrr.... Mae
  18. The last time Halloween fell on a Wednesday they did stretch it to that weekend. I remember going on Nov 3 in 2001, the last night of the event. There's even video of that night, somewhere! I also think that the last time Halloween was a Monday, it was also open, in 2005! We may be in North Carolina, but we will find a way down here! Mae
  19. True, and I will never, ever NOT love Jack. Mary could come back anytime, too. Perhaps she wasn't the 'Most Horrifying of Icons!' but she was the catalyst for what has become my favorite year. Mae
  20. I could play her...then she would be FAT CHANCE! Mae ETA: Sorry! The pun was there...I had to go for it!! I think Chance could hold her own. I like the idea of her killing Bill and Ted and starting up her own show. M
  21. Anyone here from Raleigh NC?

    1. Freak


      No, but that happens to be my name. :D

  22. I never once thought of Mysterious Stranger as a haunted event. That is sheer brilliance, especially if you can team it up with some of the observations in Letters from Earth. Good God, man, you've struck gold! I think that the Connecticut Yankee would lend itself to an Army of Darkness feel. I'm not sure if that would work for a full event, but certainly for a Medieval themed house. Perhaps the Blood Ruins with more meat, so to speak. Food for thought. Mae
  23. It certainly was NOT cold. The back sound stage is always bloody freezing...why don't they use that to their advantage? Also, the cave house with the helmet lights was Terror Mines in 2005 and People Under the Stairs in 2006. I loved both but I don't remember them being particularly well-received. Mae ETA: Sorry! Fail on me for not reading the rest of the posts!
  24. My son said tonught that he wants to go toHHN!!

  25. 30 Days of Night was very scary the first time I saw it! Plus, a cold, dark environment is very primally frightening, going back to our Ice Age ancestors. Good call on that. Now my brain is working! Mae
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