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Everything posted by Mae

  1. Zombies and Mardi Gras Two great tastes that taste great together. Mae ps Now, if they'd get a beignet station and some chicory coffee, I could really be happy, me!
  2. It's being bombarded with hits right now. Be patient, you'll be so glad! Mae
  3. The site is moving slow tonight; keep trying! Mae
  4. We encourage your complete cooperation...

  5. I had the strangest thought; what if Adaru is the Sta-Puft marshmellow man?

  6. I just saw that too!! There isn't anything else new, yet, but the tension is palpable!
  7. Has the goddess Nyx been mentioned and I just missed it? She's an interesting tie in with all of our speculation; the primordial goddess of the night who gave birth to Charon, Hypnos, and Thanatos (and a slew of others). That would put her in a position to have control of not only her own offspring, but over other 'children' of the night. Even Zeus was afraid of her. Mae
  8. The circle reminds me of sun wheels (or crosses) used by pre-historic religions in Europe. I've seen them especially in studying Scotland's history. Celts adopted it later and it became the Celtic cross so popular today. Mae
  9. It's pretty quiet here on Nightmares....I hope that means that JW and Dr J and Dug and Sin are all working on those photos right now! Mae
  10. I love how you worked Lenin and Mao in with Jack. Brilliant. I R CONFOOZED. But, that may be the point. If all Hell is supposed to break loose at HHN then it's possible that there won't be any sort of organization or themes in the park. Decor could be mixed up willy-nilly with scareactors running all over the place. It would be interesting, at least. Mae
  11. Torchwood? (Sorry, just me being silly...) Hmmm...if I didn't know that LT hadn't started in the 60's? 70's? I would swear that you're talking about a Victorian 'ghosthunter'. Or is it that the inspector is a spector, as well? Hmmm... Oh, and Dr J, Bill the Butcher scares the Hell out of me. Is there hint of him being in a scarezone??? Mae
  12. I think 85-90% of us were thinking that very thing, but not saying it. JMR is a bit of a touchy subject around here, for some reason. What would be even better, is if he IS the employee that his 'defection' be all part of the story. Of course, that would make the other guys...well, bad guys, trying to intice us to the park for one more hurrah before offing us all in a giant explosion.... Wow, I have an overactive imagination. Go about your business. Mae
  13. Would that mean that you believe the Steampunk hottie scareactor to be Holmes, Watson, Moriarity, or perhaps AC Doyle, himself? Mae
  14. There was one in 2001 for sure, I got it on video. Mae ps....I forgot to tell you all! We finally got the correct connection for our DV tapes to transfer over to the pc! I'll be posting some of my videos soon!!! M
  15. Ooooo....it's lovely! Thank you so much!!!! Mae
  16. The cart looks like one of their old-school torture vehicles. They stopped using the truck after 2000 but they kept the smaller, more portable ones. This one looks like it has nooses or some sort of restraint hanging from the top. Mae
  17. Alright, I give! I've been trying to make my own sig and just can't do anything worth seeing. I'm very excited about this year and wanted to use the quote "To a new age of gods and monsters" from The Bride of Frankenstein in conjunction with the XX used in the tagline. Can you help??? Mae
  18. My husband said it would make a great commercial. Mae
  19. I have no idea if this is appropriate to post here, but it is a sort of speculation, so here it goes: I had a CRAZY dream last night! I was with a friend (no one I knew in RL, but it was a handsome young gentleman, at least) and he was determined to get some 'construction' photos. We snuck over to the tents to try and get anything possible. There was a sort of flap enterance and he stuck his head in to see. He got really excited and put his camera in the flap and took several quick shots. Then he turned to me to show what looked like writing on a white wall. It was neat, but not worth the trouble, so he put his camera on video and stuck it in there again. This time, I could hear him say "Wow, those Jack naysayers are going to be surprised!" He showed me the video, which was of a big, masculine forearm with bloody clown gloves on, drawing on the wall. Before we could do anything else, the flap blew open and I could see the arm, too! It reached out and grabbed my friend by the leg and pulled him in the tent! I sat down on the ground, sort of stunned, and heard him screaming... Then I woke up. As far as nightmares go, it was a little too fun to bolt upright, but it got my heart racing. I got the giggles trying to go to back to sleep because I'd had an HHN dream! Mae
  20. Back to the subject, where is the large metal door, Disaster or Jaws? It's mighty intimidating. Did the possibility of the pre-9/11 Run house get dashed? Mae
  21. Hey, I'll take it! I adored that house; the look, the actors, the whole story...everything! I loved the 'staples' holding the walls together. Talk about steampunk! Besides, guys are hot in steampunk gear. Mae
  22. Okay, I have two ideas but I am so woefully under-skilled in Photoshop that I wanted to throw these out to the talented ones (JW and Sin especially). Could someone take the 'circle' diagram of the 5 photos we have now and superimpose it onto a map of USO? Also, the arched gate of the Shadybrook Rest Home; could someone do the same for that? Please? It will give you something to do and pacify a crazy person!! (that would be me) Thank you!! Mae
  23. Does anyone have a copy of the Shadybrook Rest Home gate from the Legacy:Expansions part of the website? I'd like to do a little experiment and can't get my hands on one. Mae
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