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Everything posted by giant4203

  1. I love how you got the Drugs sign above my head hehe
  2. Actually yeah...CD's right...it's oil LOL
  3. That was me I say that to all the HNN shirts I see
  4. I will probably be able to pop in for a spell before heading over to sign in...don't have to sign in until 6:15 then it's chainsaw time
  5. So in case anyone is interested, I have set up a blog to journal my experiences this year as a chainsawer....I'll share stories of scares and the like if anyone would like to follow, it's at chainsawpanda.blogspot.com
  6. Look for the lumbering wall with a chainsaw and just shout Giant and that should get my attention. Thank ya!
  7. If anyone happens to be out and around Saws n Steam for the first set of the evening, could they snap a picture of me in full costume? some friends from back home are wanting to see me all chainsawed out hehe Please and thank you!
  8. I believe I am featured at 4:15 in that video....little dark to tell but I think that's me
  9. I believe we are at: Non Peak 7:15-800 845-930 1015-1100 1130-1200 Peak 7:15-800 845-930 1015-1100 1145-1230 115-200 I'm not sure of our exact set times for 1am closings are, but we open the street, but we don't close it on those nights
  10. Omg that was you??? That was one of my favorite moments of the night! LOL I had no idea that guy was up there hiding...it took all of me not to fall on the ground laughing
  11. hehehe well I certainly hope it was me! LOL if the guy was a wall carrying a chainsaw then yeah it was me...also I think I'm the only actor who has an eye patch as opposed to the single goggle hehe
  12. LOL if you didn't see chainsaws we were switching casts...there's a ton of us out there
  13. Not to mention the Bill and Ted seen tonight wont be the same one that will be seen starting Friday
  14. Not sure if this has been posted yet....here he is....saw this posted on HHN facebook page
  15. No pictures in houses. This ruins the night vision of everybody around you (including the actors). Please keep pictures to the streets.
  16. Nobody is safe hehe...someone will notice you and you not paying attention and will scare ya when you least expect it hehe
  17. The street surface over there isn't quite suitable for sliders though
  18. yeah I agree that it does suck, however when people get scared and running, that curb becomes a trip hazard and all of a sudden the person running face plants on the concrete, causing injury to themselves and then Universal has a law suit on their handsl...sucks but it is the nature of the beast. Fortunately, this doesn't really affect our scares very much. Just stay on the street if you want to be targeted
  19. Due to safety concerns, we aren't allowed to scare on the sidewalks
  20. Oh hai.I can has street constrkshion discussion? I'm loving how saws n steam looks...glad to see things will be in place for rehearsal
  21. There is a classic character that they might be referring to....a quite unsightly fellow who rings bells at a big church....don't quote me on it...just a thought
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