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Posts posted by Michele

  1. We skipped last night's presentation. Anyone else go? Got some highlights or key points you remember? I'm glad Universal listened to the feedback and opened the lounge to those under 21. Let's just make sure not to do anything to make them regret that decision. (;

  2. A few ground rules -

    1. This is not an open forum to flame anyone or anything.

    2. If you want to rant about something, please explain why. Saying that something sucked is not enough.

    3. There will be no fighting.

    4. Remember to fill out the HHN Survey when you exit the park for the night.

    Now that we have that out of the way, I'll start -

    Pulsing the lines Sunday night was not a good idea. Lines that should have been (and were advertised to be) short were taking two and three times their normal time because of the pulsing. Sure, it's a good idea, but it's just not feasible.

    The Express line for the Hallow'd Past starts much too far back. At the point where you join the line, you still have a considerable wait.

    My group and I were told we need to "walk faster" by one of the ops in the house. We were moving a pretty fast pace as it was.

    One of the coordinators in Saws 'n Steam told mz_, JackLover, and I to stop asking the guys to pose for pictures. We don't ask people to pose for pictures. And, even if we were, the coordinator should told his guys not to pose for pictures instead of lecturing us.

  3. The whole standing up for an hour and 15 minutes thing did, indeed, suck. I think T.J. mentioned they will try to get chairs before next week. That would be most helpful. And, there wasn't anywhere to buy booze. The advertisement indicated that booze would be available from waitresses, and I didn't see any.

  4. I doubt I can make it, but if anyone one goes to the Extreme House or ESPECIALLY the Icon one, please take notes and lots of pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll buy you a gift!

    I went to the Extreme House one with JackLover and mz_. It was about an hour and 15 minutes long. It was very cool. T.J. went over the house in great detail, scene-by-scene. I can tell you that it was to have involved coffins, a bus, and an electric chair. There was going to be a code word or phrase that you could say if you wanted to leave because it was too intense. The phrase suggested by one of the designer's children was, "I'm a fluffy bunny." Lots of other members were there, too - Dr. Jimmy, Rob, Jim and Judy, so I'm sure someone could give you a more full run down. Or you can find me, JackLover, and mz_ one night and we'll tell you more about it. It's too much to type out.

    Pictures from the event -



    (Ignore the shoes; I just got off work and forgot to bring my non-work shoes) :P















  5. Last night was a great night. It was my first opportunity to explore on my own (with mz_ and JackLover, of course).

    Kudos to:

    20 Years of Fear scarezone peeps. I'm not sure which cast, but the one with Justin as chainsaw. A lot of you scared me last night, particularly Jack and Wolfman.

    C_D for scaring me again. I was not expecting that growl in the ear.

    Matty, for the extra surprise in Havoc. :P

  6. Why pay $25 for something you can do with good timing and multiple houses?

    I'd be curious to know what house(s) you got to go through on your first trip through completely alone. I've been going to the event nine years and have gone every night of the FFP in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009 and only been through a couple of houses alone and certainly never my first trip through.

  7. Why did you switch, if you don't mind me asking? It seems odd to downgrade, in my opinion.

    On a side note, I can't wait until the pictures start coming in from Opening Weekend. It's exciting. :)

    Well, I just have the Canon Rebel XT with the kit lens and one 50 mm low light lens. I wasn't really getting that great of pictures because the camera has a lot of noise at high ISOs. I considered upgrading, but I don't like carrying the DSLR stuff around with me. It's heavy and the camera bag is big and bulky. Plus, when I'm drinking, I turn in to a klutz. . . or turn in to more of a klutz. (: The point-and-shoot I got is the highest rated one and is especially good in low light situations. Best of all, it fits in my back pocket!

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