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Everything posted by cwoolboy

  1. Don't Worry GW, as long as you lay low on the boards LT won't know you're here...unless Jimmy told IH.
  2. N.A.Z.I??!!! That sounds pretty neat, Parade Nazis HAHA!!! LOVE IT!!!
  3. WOOW!!! The game's even pouring out onto the boards...THIS IS @#$#@!!!! AWESOME!!!!!
  4. Wonder if Fell and Ignatia have been fired due to their *ahem* unorthodox activity several nights ago.
  5. I'll take that as a hidden yes. I honestly think that this is the coolest backstory I've seen for HHN thus far. A sumerian fear god, ancient evil rituals, cultists...come on, that's just plain AWESOME!!!! Hope this year doesn't dissapoint!!!!
  6. I too wanted more things on the site, but still think it is a great site and fits in nicely with the theme this year. Gotta love how dark it is.
  7. Congrats to everyone who's participated in the investigation so far (Myself included), we wouldn't have gotten this far if it wasn't for you. Hope LT continues on with the investigaton into the havoc they have wrought by unleashing Adaru, opefully with an emphasis on how to banish him back from whence he came (If LT doesn't do this, I hope Uni. or Richards contacts us to help them do this). This Cool boy is exhausted (who knew helping to unleash untold horrors nto our world would be SO exhausting) so I'm heading off to bed for the night (what remains of it). Here's to a most excellent 20 years of horror (even though I've only attended 2 I've been fascinated by this event since I was in the single digits) and to many more after this. C U guyZ 2morro
  8. Cwool APPROVES Just wish we had full image of Fearon the ite...don't wanna wait till I get to the event to see how he looks (but am prepared to)
  9. I don't want TJ to be the sacrifice either, trust me, I REALLY don't...but seeing how I doubt Fell would would sacrifice himself, his loyal mistress, or any of his hardworking staff (Maybe Scott, Endicott, or Steerington would suffice ?) at the moment I see TJ being the chosen sacrifice, If he is I doubt he's even suspecting it (poor soul) EDIT: LT FB UPDATED WITH FELL QUOTE
  10. Who wants to bet TJ ends up being the sacrifice?
  11. I don't want to fight Horus in the battle that is to come...but if that's what it takes to send this ugly back where he came from then so be it. I'm ready...with my BOOMstick No hard feelings Horus?
  12. @ eze: I may fail, but the boomstick has yet to fail Ash and SOMEONE'S got to do SOMETHING instead of run in fear. Yes, I like the ideas of an epic stage show and a showdown between Bloody Mary and Adaru at the end of the event.
  13. The only way LT will get me to participate in the summonning is if they shot me in both my knees and forced me to move. I will not be used to bring more evil forth into this world.
  14. Yea, I saw that. Like how it's got Hallow in it. drawin a connection/reference to that house in 2008. When I finally meet Adaru I'll have a few choice words for him, Like: Alright you Primitive Screwhead, listen up! You see this? This... is my boomstick! " and then I'd attempt to blow him away (and with my luck, probably fail)
  15. either our new icon or one of the summoners wearing a red robe
  16. It's Adaru's mouth...looks like he's got some serious bad breath, I gotta remember to bring some mints along so that I can slip him a few...noone likes an evil ruler that has bad breath
  17. Thanks Nellie and Dr Jimmy: So...if Mary would appear to be the enemy of Faer then shouldn't she be the key to defeating him as well??? Looks like we may have to do some conjuring of our own if we wish to stop Adaru
  18. OK PEOPLE, WE JUST GOT HANDED A DEADLINE!!!! It's up to us to figure out a way to STOP THIS THING before the big hand reaches the 12, let's get workin guys!!! the faster the better
  19. Either The A-hole god (he scares people, COME ON!!!! that's an A-hole thing to do ) will be summoned before the event and become our new Icon or, as I partially suspect, Adaru will be summoned at the end of the event with this year acting as the previous Icons last chance to gather enough fear in order to release him (and probably Uni. or someone recruiting us to stop them).
  20. Pretty sure it's LT. IH has implied to me in recent mesages that they will be summoning the fear god.
  21. Next time I guess we'll trust our gut instincts huh?? Well, at lest we've got something to laugh about as th world burns around us.
  22. poor DP, expecting (sympathy?) from a cold heartles soul like IH. she's pretty much confirmed (more than once) that LT is indeed the "bad guy" this year and that she herself is involved in summoning The God of Fear to reality. I always had a feeling both e and Fll were not to be trusted...wonder if anyone else in LT was away of thes 2's alterior motives?
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