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Everything posted by crashcarnage

  1. well I agree for the most part but Eddie would be a new direction he is so unlike the other icons so I still hold out hope that the real Eddie Sawyer might make an appearance eventually
  2. I think it will be the end of Jack and the others so in a way I'm glad Eddie doesn't have a part to play this year maybe he will get a shot later
  3. I can't wait love the update though I am hoping scareapy doesn't have a return to the bathroom. -after all ghosts don't poo- I'm really wanting to meet Cindy this year I missed last year I hope the ghost thing is better than ship of screams ghosts I was totally underwelmed
  4. ""Now, let's knock down the fourth wall for a moment. What I want to know is, how will "Adatu" be realized, real-world? Are we looking at a big-ass demon on stilts? A ruler on a throne a la Terra Queen? Or perhaps a more amorphous presence...something that has no physical form, yet is present within all the houses/zones in one way or another? Either way, he sounds really COOL...um, I mean terrifying... "" Well it's possible that adaru will not be physically manifested since adaru is a Sumerian verb meaning " to fear" adatu was a typo I'm guessing
  5. This year is totally geared for speculation I have to agree
  6. Source it isn't worth it that's why left t alone
  7. Zed hmm men in black???? Zed (or Z) is the twenty-sixth and final letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet. Zed or Djed, an ancient Egyptian symbol for stability Zed, slang for zombie in the novel World War Z also if we were in IOA zeds are characters in dr suess' red fish blue fish
  8. No the flames are the big icons for hhn caretaker, director, Jack,and the usher, and argueably the storyteller. That's all explained many posts back in website updates
  9. Great I bought EP since I'll only be going one night this year I hope that is not the case
  10. 13 wasn't it but hhn memories blur together sometmimes but i'm sure he was from a year we were in islands of adventure
  11. Eddie was not supernatural so why would LT be invovled if he Is the icon? Don't see that but a run house done right would be good
  12. i asked her about Xe services but no response yet
  13. 2006 The movie jackass number 2 it had just came out . And uni wasn't open so I decided to take my date to see it in citywalk then we would go to hhn well after the bathroom shot I left the theater grossed out. We went on into the park first house was pyschoscarepy well we all know about it's bathroom scene keep in mind I was recooping. From jackass. Without being too graphic I'm sure you know where I'm going. This was a bad chioce of films
  14. I want a house of thousand corpses on this coast that sucks
  15. That would be a awesome house if they use it all
  16. Hey I wasn't on hnn when this was posted but I own one of the shirts in question and it was sold in park at 16 and originally the eyes would glow in the dark
  17. 45588 it kinds was but not In spec the mobile site just changed over to xx but everything interesting is still coming soon
  18. But on to speculation that is possible. IOA and screamscape are stating a rumor of a massive house larger than any we have seen in the past is it possible we may see a whole SS as one house
  19. See and Eddie being the rabid pitbull with a taste for blood he was meant to be would be great in it Ps but won't happen
  20. True this is a 100.00 a head year but a 10.00 isn't to bad besides doing run that way would actually allow them to have a decent chainsaw run at the end and actually have the house be what it was meant to
  21. I wouldn't mind a up charge house if it's done well
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