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Everything posted by moonfall

  1. I live too far away to be able to manage that, but I'm officially going for two whole weekends next year, so yay! I have a friend that's never been to universal, and I showed her my pictures and some videos and the website and she was hooked! So now she's dying to go.
  2. That would be so awesome. I loved the LT part, and I would love it to happen again!
  3. Aw, thanks! I just started prelim sketches for a MA/BM one, so I'll try to get that done sometime in the next few weeks
  4. Aw, thanks! The I drew both of them. The first one i used a brush for the film design, but I modified it and drew the rest. The second one I drew everything except the picture in the frame, because that's one of the pictures that was referred to as cindy in Screamhouse resurrection. But thank you so much! I'm thinking about doing another one.
  5. A Clip of a Masterpiece Requiem for Cindy
  6. The whole classic thing is throwing me off, because it goes back to what we think classic means. The NLC trio are considered classic as modern horror movies, but classic could also go to the CLASSIC horror movies.... So its going to be interesting.
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