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Posts posted by StraightJacketLexi

  1. I went on Friday the 22nd and I was absolutley impressed. This scarezone was by far my favorite. Mainly because I'm such a huge Eddie fan. After I walked all of the houses, I just went back and stalked him all night. I think he started to catch on though because he started to follow me around. And then when I was telling Cindy how great it was that she was finally getting some recognition, Eddie came right up beside me and revved his chainsaw. I was quite happy about this scare after the initial shock wore off. I really enjoyed Fear and his minions as well. The interaction between the two was great, even cute sometimes. But of course as the large crowd gathered around him to take pictures and I was up next for mine, Eddie burst through the crowd with his chainsaw and everyone went running (except for me) I think he has it out for me.....

  2. So I decided to have some lunch at Burger King today. I had a minor freak out when I saw that the HHN XX logo had invaded my bag and french fry holder. If the employees there didn't think I was crazy before, they sure do now. I also got quite a few odd stares as I snapped some pics of the HHN card holders at Publix. You gotta love being a HHN fan......

  3. Probably the only time I enjoyed others scaring one another outside of a house was when we were in the lines divided by the green chainlink fences. As they waited in line for the house, they would scare the people on the other side who had just come out and were still freaked out and paranoid. It was fun to watch while we waited. I fell for it quite a few times.

    I don't mind the glow swords and light-up stuff too much, I think it adds to the horror/party atmosphere. What gets on my nerves is when an employee tells them to turn the lights off when they enter a house, and they turn them back on 5 seconds later.

  4. Ok, I'm not sure if anyone else has suggested this idea, so if they have, bear with me. This idea came from when I realized that the Jaws house is usually used for the main icon/longest line house. Others had said that there might be an 'Animal House from Hell' there. And since the idea this year has been hinted at a reunion, this is where it might be taking place. A sort of 'high school reunion' for all of the icons. I can see something where they come back to torture all of the people who made fun of them in school.

  5. Back in 2006, these two guys cut everybody in line so that they could start a fight with some middle aged guy who was there with his family. Then they tried to beat up the security gaurd. SO, I'm going to go with Rude people in general...

    Hello! First post here. How about this combination. While I was in a house we suddenly came to a stop. Appanrently two drunks had got onto a fight in the middle of the house. The scareactor popped out next to me and scared me, and a few moments later tried to do so again before realizing that I was the same person. So we started to talk while the drunk idiots were sorted out. I try to make the best out of bad things.

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