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Everything posted by ZKeeper

  1. O my can we say overkill! Though I don't drink on that level I do like the flask. What is the last WD item. Is that a bag or a poster? I'd wish the evil dead shirt would have been the cabin or at least the logo with the vines.
  2. Hahaha might taste like turkey legs but really I agree.
  3. lol thanks JDW and sleep during HHN time. No such thing. I like how even it starts this week they are still adding stuff. I don't believe I've ever seen such a rush before.
  4. I'm trying to find out that info as well. I'd hope it was not the house shirt cause I'm not liking the tag-line.
  5. They've added more to the front Arch from what I've seen on instagram: http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb8/keepersdeadeyes/picstitch.jpg
  6. I shall be interested to see the Evil Dead shirt. Weird about the LL shirt getting it's own one.
  7. I thought I heard Mike say its using parts of the disaster que line area. Which I would be hoping where inside the attraction. Maybe the shortness is if it worked once before don't make it longer for the concept.
  8. The quickness of the lines could have been from the skoolhouse being tiny and really a straight pathway. Hopefully with the barn being big. Walkers can scare the guest out quickly. The skoolhouse also had a cool bus across from it and also a cool switch out.
  9. Once the crowds come. The experience of this barn will be terrible. I'm happy that A&D are thinking outside of the parade route to bring streets back. As a fan the houses are one thing but the streets are where I truly enjoy most of my HHn time.
  10. Haha well they did say no safe zone. During the day it's works but this is a night event with guest who enjoy a fair share of adult beverages.
  11. I believe I'm going to hit the floor in AWIL. Just the pic already has me scared.
  12. Haha Mike is saying what Tent? We did a magic trick and made it disappear. I believe the best facade for a tent yet.
  13. Also Attraction Magazine video confirmed again for this year. There's no safe zones. Excited sense it scared me last year by the lagoon. As for the Van. I'm not sure how this would work. With the guest being in the streets. Also the location of where it would come from.
  14. Normally I stay out of these debates. I'm a little confused on what you all really wanted about a house based on Zombies (and characters.) I was not a fan of the house they gave us last year. This year seems to correct everything on a grander scale. You call it long, dull, boring and random. How else are they post to do a layout in half of the building. If it was a full SS then I could see that being a complaint. I've never heard one person say wow that house was too long. If your going to be a regular guest and wait in 2-3hr lines. You want a lengthy house to fill like it was at least worth it. Funny you say random but bring up Zombiegeddon. As far as I could remember most houses are somewhat random. Let's see how they handle AWIL with randomness. If your going to be negative, at least explain a bit more behind what your saying. Such as what would like to have seen done or how you would have done it. Check list: Bigger set pieces: Check Details from the comb the mayor uses, to the ringing (non-ringing) phone, To Hershel's leg: Check Humans (could be a few more): Check
  15. All the WD hate makes me just laugh. Just wait until you go through the house a few times before final judgement.

    1. MahB


      Agreed. Judging by the previews I've seen from the Media preview, it looks *awesome*! :)

  16. 1. Walking Dead (based on the pics this maze looks like a 180 from the terrible maze they called WD last year) 2. Afterlife (It's like In-Between .....I'm sold!) 3. American Werewolf in London (pics pumps this up to be a great SS house) 4. Resident Evil (Could be a hit but we already have enough Zombies already) 5. La Llorona ( Love the house but Hollywood has had it for years. Doesn't look like to much new added) 6. Cabin in the Woods ( Come on Uni, where's the love for this house. Show us something to get excited for) 7. Evil Dead ( I'm one of the few that didn't care for the movie. So this maze could be a average SS house) 8. Havoc Derailed (While it does look better cough*higher budget*cough I really don't care for this theme let alone for a second house)
  17. I hand over the torch to Brandon to be in charge of this event. Major thanks Brandon!
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