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Posts posted by Pha_Q

  1. The recent FB updates are just a continuation of the story I started last year, go to my first post and read away. For the latest youtube video.

    hint--------------------------------------------------------------------------->--------------------------------------------------------------------------->-------------------------------------------------------> speculation

  2. From what is known at this time we can say the float would not fit with the theme of the Disaster house, that coupled with LT stating that Universal is not telling the "Whole Truth" leads me to think that I may have touched on something back on August 7th. In that episode of Horror Night News we stated that it is possible that Universal is giving the wrong locations to scareactors, to throw off speculation, you throw in the out of place float and it tends to lead one to think they are in fact giving us red herrings, some truth, just giving the wrong locations.

  3. I would bet they are talking about the Parade building. in the past they have only used 1/3 of it IIRC. As for the soundstages holding just one house. SS 22 always holds one house. SS 23 has 2. This has already been confirmed thru the permits.

    The Parade building is, I believe Larger than SS23 in Sq. footage.

  4. Facebook Cindy said she can't release any other info until Aug 1st... its Aug 1st... so does that mean Pha_Q will have to have another interview with her and she will release info this time?

    There will be no further interviews with Cindy, BUT should this Cindy tell me any information I will pass it along, well as soon as I verify the validity of the information. After the fiasco with the information I received from an unnamed person on the HOS, I have chosen to forgo naming anything else until it is known to be fact by myself, Unless it is called pure speculation. I will have another episode today, and will be changing some things with the program. It is a learning process, and I am learning. Be sure to subscribe to Pha_Q's Horror Night News and to the newest venue for Horror Night News On Twitter where I will be releasing exclusive Twitter only news that will not be included in the Youtube videos.

  5. Hmm.. im probably wrong on this but after looking at the blueprint, and comparing it to the facade of sprung tent 2, there are some similarities.

    I circled in red what looks like it could correspond, And in blue if you notice the blueprint staggers as well as the side of the facade.



    As far as "lower level" the facade does appear to be broken up into an upper and lower level.

    EDIT: The more i examine these two pictures the more i think i am wrong. haha

    Way off for sure,

    As for the seal in on the Shadow creek sign, think State seal, Poss. Maximun security prison.

  6. The names have been speculated as being code names for some time, and I also believe the items outside Jaws are a ploy by Universal to throw speculation toward Cindy, keeping us from getting to close to the actual theme.

    And After many requests, I alsol got an interview with the Cindy caine on Facebook, Is it a fan having fun? Or is Universal using FB as a Media outlet?


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