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Posts posted by MMAfreak

  1. Since the subject seems to be about idiots at halloween parks, my story is about my buddy, the drunken chimp, at an event up in New Hampshire, called Nightmare New England. So, I was driving up from Connecticut, and my buddy kept going on about how easily scared he was at these events and how he needed liquid courage. So, being that i needed someone to go with, i allowed him to drink on the drive up. 3 hours and an ENTIRE bottle of vodka later, we arrive at our destination. The alcohol had yet to set in by that point, so he was fine for the first house. But by the second house, things weren't looking as pretty. 15 minutes later and i had to literally stand behind him, holding onto his shirt so he wouldnt tumble down. He proceeded to shout, curse, and laugh obnoxiously throughout the night, making an annoying night for everyone. The only shining moments of the evening were his looseness with his wallet ("you want some food? I'm paying!!!") and his 4 foot drop fall off of a miniature golf course. But overall, a night somewhat wasted. I'm hoping to go again next year, but I've barred him from alcohol and am bringing more friends who don't need alcohol to have a good time...

  2. So, now, HHN stands as a BIG ol' reminder of my ex. Last big trip we took together, at time, alot of pictures, alot of fun. Now it just stands as a serious sore point in my mind, which sucks since ive been going since 2004, but just one year has kinda put a damper on it =/ .....Oh, and Churros, which do not exist in the North East =p.

  3. I enjoyed reading your review. It was in the form of a story and I enjoy when it's done like that.

    However, next time I'd recommend you break up the review into paragraphs, or at least hit the enter button after every few sentences. I found it very hard to read the giant wall of text without losing my spot.

    The funny thing is, that has been my problem writing things for years, i never break up into paragraphs. All my high school English teachers hated me for it, and i didn't realize how long it was until i posted and realized i kinda ranted my review. And to Troiandan, whats a PM? I'm newer to the site and i would love to send you the picture. Its on my facebook but the it wont let me post the link here

    Wait, never mind, it seemed to have worked...i think, clink on that underlined here?

  4. About the OPs, I actually saw what happens in a world without an OP. I was walking through Zombiegeddon and it was a section with no OPs around. The line i was in, obviously not knowing where to go, ended up leading the conga line right into a boohole and a good amount of people broke out into the backstage before we had to be redirected by a very confused scareactor. Never the less, this would not have happend if an OP was present. And I was luckily enough not harrassed by any OPs throughout my trips. The most i got was a kind girl politely asking me to put my camera away before i had entered Zombiegeddon, and i told her i just wanted to take a picture of the facade, and she let me. So, I did rather well with OPs.

  5. So, time to rant about this years event. I'll go with bullet points:

    -I got stuff behind a group of wannabe Jersey Shore boys at Legendary Truth and they then proceeded to sing the shots song throughout the house...

    -Got stuck behind a group of young teens at Legendary truth the second day. It was either the punk boys who would grab stuff, sit on chairs, and try to punk out the scareactors, or the girls who made sure to scream extra loud and extra long to make sure everyone in the house knew THEY were being scared. Those girls hit a pitch where i though dogs would start to howl outside. Overall very annoying people

    -Second day got stuck behind teenage boy and father at Psychoscareapy. Throughout the whole house, teenager made sure to point out every scareactor and yell "theres another one!" which seriously diminished how much my girlfriend got scared and how much i laughed, and the father made sure to grab EVERYTHING he could within the house

    -I then proceeded to get stuck behind the same father/son duo the next freakin' house

    -The expensive ass dinners i had to buy before we went into the park

    -When i went to go see Brushwoods Malice show, the 2 people who sat right in from of us were wearing those f*cking flashing hats with those things hanging off of them. It was almost comical how it was just so in our face, but these people would not take the hats off, even as the show was starting. The woman took it after we had to ASK HER, but the man didnt. We then asked if the man would. She asked her husband too, he said no, and the subject was dropped between them. Not for the 15 people who were affected by the damn hat. It was literally in the face of my girlfriend. got so bad she had to sit in my lap for the performance. AS it went on, we started to chant under our breaths"Asshole, asshole, asshole" (eh, sometimes you gotta fight immaturity with immaturity) until finally the guy took it off, and i got the guy trying to punk me out and the woman giving me the dirty looks, but at that point the show was ending and i had missed half of it. Still annoyed

    -The fact that i missed out on the Thursday night shows in the VIP room there. Sounded so awesome

    -FEAR was really not all that great of an icon, really given no background, and it felt so last minute, lets-just-say-he-ties-them-all-together kinda thing

    -I never got a picture with the wolfman over by the 20 years scarezome. The one picture i didnt get that night that i wanted, and it seriously is bumming me out

    -The fact that my girlfriend told me to get a size small bill and ted tshirt since the medium looks huge and i finally get around to trying it on at home back in connecticut and it looks like body paint its so tight

    -The fact that i really wasn't able to prepare for this year properly. I've been busy with college and 2 jobs to pay for this trip that i never got time to get psyched looked at the website and just feeling like i really wasn't fully ready for it. I didnt even know what the Coven and Saw'n'Steam were about until i got there. Really wish i had read up

    =The VIP room was not an exclusive backroom dance with chance...kinda set the bar high there with expectations

  6. I just arrived home from my 3 day trip to HHN this weekend with my girlfriend. Now, i could do what most of the reviews are on this forum, but I had significantly different experiences each night, so i thought the best idea was to review each day I went.

    Friday, Oct. 15:

    I arrive at the park around 8 pm with my girlfriend, both of us getting off a plane only a few hours ago. This is her real first halloween event, let alone a HHN event. She's also easily terrified by horror films. You may guess where this will be going. Anyways, being that it was 2 hours since the event started, we were able to get in quick and easily to the event. The first thing i noticed was Esqueleto Muerte, which I was never fully impressed with. The overall colors were just too much for me and didn't really terrify me, and neither did it scare my girlfriend. So, she thinks she's seen the worse of it and that this should be smooth sailing. We then go to enter Legendary Truth. Now, first off, I am in love with the opening facade of this house, coming from an old New England town with creepy old houses, this house exemplified it perfectly. It was a gorgeous house all the way through, with great new effects. My girlfriend would not realize this as she decided to go more with the route of grasping my arm really tight with both hands and closing her eyes the whole way through. She was picked on quite well by all scareactors in the house. After that house we were on our way to Psychoscareapy, and she was starting to think that this wasn't the best idea. Once again, i LOVED the opening facade of scareapy, it was like a little story if you were willing to look at the details (the mattress over the barbed wire, the ladder, the pulled back fence). Thats always been a selling point of HHN to me, the detail of the sets. But after the faced, it felt very boring. I didn't know if they were suppose to be ghosts or still patients or what, and the house just felt kinda plain. but once again, she decided to go through this house blind, and was once again attacked by all scareactors. She started to see this trend as we left the house. She thinks that it is because she is holding onto my left arm, so that must be where most of the scareactors are, so she transitions to my right arm for Hades. Alot of people enjoyed the opening facade of Hades, but everytime i went through it just felt like something out of Indiana Jones. Anyways, the house it self i enjoyed, especially all the interesting characters within. The one cheap point is that there was no hades to be found. There is literally a throne built for him in the last scene and he isn't there. It felt like "Oh, you were looking for Hades? you just missed him, ran out to get milk". New update on Girlfriend though, she attempts to open eyes for this house, but then promptly closes them and keeps them closed when she say the cyclops. As we leave the house, she once again is in wonder why she is being targeted for scares, at which point I feel bad and inform her that she is a cute little white girl who is obviously terrified and clinging to her boyfriend for dear life. Seriously, everytime she got scared, her legs would give out and she swung from my arm like a rope swing, almost dropped me a few times. Anyways, now she is determined to not be afraid anymore, at which time she is interrupted by a chainsaw and immediately jumps on my arm, scooby style. So, at this point we move on through saws'n'steam, which was a cool area, but at that point I was all pooped out with the chainsaws. So we move on to Zombieggedon, which was just a fun house overall and all the little detail had me just curious the whole way through, and the first house my girlfriend was alright through, being that the scares were more comical throughout. We leave the house into the Mardi Gras style scarezone, which I found no real use for, the scareactors were trying their hardest, but it was understaffed and too spread out each time i walked through. On to Bill and Ted's from there, and....jesus, was it bad. It has tainted the bill and ted franchise for me. I mean, it literally felt like a live performance of those horrible [enter movie genre here] movies that are popular with tweenagers, I almost got up and left halfway through i was so distraught with it. I mean really, it was just a crummy, crummy year. After that disappointment, it was on to the Orphanage, hopefully something to clear up that bad after-B&T show taste i had in my mouth. This is when i learned that my girlfriend was terrified of the concept of evil children. This was going to be fun. I may have forgotten to mention this earlier, but the process of her getting scared was her freaking out, me laughing, her hitting me. Moving on, the Orphanage was fantastic, it was just so well made, and i was really freaked by it...until the "trick or treat" part. It was a good scare when it first appeared, but i was stuck backed up in line right near if for a good minute and a half, and i heard that recorded voice over and over, and after a while, it was the funniest thing I had ever heard, at which point me and her laughed our way through the rest of the house, After that we decided to backtrack and hit the Brushwood show "Malice", i believe, the second show. It was good, but not scary amazing, and quite short, and it will always be a bad memory in my mind because of one thing: Those f*cking light-up hats. I put up my story about that on the rant thread. Anyways, after leaving the show hotblooded, and missing Rocky Horror quite alot now, we moved on the HAVOC. Now, alot of people don't like havoc because of its repetition. i agree. It was a very repetitive house that really offered little story. But the plus sides of the house was the gorgeous outside facade and I love any house that has a alarm sound to it, i don't know, its a thing. Anyways, after that came the catacombs, which will last in my memory for one reason: The badass big bird gas masks. Holy crap, i want one sooo badly now! seriously, those things were cool. The house was well done as well and i loved the museum part of the house with the facts on the walls, very cool. From there it was on to the final house, Hallow'd Past. I had been building up this house in my mind for a while and got more and more excited as we got closer and i could see those cool pumpkin skeletons. And, overall, the house, from a HHN veteran of 7 years and just a HHN fan, was just very cool. I loved all the old sets and the old things within the warehouse. Just a very cool "look at that!" kinda house. Only complaint, and I've read it around here, no FEAR. Wasn't that kinda suppose to be his house. We kinda packed it up at that point and headed back to the hard rock to get some sleep, knowing we still had 2 scarezones to hit the next night.

    Saturday, Oct. 16

    We head to the parks after a seriously expensive dinner at the hard rock (it was like Ivan Drago just KO'd my wallet), we were on our way to HHN. This night I remembered to bring my camera and ready to take a picture with every icon there. So, we do what we did the night before and got through most of the houses throughout the night and decided to hit up the "Menace" showing of Brushwood, at which point i realized it was the EXACT SAME ACT from the last 2 times he came. Sooner or later everyone is going to know your going to do the mass scare trick, jesus. Anyways, from there we headed over to The Coven since i had totally forgotten about it being there. It was a cool little scarezone, until i saw that crystal popping out of that rock, and from there it just killed to mood for me, kinda felt like i was at a really inbreed hippie retreat where everyone was named "moonbeam" and stuff. My mind wonders that far off the reservation, i know. Anyways, from there we decided to hit the VIP room, which i though was gonna be an exclusive dance with chance, but it wasn't as cool as that, still very interesting. Very interesting history throughout there (even though I am seriously bummed i missed out on the thursday shows in there). I took as many pictures as i could and talked to the guy in there and talked about our HHN tattoos (he had a chainsaw drill team tattoo from 200 and i had the whole terra cruenta tattooed down my spine). It was overall a very fun time in there. From there we hit FEAR revealed and 20 years of fear for pictures. 20 years of fear was a very cool scarezone and filled with some of my favorite characters from past events, which i made sure to get pictures with each one (except the wolfman, still really bummed about that =( ) Overall, i believe it to be either the best or tied with FEAR revealed. The only reason FEAR revealed was so good was because, just life 20 years, it had all the favorite icons from years past. I must say though, talk about underselling fear, guy just walks around looking down at people, doesn't really do much, and then poses for pictures by the 2 X's. Now, I'm in no way blaming the actor in the suit, its just the fact that you seriously limit what a icon can do when you put him on stilts, as quick movement is impossible, and really, there is very little you can do to scare, as everyone can see you a mile away. Anyways, i proceeded to get pictures with all the icons: The guy playing the caretaker seemed like he might actually be crazy, the usher and the director were pretty cool, the girl who played cindy was super polite, which is such a plus for me, my picture with fear was cool enough , except for the fact that he's looking off frame, like there is something much more important to be done rather that tourist pictures, and after the picture with chance, I asked my girlfriend why she never dresses up like that, at which point i got hit pretty good. The night is starting to dwindle down and i realize i don't have a picture with Jack, and Jack ain't taking no pictures with anybody, literally, he is just telling everyone to buzz off. So, theres about 30 minutes left in the night, and i really want this picture, so i walked up to him over by his little set and told him "Jack, I know your not taking pictures with anyone, but could you please make an exception and take a picture with me, please. I would be really grateful and it would make my night". I could see he was fighting with the idea in his head, but he finally gave in and took a picture with me, one of my most prized of the night. He did make me do him a favor though. After the picture was taken, he asked me to make the biggest commotion i could and draw the attention away from him so he could slip away. I obliged and just started screaming and waving my arms as he sneaked away. At that point I was spent and headed back to the hotel for a night of rest

    Sunday, Oct. 17:

    The only thing notable or different about this night is i saw picture booth jack in a wheelchair. Once in a lifetime picture was taken there

    And that is my review of HHN XX. Overall, i felt it was, not so much a subpar year, but nowhere near what I've seen in the past. Out of all the years I've gone, it could possibly be on the bottom of that list. Not exactly the best way to "Start a new age of fear" but hey, the A&D team have outdone themselves before. Look at HHN 17: It was an ok year that a lot of people felt cheated on, and the great Usher and Mary Shaw came out of that. So, while it was not one of their best years, I still look forward to future events

  7. Going in all alone can be alot of fun, especially if you want to go into the houses and enjoy the details of the houses (i do this everytime i go through the houses more than once) and you can just appreciate the entire event more without worrying about someone holding onto your arm in fear, have fun, HHN is like nothing else

  8. Its an interesting idea, but not an original one. I've heard of several places that do this, and the lines become ridiculous. But, i wouldn't mind spending the extra $25 for a tshirt (I'm big on collectible stuff, sue me). Overall though, if it was a toss up between HHN Fastpass money and that money going towards the HOS house, Fastpass wins

  9. Psychoscareapy, HANDS DOWN. Favorite house of all time, not so much for the scares, just the amount of detail put into the set. Each time i went through, i saw something new and gruesome about the house, it was just so interesting to me. And, it marked my first time coming back at a scareactor with a witty reply (I think...) as a scareactor came up to me and asked "Wanna know whats in my pants", i said "hopefully me" with a wink, which seem to set the scareactor dumbfounded and all i got was a stare, good times. On the subject of Scareapy, the sweet sixteen year i still remember as half of the scareactors yelled, instead of your usual " YOUR GONNA DIE" or "ARGGHH!!", they all yelled "BYAHH!" from the Chappelle show, really change the house for me, from fear to laughing the whole way threw.

  10. So many things remind me of HHN:

    1. A road i use to pass coming from my beach house always smelled of BBQ, and i was instantly transported to Leave it to Cleaver

    2. The song "Move Along" by All American Rejects reminds me of B&T for some reason

    3. A cool summer day that has a hint of autumn in it makes me miss HHN like crazy ( i know, weird)

    4. Something thats just too odd, at my college, ccsu, the student center and an auditorium smell exactly like the Halloween Makeup Show, which i go in when i'm feeling blue

  11. 1.Psychoscareapy: Echos of Shadybrook- I'm just too big of a fan of the Psychoscareapy franchise (Home for the Holidays is still, to this day, my favorite house ever), and the announcement of another Scareapy house has got me quite excited

    2.Horror Nights: The Hallow'd past-I already experienced "Halloween Horror Nightmares" back in '04, and i hope that this isn't the same thing just with a few new icons. But, seeing as the quality of houses increases with each passing year, this one has me excited for the trip down memory lane

    3.Hades: The Gates of Ruins-Being a huge fan of the God of War series and just of Greek history, this house looks very interesting. My fears of the house though is that the idea is to big for reality, as in people are going to go in expecting epic sets, only to realize that you can only do so much

    4.Legendary Truth: The Wayndot estate-.Born and raised in Connecticut, I've seen my shares of real haunted houses, and enough creepy stuff up here that fake ghosts won't be the same. Though, i am a fan of the Legendary Truth side story and still, theres nothing wrong with going classic and having a haunted house house

    5.Havoc: Dogs of War-Loved the Thing house, animitronics are just such great pieces of creativity. That being said, the idea of the house feels so copy and paste for a plot

    6.Zombiegeddon-Always gotta love the humor house (if this is the humor house...), but I think theres been enough zombie houses in years past. But, i still look forward to this being the apparent gore house

    7.Catacombs: Black Death Rising- Seems like an interesting concept, but feels like it can too easily get repetitive, as the real catacombs probably actually are, aka the Spawning

    8.The Orphanage: Ashes to Ashes-Eh, never liked Cindy all that much, always found evil children more annoying then scary. And I can't see an orphanage being all that terrifying really

  12. Am i the only one who would love to see some "The Expendables" stuff in this years show? Possibly have something about how well Randy Couture did with the Expendables and how bad the A-team with Quinton Jackson was in comparison... Any thing UFC haha. It's become such a big thing in the last year (MMA in general) that it would make my month if it got a mention at B&T, but then again, i don't remember them doing any sports spoofs (I've been going since '04, and there probably has been a sports reference in the past 6 years, someone remind me if there has been)

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