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Posts posted by HHNCreature

  1. My two cents.... Enhanced, this pic looks like it is actually painted on canvas...

    Agreed it could be faked... but why would you fake canvas? Seems random.

    Maybe they wanted it to go along with their idea of it being a museum. Paintings are often done on canvas and maybe the person wanted to make it seem realistic and like a real painting from Universal.

  2. If its fan art (which I think it is) then it has no use to us obviously, for speculation purposes at least. And considering that the source says stuff about the the parade building without proof, it makes me further not believe the source is legit. But even if it was from someone from Universal to get us talking I doubt they would lead us in a correct direction. They would give us random stuff that would get us going on completely wrong paths. That's like them giving us a picture of camera. You would be thinking of Dead Exposure or something like that but really it could be a camera sitting on a desk for a completely different house that has nothing to do with cameras, instead just a random prop. That was a terrible analogy but hopefully you go what I'm trying to say.

  3. This is my first post on here soooooo...... hello everyone!

    I'm gonna start by talking about the new pictures of the HHNXX logo and odd other picture thingy. I do believe that the logo is real. It does have a very legit look to it and although it could be faked I can see Universal using it. Considering they are deciding to use the 'XX' as the '20', I can see them keeping the single letter acronym style. It seems sleek and I think people could quickly pick up on the meaning of it (especially with the blood splatters.) But the other picture I don't have as much confidence in. It would be really simple for someone to make this at home then send it in to a rumor website and have the satisfaction of having their worked discussed and speculated on. People could sure get a kick out of people trying to fit the piece into a puzzle it doesn't belong. And as others have said, why isn't there pics of the facade that they mention? And I also don't see Universal reusing a facade like that and not making it significantly different, especially on a anniversary year like this. I know they recycle but a whole facade seems kinda....blah for Universal.

    Now I will move on to the picture of the house by Disaster. I REALLY like the idea of it being a 'Body' Shop. When I hear that it gets me really pumped. BUT, unfortunately there is still a lot it can be. A lot of different places have garages for vehicles. In one of the pics on HHNRumors you can see a whiteboard or something on the right wall. I don't know what it is exactly but if it is a whiteboard I could see this being another clue pointing to that Body Shop. One of the things that makes me wonder though is why Universal hasn't put up a wall around it yet. I mean some substantial building is being done in there and they haven't tried to block our view. So maybe we are getting it way wrong and they have no reason to put up a wall yet. Haha

    Anyways, just my take on a few things.

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