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Dr. Phibes

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Posts posted by Dr. Phibes

  1. Saw peeps guy on Sunday.

    Also when I went through the President's Day room, Zombie Lincoln jumped out at me and growled "Hello". For some reason I thought this was really funny, so when I was done being startled I smiled, waved and said hello. Then he just kind of gargled and gave me a thumbs-up sign. Right on, Lincoln.

  2. I walked through here with a friend last Thursday. He looked at one of the trees and said "Oh cool, they have people dressed as tree branches," to which I replied, "No, that's just some drunk bitch up in a tree."


    I did have an opportunity to do this house twice on Sunday, one on each cast. The difference is night and day. I did get to see the rip scene for the 3rd time, which was fun.

    (For the record - even in the "bad" cast, there were some very talented scare actresses that were going nuts @ my Nightmares shirt. I appreciate you ladies for working. But sadly a majority of that cast just seems bored.)

    I don't know how to identify the two casts, so I really couldn't say. I've always wondered ow people can tell cast A from cast B in these houses. The rest of the cast seemed, pretty on the ball (except for the banshee-soldier, he never even pretends to try), so maybe that actress was just thirsty...

  4. What exactly happened to the Peeps guy in here? I thought they were supposed to be eating him... but the last few times I've gone a guy has run out holding the peeps as if he was going to stab us with them. It's very random and hardly registers.

    I don't know if I ever even noticed him.

  5. Now that the movie is out, I can finally ask : Does the house spoil the movie?

    I don't even really know that there's much to spoil in the movie, since it's a prequel with a known outcome ... So any spoilers would just be effects or something.. I guess. I don't even know.

    I haven't seen the movie yet, but having seen John Carpenter's version, I can say that they don't show a whole lot that I couldn't have probably guessed myself.

  6. Someone should be kind enough to just get HHN Explorer one of those decks of cards. The idiot sellers on eBay are charging high amounts for the decks under the assumption they're really rare and hard to find. I was at HHN last weekend and they were in every major gift shop in the park. Sorry I can't help you Explorer, but keep an eye out...maybe you'll find a reasonable seller on eBay.

    Really? I haven't seen any yet. Just have to get lucky, I guess.

  7. I actually like this house even more when it's still bright out. That way, everything is pitch black except for the lasers and the monsters. Much more disorienting.

  8. Out of the two cast. I would say seeing the effect with the white solider is the key. He does a good acting job before the effect thus making everything seem so real. The other person just stands there and bores me thus leaving me not excited for the rest of the house.

    Eh, I saw him getting into it.

  9. I have an interview next week that could REALLY change my life.. if I get this job.. I will be moving to Virginia.. which I have wanted to do for as long as I remember. So since this is such a life changing interview.. I am UBER nervous. I really want out of Florida, and really want to move to Virginia to be near my family. So nervous.. I leave Tuesday for a week, and the interview is Wednesday.. gah.. **fingers crossed**

    We wish you Godspeed.


    For those who don't know what he's talking about, one of the best

    of all time.

    Also, if you're wondering if it makes any more sense in context: no. No, it does not. :P

    Anyone got any more noteworthy H.R. quotes?

    We had a short conversation about the button on his throne but nothing particularly quotable. I jut asked what it does and he said "Oh it just makes noises", and pressed it a few times until he got one he seemed to be satisfied with.

    Yeah, i've been looking for shirt places.. You'd be paying them just to make the shirt, not me, if I finally go through with even making one at this point. Just as a reminder, this shirt design isn't for any type of monetary gain at all, lol.

    Totally just a design for fans to have. I'll keep everyone updated.

    Since you're not in it fr them money, can I have a copy of the completed template when it's finished? One of my friends may have an old screenprinter in his garage, so if I can save myself some change by making it myself, I'd like to.

    oh man, i would really love to have this video, not a recording but the video, damn...

    When the event is over I might try emailing Uni asking for a personal copy. I know that in the past Disney has sent out extra copies of promo materials and old TV specials to people who ask, so it's worth a try.

  11. Now that you mentioned this, it does! IDK if you have those scares in your version, but in the bug scene, there was a little hole for an actor to poke his arm through with a "thing" at the end of it, making it look like one of the bugs were jumping out at you. There was also one scene (As you can see fro the video) where a scareactor would brush a feather against the head of the paserby to feel as if the bugs were crawling on you.

    They even seem to latch around their victim's throats like the tingler did. Well, not latch so much as assimilate, but close enough.

  12. On Thursday I went through and actually got to see the decor you've all been raving about, and I have to say that it is pretty cash.

    If it was a Forsaken flashing the V sign in the chapel it was probably me ^_^

    I also went through the house throwing up a V sign at every ghoul I saw (I never bought a vault shirt), but I guess I missed you, because none of them responded. I just felt silly for sticking a peace sign in the face of every ghoul who got near me...

  13. Just curious, but are we in Hell Week right now? I only ask because when I was there on Thursday, the crowds were surprisingly big, the smell of vomit was everywhere (pretty sure I stepped in some, too), the bros were particularly drunk and one of the bathrooms was just flooded with urine.

  14. I got H.R to press the button twice last night and he made it hilarious. This house is starting to grow on me now after having gone through it about six times. My favorite part of the queue video is valentines day and the two different casts who play the girl in the arbor day scene are amazingly energetic!

    Funny thing about the Arbor day chick. Last time I went through, I was in front of sme people who wondered aloud what holiday they were supposed to be in. I guess she could hear them, because she lunged at them and scared them by screaming "AAAAAARBOR DAY!" Kind of made me think of "Silent Night Deadly Night 2, if you know what I'm talking about.

  15. lol i was wondering when someone would watch that LOL

    I don't know, is just a trailer but, to me it feels like S#$@, because feels like they took the story from Se7en, they added the locations and look of From Hell, and threw some stuff from Sleepy Hollow on top for good measure. It might be good but for now the whole Poe is Sherlock Holmes sounds silly to me

    Well of course it's going to be dumb as Hell. I'm just hoping that it will be brainlessly fun.

  16. you guys mean at the very end?

    and why dont you like it?

    I don't like it on principle, mostly. If I remember the John Carpenter version as well as I like to think I do, the thing never appeared n it's true form, only via the various things it had assimilated. That was something about the JC version I liked. Also as I said, and as bmoz628 noticed as well, one of it's "pure" forms looks exactly like the tingler, which is more amusing than frightening.

  17. Jack was in my dreams last night. I was alone in some scarezone which, to my knowledge, never actually existed. The was blood all over the place though, the floors, walls, the actors. Real blood too. I could tell by the smell. It was this weird mix of industrial/carnival themes, and at the end, there was Jack, in Ringmaster garb. Also, chainsaw er'rwhere in that bitch. Not sure if this counts as a nightmare, though, because I was actually having pretty good time.

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