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Dr. Phibes

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Posts posted by Dr. Phibes

  1. I just came up with a thought. Bare with me on this, what if the lantern belongs to someone perhaps. Maybe a gravedigger, who wants to unearth the corpses of the past years' icons, the ones that are dead of course. He then does a seance / ritual to reunite the icons together one last time. I think we could possibly see a sadistic gravedigger as a new mascot to promote the event.

    Sounds a little too similar to the Caretaker.

  2. When I saw the lantern, I got a familiar feeling. I don't know why, but it gave me the feeling of HHN 18. Not Bloody marry, but the urban legends part. Maybe that ties into the greek mythology thing everyone was talking about. Also HHN 15, Like the whole seperate world or demension. The underworld maybe?

    Raising past characters from the underworld, perhaps? Or leading us don into Hell to meet them ourselves?

  3. Yea the no blood thing kind of got on my nerves...When they "die" their body's break like statues. The only time I saw blood in this movie was when Bella (The biggest whore on the block) cuts herself to distract some red headed Vampire

    Yeah, it's kind of funny that super-human monsters are willing to fight to the death over her. Funny in a bitterly depressing sort of way.

  4. Last year, the first scare I got was in Frankenstein. For some reason I don't remember, I was dancing through the first couple scenes of the house, and wasn't really paying attention to where I was going. I ended up dancing right into a hulking Frankenstein Monster, which was a bit startling.

  5. So I was forced to watch Twilight: Eclipse last night and I must say, the fight scene was cool but the romance and all that nonsense really pissed me off

    I heard there's a battle between werewolves and vampires in which not a single drop of blood is spilled. Sounds logical.

  6. Alcohol is nasty, i am 24 and can't drink anything, it just really taste bad to me, the only thing I liked was a "sex on the beach" that a friend gave me to taste, but didn't tell me what it was. It was really tasty, but i don't think i could ever order that... Also, the other thing I have tasted that was really good was Baileys cream, but that's all i could drink. I don't know how everyone else drinks hard stuff.

    Not even margaritas taste good to you?

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