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Posts posted by localHHNfan19

  1. I don't know, Fear was supposed to be the most darkest, evilest icon ever, he was supposed to be behind HHN since always,

    I had high hope for fear,but he was kinda of a let down for me.i dont really care what the theme or icon will be ill go no matter what.im just hoping ticket prices dont up again this year with gas prices being so high.with high ticket prices it kinda takes away from my spending money in the park.

  2. it was in 08, going though RF HOUSE my brother got so scared he was running people over to get out of the house.i looked around and asked my cuz were's dylan ?and the dude behind me said if your looking for your brother he ran out of the house scared shitless.as i walked out there he is standing there waiting for us to come out it was so funny 4 people behind us was laughing there ass off.

  3. BUT, remember last year was later than usual because of WWOHP.

    yea i remember,so i wonder if they will do it little early this year?i hope so cause im so exctied i cant wait.i got a good feeling about this year cause evrything will be all new.

  4. i know this is little off topic but, does anyone remeber when the teaseR site went up last year?and damn im getting excited rumors and tips are starting to flow.ITS GETTING THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN.

    it looks like were getting 8 houses this year.

  5. Well of course, otherwise the mods wouldn't have cleaned up this thread!

    u know some of what u said could work if done right.i kinda knew something was up when u stated the blue men will close.

    edit:::u got way to much time on your hands to think that up.lol

  6. Yes you are right, it would have made the fans (Us) more happy, but they were looking for a general public outcome. Some people just come to the event and want to be scared, they don't really care about who the icon is. They just go to the event for fun. We go to the event for fun too, but we like the history and background of the icon and what is going on with the theme of the year.

    I hope all that makes since

    i know what ya mean.i also go for fun no matter who is the icon,but it is also nice to have the event have some sorta backstory.

  7. And last but not least, thank you to the Mad Hatter and White Rabbit around closing time in Horror Nights! I was the guest who helped out with the problem. Sorry you guys had to deal with that but glad it got taken care of. Marvelous job this year!

    just wondering what happen??

    and fyi kim i think your to hot to play an old lady.

  8. There were some rumors about Fear banishing the icons on Halloween, did anyone who went to the Halloween see that happen?

    thats why they say a new era of darkness begans!thats sounds funny having the minions chasing eddie the real eddie would have cut them in half. i think eddie has gone soft.

  9. Ii have a question, Can you wear those glow sticks bracelets and necklaces while yo uwalk in the haunted houses? Cause I was walkking in Catacombs with the glowsticks aorund my neck and one of those security guards (ops?) told me to put it away....?

    ive seen people with them one going though houses all the time.they even had on the blining devil horns

  10. - Universal Employees stationed in the houses need to get off their high horse. If you tell me to put my camera away and I do don't continue to follow me and tell me to put the camera away.

    ive seen this happen and had it done to me a fews times opening night.and wait time are never right.thats just a good guess on how long u will wait.

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