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Posts posted by BloodyBulldawg

  1. I would tend to think that the implementation of Resident Evil would NOT be a "copy and paste" of what they had in Japan. Plus, the cost of shipping molds overseas exceeds the cost of making them locally. And since it is IP, I would assume the original molds may be available from the original artists. As for the hounds, that would NEVER fly at HHN Orlando. Too hokey in my opinion.

  2. I have been cast, as of last night, 6 years in a row. I ALWAYS specify that I cannot work or rehearse on Sundays and Mondays. Mind you, I have not been cast in permanent roles...only as back up. The bottom line is that you should be honest and straight forward with your availability. For your integrity and to show respect for the casting panel and the event.

  3. 8 houses. USF.

    ED, TWD, AWIL, RE, Havoc, CITW, La Llarona, A prison themed original house, and a partridge in a pear tree.

    Scare zones: ████████████, ████████████, ████████████, Leprechauns in space [redacted]

    LT Back. HU merchandise in June. goth went to Princeton. Dr. T. Back as head of LT. RFID cards back again (but will require reregistration).

    Edit: Note the sz bit was a joke. I do not know how many or what the scarezones are.

    Translation for those not up on abbreviations:

    ED: Evil Dead

    TWD: The Walking Dead

    AWIL: American Werewolf in London

    RE: Resident Evil

    Havoc: HHN 2010

    CITW: Cabin in the Woods

    La Llorona: Scarezone and House from USH.

    • Like 1
  4. In the walking dead, the zombies don't "rise from the grave" as they do not have supernatural powers to unearth themselves from a ton of dirt and concrete, plus you have to have been infected by being bitten and those who died without being bitten were not affected (did not become zombies). The hand is more than likely NOT a zombie hand unless they are deviating from TWD.

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  5. Did anyone read the article on DTF that said the producers of TWD insisted on their scenic art & design teams playing an active role in the design, construction and scenic painting etc of the Hollywood and Orlando houses. They also are lending UNI the molds from the zombie masks and prosthetics. I'm expecting a pretty authentic experience.

    • Like 1
  6. It happens. My brother, who is average height (5'8") and weight (150 lbs) and had full availability, didn't get cast. This was his 3rd year auditioning. Admittedly he has yet to make the earliest times of the open auditions, but still. It's sad because I know my brother would do an excellent job and put his whole effort into doing it right. I KNOW for a fact they probably hired several people who will quit by the second week or show no real effort or excitement for being a scare actor.

  7. A word of warning to help all new HHN Applicants...

    Whatever you do, DO NOT specify that you want to be ABU on your application. Just put your availability as it stands. Many seasoned scareactors who have already auditioned are under the impression that those who specify they want ABU are not even getting hired. The Universal staff chooses who is ABU, it is not a preference you can select for yourself.

    Again...*Do Not Write That You Want To Be ABU on Your Application* It will NOT help you and can ONLY HURT you.

    Best of Luck to You All!

  8. The complaining is ridiculous. We will still get the same excellent quality of set and scare actor with our without official IP rights or not. Both of these house themes are right in line with Universal's background and expertise. I hope they do have a house and scarezone matching. The siren and fog transition would be amazing and so fun to participate in and watch.

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  9. Even during the initial throws of the recession (2008/2009), when park attendance was down and money was REALLY tight, USF still hosted a solid HHN event with just as many houses, scarezones and scareactors. They employed more scareactors, new scare tactics, bolder sets, new house themes, all of which cost money. The permits issue is a non-issue. USF A&D is constantly figuring out new ways of masking and hiding information (internally and externally) because the fan base is way more devicefull in gathering and deciphering what they are doing than ever before. The demolition of SS44 may be a kink they didn't expect, but there is more than enough property and sq ft of sound stage, tents and streets for them to build the houses and scarezones they want and need to inorder to ensure an HHN event on par with the quantity and quality we have come to know, love and expect.

    It will be a great event this year.

  10. AD is not running by the "seat of their pants". I know one of the major designers personally, I've talked with him on numerous occasions. They plan contingencies and these type of projects are adaptable. If anything, they are pulling their die hard fans right into their teaser statement "It's never too soon to start panicking". I am reading a lot of worried and panicky posts and its hilarious. They have you all right where they want you. "Kings to you HHN A&D". ;)

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  11. HHN has always been a high net profit event for Universal. It's not like this even doesn't make plenty of money for Universal. I don't think new ownership would change things that drastically. Another thing, the "cutting costs" concept doesn't match well with the announcements of the new retro resort, referbished rides and expansions they are working on. Just be patient folks...this event will either be on par or better than years previous. Dialing back HHN would be like Universal dropping the Mardi Gras to fewer floats or dropping the number of summer concerts or dropping the Macy's down to just Santa Clause. It just wouldn't make good business sense and would hurt their bottom line and ruin their reputation.

    HHN will be excellent this year and better than before (houses and scarezones alike). Just keep the faith HHN faithfull!

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