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Freak Show

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Posts posted by Freak Show

  1. Not likely only because the tunnel or vortex as sometimes refered to as is not made out of metal. It is made out of a light weight cylindrical plastic type material. They tell you about it in the HHN Art of the Scare DVD... :)

    That doesn't mean you can't put fake rust on it.

  2. So, I was in the parks yesterday (forgot the camera) and I saw something... interesting... going on in the Jaws que. We were on the boat already, so be prepared to wait in line if you want a picture, but as you cruise by the back of the building you can clearly see some of the construction going on. I managed to make out a giant, rusty, metal tube with holes in it. I'm assuming its one of those dizzy, spinning tunnels, as the holes looked like they were made to be back-lit, for disorientation.

    Not sure what the speculation on the theme is, but I thought this might help.

    It's probably the same one from Disorientorium in 2004, except rusty.

  3. I'm feeling Queen of Spades here, as she is covered up by the Ace of Spades. I feel like A&D wouldn't want to make her too much like Bloody Mary, though, and would probably end up being more like a mixture of the Terra Queen and Chance in terms of imagery. However, with this type of character, it would be hard to have a human backstory, unless it is the story of a woman somehow cursed to be trapped inside the deck or what-have-you.

    That being said, I doubt the actual theme will be a regular Casino where "if you lose, you die". It will probably be more of a Hostel/Saw situation, with wagers and bets. And perhaps the name of the gamble/torture house is The Queen of Spades.

  4. For what it's worth, there was a rumor that a clue to HHN21 was Catacombs. I posted the following in the Catacombs thread, but it's more appropriate for here.


    The Latin, I don't think, is the clue. What I was able to get from it translated (roughly) into:

    "Violent Death" (Latin word I couldn't translate) "Sleep"

    "To Hear" (Latin) (Latin) (Latin)

    It's a fairly long phrase, and I'm still playing with it some, but considering guests would never be able to see it (there was no show light on it, it can only be seen during a lights on tour), I'm starting to lean more towards another clue.

    The final paragraph in the museum portion of the house began with the phrase; "Mankind has always been intrigued by Death." Grammatically, the word "death" should NOT be capitalized there. It's obviously intentional, and capitalizing it personifies death (much the same way Fear is the personification of fear). When you throw in the fact that the rest of the paragraph talks, rather bluntly, about how everything must end and you must fill that time with something suitable while anticipating a new beginning, it begins to eerily correlate with the events of HHN.

    The supposed connection with Orfanage, similarly, fits as well. Follow this, it's a bit of a stretch.

    Hades deals with monsters in the underworld.

    LT deals with ghost who are already dead.

    Psychoscarepy deals with either ghost who are already dead or forgotten inmates who are not dead.

    Zombiegeddon deals with the undead.

    Hallow'd Past deals with the past.

    Havoc deals with psychotic super-soldiers.

    Catacombs deals with the people dying from the Black Death and the people attempting to prevent it.

    Orfanage deals with children dying and the person who caused it.

    Catacombs and Orfanage are the only two houses this year that specifically deal with death... or better yet... Death.

    We have seen the personification of Fear. We have seen that Universal has toyed with the idea of personifying Fate. Death, suddenly, doesn't seem so far outside the realm of possibility.


    That said, Catacombs could easily return as another house or as a street (though those mask would be a nightmare in the streets for scareactors). The Dogs could return or Shadow Creek could be investigated further without the dogs. The Legendary Truth franchise could continue, but only if they "visit" different "locations" which would allow the effects to return in different ways. And with the push towards original content I think we will begin to see a lot less movie references.

    Could you PM me the entire Latin phrase? I speak Latin, and for what I can't speak, I have a very good Latin teacher on my side.

  5. everybody wanted it until it started happening.

    be careful what you wish for.

    This. I do remember a time when everybody was spreading hate about the conga-line. People said, "Oh, the extra wait will be worth the pulsing experience!" See how that panned out?

  6. Glad I was able to get you :) I am minotaur, hear me moo!!

    The only two screams I got out of the night came from you. Damn it all. My second run through Hades-- everyone was attacking me at once. It was terrifying, it was much more intense than the second run. There was also this atmosphere of there being a lot of space that is eerie to me. In my opinion, a large open room is much scarier than a claustrophobic hallway.

  7. Something about this one just didn't strike the right note with me. I felt slightly bored through it, and there was barely any differentiation between scenes. It seemed repetitive, no only that, but the second time, I was the first one to go through in my pulse. I did appreciate some of the costumes that weren't of the Plague Doctors, which there seemed to be an overabundance of. I suppose that, compared to Hallow'd Past, it paled in comparison.

  8. So, the idea of a parade gone wrong got me thinking. I started to think that the way everything this year was tied in, is that they are all floats in this parade. (Sounds dumb, eh?) Well, we have a Greek Mythology house, and a Greek Mythology float. "But what about the lantern?" I thought. Well, I remembered the 2004 website, and,


    Yes, I know it's dumb, but hey! It fit!

    And I find it odd that Rat Lady was cast in the Parade building, but her glass coffin is going to be elsewhere. This either means that "Rat Lady" was a code name, that the coffin will be used for something else, or that there will be a Rat Lady doppelganger.

  9. Just judging by the architecture alone, I think this costume has something to do with the above facade..just an thought...

    Remember, though, each of these photos probably represents a different house/scarezone. Although, the scarezone/house could be connected. I also don't necessarily think the snake-elevation is a facade. I can picture it as a scene in the Disaster queue, or as a scene in the Greek Mythology house. (It wouldn't be the facade to the Greek house, though, because usually the facades are more grandiose than that. Or maybe I'm just not picturing it correctly.)

    I would also like to say that Disaster looks like a mix of a body shop and a circus, which, unfortunately, to me, screams "Eddie". I don't really want it to scream Eddie, but I think it's a lot better than it screaming other things. But, yes, it does also sound much like a game-show to me, also.

    The only way I would like to have the Icons back is to do a sort of prequel to our previous houses. Ones that explore parts of the character's plot that we either haven't had at the event yet, or haven't heard about before.

  10. The seal or emblem on Shadow Creek looks to me like a school emblem. My guess would be the Jaws queue.

    As much as I would like to agree, it think the logo it to detailed and colorful to be a school logo. Although, Shadow Creek does sound like the name of a school.

  11. Am I the only one noticing the double-entendre of "developing"? Being they're photographs.

    It makes me think that the icon this year will be a photographer, but the other half of me doubts it.

    Also, I think that the Details photo seems to be more of the "Prison Facade" than the Disaster facade, but I don't know.

  12. I can't believe nobody has pointed this out yet, but:

    "From the flickering flames of lantern's light, eerie shapes begin to take form as horrifying, disturbing images of this year's Halloween Horror Nights are revealed."

    And now we have images within the lantern's light. That's an odd coincidence :rolleyes:

    I'm pretty sure everybody figured that it was kind of a given.

  13. Maybe Cindy brought some of her skool friends home for a play date.

    I would pee.

    I would consider Cindy to be "new", being she's never actually been used before. As long as she isn't used in ScreamHouse, all would be new. But, in the story, she didn't go to a school, she was home schooled and lonely. She befriended the corpses, so what if her home school is of a bunch of corpses in school uniforms, and one in a Valedictorian gown?

    Although, I must say I don't fully believe Cindy will be in this house.

  14. You're nutso. That particular Screamhouse had Cindy as a corpse in a coffin in the second room. He wasn't very good at resurrecting her.

    No, he's right. On the 2006 website, it had news-clippings of him digging Cindy's body up, and an instruction manual for Resurrection. The house was about his attempt to resurrect Cindy, whether or not he succeeded is subjective.

    Now, back to your regular scheduled construction updates.

  15. Is it me or would the lantern become dark but there was a space below the first X that stay bright?

    Yes, I noticed that. That little triangle at the bottom of the first X is illuminated with a white glow that never fades. I think it's trying to highlight a figure in the pattern on the lantern. But I have no idea. I'm not the kind to start pointing out things I see in patterns on the website, since people have been doing that on the Vault since 2005, and it has yet to mean anything.

    Albeit, I certainly see the pocket-watch and glasses. I have no idea what people are talking about when they say a clown is in one of the squares. I do see something in the illuminated section, but I'm not going to say what it is, because I tend to see many things in waking life.

    I can't spot any of the characters on the flames when I'm on the website, but perhaps they're flashing over the illuminated area?

  16. UPDATE: Undertaker - Parade Building

    So zombies and undertakers... sounds good to me!

    Oooh, creepy catacombs/cemetery house? Doesn't explain the vortex. I picture it being a Corpse Bride complex, like an underworld where all the corpses from the cemetery go. That would partially explain the Vortex. The Rat Lady in this case totally makes sense, if we're going to have corpses, caskets and undertakers!

    It'll be a classic!

  17. Sirens in the Shrek Streets, wonderful. I foresee Greek Mythology. I can picture it being very eerie area, maybe an old sea-town overrun by Greek monsters?

    Nymph costume and song:

    (I thought this was particularly good.)

    So I see a 2008 complex, with several different themes dominating different areas and houses, and all these themes being tied together.

  18. They did hint that the theme this year would be "Arts and Crafts". And these ARE Con - ARTISTS. Code name or not, I do see a connection. Could be a play on words, with the theme being some artistic movement, or an evil Renaissance. My ideas are no good, but you see where I'm shooting.

    Also, I can see Queen of Hearts being a code name for a female icon who is somehow related to the "heart".

    I can also picture Con-Artists being scareactors somehow pretending to be guests, or tricking them like Treaks and Foons did in 2002.

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