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Posts posted by bberts

  1. Hey guys, this is my second post, I'm also a long time reader on HNN as well as on the Vault, blah, blah, blah (you know how it goes).

    Anyway, when I saw the new clue I immediately though about one of my favorite book, Stephen King's horror novel/cult classic movie "Pet Sematary" (yes it's spelled SEMATARY).

    Now, take a look at the book cover:


    When Lewis (the main character) follows Victor (the ghost) to the Pet Sematary, he sees this creepy blue light, which is meant to represent some kind of barrier between the world of the living and the world of the dead. He's advised many times not to go there, but well, we all know how it ends.

    Having said that, does this mean we are going to see a Pet Sematary house/scare zone this year? Or could this be a mere coincidence??

    Stephen King has so much good material that had never been exploited in HHN (maybe only IT?), a Pet Sematary house could be awesome.

    What do u think?


    Pet Sematary also crossed my mind when I was thinking about this clue.

  2. Hi everyone, long time lurker here, as well as on the Vault. I am going to start speaking up a bit more. Anyway, thought I would throw this out as something that I found. Here is another old cemetery that has reports of blue lights being seen. http://paranormal.about.com/od/earthmysteries/ig/Spooklights--Where-to-Find-Them/Silver-Cliff-Cemetery-Lights.htm

    I also find it a bit curious of the wording that Our mutual friend uses when they say cemeteries (cemetaries) BY night, not AT night. It is probably nothing, but one never knows. The devil is in the details

  3. My favorite moment ever has to be going through the shower room in Castle Vampyr. What a great house! A close second to this in the Freddy house in 2007. My family and I were basically through the house and my two teenage daughters were walking a bit ahead of my wife and I. One of my girls says, "That was so scary, thank God it's over." At that moment, a Freddy scareactor with impeccable timing jumped out from behind a wall at them and said oh it isn't over, IT IS JUST BEGINNING!" My wife and I laughed our butts off as my girls ran screaming at the tops of their lungs. Great stuff.

    Oh and another great one. The Zombie lined room in Dead Exposure. Where it was pitch black, but you could see zombies on both sides of you when the light would flash. My wife grabbing on to me and saying "DO NOT STOP IN HERE." She loved it however, and now says it is her favorite house of all time.

    C'mon HHN 21!

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