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Posts posted by ChildOfHorror

  1. Straight from HHNRumors.com a new role update "UPDATE: Nightmare Man #3 - Jaws" this along with the 2 other roles we already know "Valedictorian- Jaws" and "Bed Clothes - Jaws". With these three roles for this one house I'm starting to think NOES. Also the way they are named makes me think these are possibly code names.

  2. What HHNAmber said is probably true. Now speaking of the Greek myth type of house, over this past year I did a project on Greek myth so I know some about them, one that comes to mind when talking about a haunted house would be the myth of Procrustes who would bring in travelers to stay and sleep in his house. He told them the bed had a unique talent that it would be the perfect size for the traveler, once the traveler had laid on the bed he would either cut their legs off if they were too tall or, he would stretch them by their hands and feet if they were to short.

  3. Talking about the scarezone from last year , other than the main icons of HHN there were I think two non iconic characters. One of them was a pumpkin head type creature and I cant really remember the other one, but they might have something to do with the non icon houses this year. Just a thought. ;)

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