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Posts posted by Zoey

  1. im going to say some things, just because im so excited for this year and absolutely love being a scareactor. sorry cuz ill probably ramble on, but i cant help it.

    HHN 19 was my first year going to the event, and i had wanted to audition that year but couldn't...so last year was my year. I had no idea what to expect or what to do/think, other than go buy what i had read on the Vault. not knowing anyone, i was going alone. dont let that get to you, before we even got inside, i made friends with a couple people who happened to be vaulters...we even shared an umbrella.... big thing as said....go early! from what invader butters said, i was in the first audition group with him...talk about lucky, by the time we got out of auditions and finished paper work, people were still lined up outside with numbers 800+. and that was probably 5 hours after i showed up.

    ok so...ENTHUSIASM! thats a huge thing! and ENERGY! talk about feeling nervous...in front of people i know i can be goofy and outgoing, but having to just instantly perform in front of 60 people, i'd rather not. but once i stepped into that room, and realized everyones here for the same reason, my nerves went away. what you have to realize, is we are all there to do the same thing. be loud! outgoing! and fun!. your not the only one trying to make a fool out of yourself in some way. you'll get questions like, fav. color, movie. or i got do a scare tactic. people did, slow movements, creepy voices...i did my known ACOC creature noise!

    what i didn't realize before i went in, is that they really cast by body types. they have a picture of you before you walk in...so basically they could already have you set in a roll as something, and only need to see that you can be energetic...

    ok so now, i wanna talk about actually being a scareactor...sorry mods if this is too much, edit or delete haha...

    for me, being a scareactor has been one of those, i've dreamed of this since i was a kid moment. i love behind the scenes stuff, even it its only seeing what the kitchen is like in a restaurant, or the backroom of a grocery store. but now imagine the backlots of universal for HHN.

    the only two awkward things i remember, were 1.) rehearsals. first day meeting your cast/seeing your character and SZ. we were placed where we were supposed to stand and told, ok do your role! uhh, serious? 2.) was the first time standing shirtless in my lacking creature costume in a room filled with people.

    from there, you realize this is your new family. everyday, i saw and interacted with the same people, not only from my cast and SZ. but other houses and SZ's as well. including also, your coordinators, make up crew, and wardrobe crew...take care of these people. they all show up everyday to make sure everything's ready for you and you look good, so throw them a cookie or something sometime!

    when i read what Giant said about, hurting in places and sweating. made me laugh cuz its so true. as a creature, our freedom and movements were nuts, so the pain i felt throughout the event was shocking...the sweat was intense, though dont forget the couple 50 degree nights us shirtless guys dealt with. oh that blew. you'll learn about pacing yourself! i was so excited my first night, and just went nuts cuz its so god damn fun. but oh, you'll learn. i always gave it 110% but just take it easy.

    i myself work a regular 40 hour job, and live an hour from hhn. 7-5, hour drive to uni. check in at 7. out at 12:30 or 2:30, hour home. 2 hour nap and my days started over. dont play this job down, its so much fun...but its demanding! ill mention times at hhn. i was lucky being in cast B. I didn't sign in till 7 pm, and we had 45 mins for makeup before our first set at 8. but, some houses actually open at i believe 5:30, requiring those castmembers to be there id guess at 4:30. nothing is set! it all depends on house/sz/cast..

    ok ok, ill shut up for now, cuz i could discuss this all day...if you have any questions, message me...

    Thank you! This was very helpful!

  2. They need all shapes, sizes and colors of people for roles. Like what was said above, just be outgoing, well spoken and act like you want to be there. Be honest and a few 'sirs' and 'ma'am' don't hurt either.

    Also, what times do scareactors need to be at Universal on HHN nights. I mean if it starts at 6:30, would we be getting there at like 5:30? I currently am signed up for a class that gets out at 4:30 on Fridays and I need to know if I should change that before auditions (so that my schedule will be more open).

  3. I have been addicted to HHN since 2005, and I used to have to travel 8 hours to get to it every year. Luckily I live in Orlando now, and I'm wanting to audition this year to be a scareactor. I was just hoping that someone could fill me in on what to expect at auditions because I've never done anything like it before. I keep refreshing the website that says when Universal auditions are, and I plan on going to the first open casting audition there is. Besides going to the first one is there any good advice? Everyone I've told that I'm going to audition has said that I'm not scary but I think that's just because I'm little. I hope that's not bad. Anyway, I'm excited about it! B)

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