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Posts posted by horrorfreak100

  1. Heres a quote that i wrote in the HHN discussion thread about merchandise. " Merchandise wise they had 3 HHN shirts, One had a Rob zombie concert poster design on it that said " Halloween horror nights" on it. The 2nd shirt had Freddy, Jason, and Saw in the front ripped up and the back of the shirt had the blood font with the names of the mazes. The 3rd shirt was a pathetic attempt at a more modern HHN shirt that resembled a affliction t shirt. The HHN sweaters were ALOT better last year, I'm glad i bought one last year beacuse this years HHN sweaters were just Hoody's that had "UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS 2010" in the front corner and thats it. No design in the back or anything, plus it costs $40 lol what a waste of money." Also, sadly Leeray there is no merchandise with chucky on it this year :( . The only item that had chucky on it was from last year on the crew neck sweaters that i had luckily bought.

  2. I couldnt put it better myself Zman

    so do we get Glasses for this maze? are they cool keepsakes? Do we have to pay for them?

    Yeah, we get glasses for the maze and their free. You can keep them but the also have a trash can at the end if you want to throw them away. Nothing really special about them, just black and red with Halloween horror nights written on them.

  3. This year in general is probably the best year in terms of mazes (excluding vampyres, ughh :angry: horrible). Terreor tram sucked donkey balls, But the scarezones were great except La Llorona. Mazes in order from best to worst are as follows for me :

    1. Friday the 13th

    2. A nightmare on elm street

    3. Rob zombie's House of a 1,000 corpses.

    4. Saw: Game on

    5. Vampyres

    It was a fun night and Freakz was the best scarezone for me. Some lizard looking dude got me good! and the fish chick was really into her character. Great job to those scareactors. I mainly had 2 problems on opening night, First of all, the stupid people working at the ticket turnstiles need to get their stuff together. i was in line and the front of the line pass line was right next to us and there was only one line for FOL entrance, well this dumb chick just ignored me and the rest of the hundred people behind me saying" this is FOL TOO! So you have to go to another line." I was so pissed because she had people just cut in front me like nothing for like 15min. Now i dont approve of hitting women but this chick was just rude and deserved it lol jk jk. Long story short i talked to the manager and it ended up that She was wrong and had us wait for no reason. 2nd issue of the night was Terror tram, Where in the hell were all the scareactors when i was going down hill? It was just pathetic. Other than that and the horrible Vampyre maze it was a fun night lmao. The king kong 360 was the same nothing different and my only complaint was that while you are in the tram they dont play horror movie clips. Its just the same stuff during the day, it kinda ruined the atmosphere of the event being scary. Merchandise wise they had 3 HHN shirts, One had a Rob zombie concert poster design on it that said " Halloween horror nights" on it. The 2nd shirt had Freddy, Jason, and Saw in the front ripped up and the back of the shirt had the blood font with the names of the mazes. The 3rd shirt was a pathetic attempt at a more modern HHN shirt that resembled a affliction t shirt. The HHN sweaters were ALOT better last year, I'm glad i bought one last year beacuse this years HHN sweaters were just Hoody's that had "UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS 2010" in the front corner and thats it. No design in the back or anything, plus it costs $40 lol what a waste of money. So i guess for this year i give this year a 8/10 mainly because of the addition of the maze.

  4. This was the first maze of the night for us and ranked number 2 out of the 5 mazes at HHN. The micro naps were really cool to see and the freddy masks looked pretty good (better than 07 and 08's freddy masks that looked too generic). Good scares and great enviorments, I really thought i was going to be disappointed in this maze at first but glad i was proven wrong.

  5. This maze was good! Number 3 out of the 5 mazes at HHN. The 3D was effective and the scenes/costumes were spot on. I think crowd control just ruined it for me a little though. We were literally just standing in the maze before you enter the house in the maze for like 5 mins. GEEZ, but other than that there really are no complaints. Dr. Satans layer was really good and had some great scares too!

  6. So would you guys say it broke the HOH curse or no?

    NOPE!!!!! The only thing i think that scared people in the maze were the lighting/sound effects they have. The audio for the screams were loud so of course it made people jump. I think the only people that will like this maze are the people that keep complaing about wanting original mazes. Seriously, they just need to get over it and realize that HHN Hollywood is movie based. Thats what makes this event different from all the others. If people want original mazes then go to knotts. Im not trying to sound like a dick but just saying how it is. ;) But back to the topic, this was the worst maze of the night, It doesnt surprise me.

  7. This maze was the best Maze out of all 5 mazes. It had great scares and the scare actors were really good. A prop dead guy in a almost pitch black room got me good! lol. The jasons were really into the character. I would rate it a 9/10 just because i heard one of the jasons scream out " ARRRGHH"! seriously i never heard jason make a sound lmao. But i think the best memory of this maze will be when we went in for a 2nd time before the park closed and this couple in front of us brought their 10 yr old daughter it looked like and she was shaking real bad in fear through out the maze and she wasn't paying attention then Jason popped out of a wall quietly and just stood over her looking down. When she finally turned around and looked up the facial expression and scream she did was priceless.

  8. Terror tram for me was a complete failure. There were hardly any scare actors, but the one thing that i liked *SPOILER*...was the begining when Chucky's troops did the chainsaws at the same time. Also Murdy made such a big deal about a surprise and * SPOILER*...... correct me if im wrong but all it was was a flame thrower in war of the worlds. I didnt see nothing different other than the path in war of the worlds. Overall i wouldnt recommend anyone going on it if its packed. Luckily when i went it was only a 10 min. wait. :D

  9. @HorrorNights Here's a question, would you ever consider resurrecting the Texas Chainsaw Massacre maze in the future? It was real disturbing

    @DireBrian In a heartbeat...haven't be able to get it but that could change

    So you're meaning to tell me... he wanted MORE repeats? UGH.

    There is no flippin hope for the future afterall.

    Seriously, and also what happend to Murdy saying that this year we were getting ALL NEW SCAREZONES. Guess that was a fail too! I'll be going opening night to hhn still but not for enjoyment or excitement but more for tradition of going every year. Hope next year makes up for it. :(

  10. This year is complete BS dudes. We're sitting around waiting for repeats. But I see it as good as official.

    Vampyre: Castle of the Undead (House of Horrors)

    Friday the 13th: Camp Crystal Lake (Wild, Wild, Wild West Stunt Show Arena)

    House of 1000 Corpses: In Zombievision 3D (T2 Queue)

    Nightmare on Elm Street: Never Sleep Again (Shrek Venue)

    Saw: Game Over (Behind The Mummy)

    I give it a D+.

    Switch out Saw for Wolfman, this would've jumped to a C+. Switch out NOES for The Descent, this would've been an A-.

    Any other alterations would've given us an average A+ year.

    I completely agree. They are taking way too long to release this shit! But in reality it isn't Murdys fault, it really is the GP (not gay people) lol for having the "NEW"/ REPEATS and the PR departments fault for not releasing stuff. How in the hell do these people know when the right time to release stuff is. Any logical person would have released the info already so word of mouth can spread about the event. But NO!!!!!! We probably wont get the rest of the piece of shit mazes till the 2nd week before the damn event starts ( I know Murdy said the info will be early this week, but last time i checked today was Wednesday and still no info). I'm with you DTH, lets RIOT!!! :angry: haha

  11. Haha yup, I'll be there tomorrow to try and add some classes. That's crazy say whats up if you see me tomorrow. I'll be wearing a wolfman shirt. As for murdy doing lesser known movies, I was actually the guy talking to him about that. I told him " eventually people are going to get bored of the same characters eventually and they will lose interest, so take a chance and doing lesser known horror films." So im hoping that got through to him and he listens :)

    you go to Rio????? I go to Rio too!

  12. I havent been on the site that much with late registration at Rio hondo college but i had time on monday to go to universal studios and The lower lot maze looks alot like the SAW maze. It seems as the opening scene is in a room made of bricks ( i know it doesn't help much lol) but i am completely stumped on what it could be? I think sadly wolfman will not be on the lower lot maze just because i dont remember any scenes from the film that had a room with red bricks. :huh: As for TT i agree with freakazoid that it will loop around the WOW set. I noticed a new Chain linked fence behind the Psycho house with looks like siren lights on the corners. Other than that nothing new. UUGGHHH, since the cats out of the bag already, i don't understand why it's taking universals so long to announce Friday the 13th. :angry:

  13. Im curious. Where did you guys get it into your heads that there was gonna be a wolfman maze anyway? I remember back before the first maze announcement you were all very certain of it, to the point that you didnt want them to announce wolfman cause you already knew it was coming?

    I met murdy earlier in the year and was talking to him and i asked him " so will wolfman be at hhn this year? He deserves it. " murdy said " yes......... then paused and said im sure he will in some way. " But i guess plans changed :( that son of a bitch! Haha.

  14. Well even if the rumors are true (and from the sounds of things it sounds like they are :() I'll still go this year since I haven't been through the original maze from 07 and 08. At least we know the maze will be pretty much new but just the same character. Also, I'm sure the Freddy maze will be good. We should've seen this coming since Murdy said after last year ended that we would get Freddy sometime in the future. I am a bit underwhelmed but I'm sure this year will be great. ;) Just give me that Wolfman maze and I'll feel better.

    HAHA YES! Give me a Wolfman maze and maybe that will make me feel better too!

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